If Your Child or Friend Told You They Were Gay, Would You Be Disturbed?

by minimus 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec


    "The thing is, it doesn't make any difference to us. They are our children and we love them"

    That is the sweetest, most affirmative thing I've read on this thread.

    Me? Why would I care? I have both friends and family members who are homosexual. It's not a big deal. If my son was, I would be surprised but, it would not change the way I feel about him at all.


  • arancia

    I would be very disturbed, with member of my family it would disgust me.How low in morale one person can go?Everything that have to do with that sort of behavier is to me,revolting.

  • ScoobySnax

    This is the big battle that I've had going on inside of me for all of my teen/adult life......the JW me v the Gay me......when really at the end of the day all I want to be is me. It isn't an easy life, sometimes I look at my sister or brother and look what they have with there families, and it does make u feel kind of alone. I don't think I'll ever be able to re-concile myself to what I should be. I just get by with what I am and make the most of that.

  • StinkyPantz

    First, I don't understand this comment:

    I would be sad at not having grandchildren from that child.

    As far as I know, homosexual men and women can have kids .


    To answer the question, I would be disturbed only by the fact that being gay is hard societally. They are already going to have to deal with identity issues being bi-racial, extremely beautiful, and geniuses . Other than that, THEIR happiness is what concerns me. Shoot, I find men AND women beautiful, sucks that we are expected to choose the one opposite from ourselves.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    As far as I know, homosexual men and women can have kids

    That reminds me of what the elders told me at my judicial committee hearing when they disfellowshipped me. They told me that the only way I would be ever accepted back into "Jehovah's Organization ®" would be if I came back married, with not one, but two children of my own fathering to prove I was no longer gay! Typical Watchtower logic....and totally ignorant.

    I have a gay friend here who has three sons. I knew a gay man in San Francisco who has nine children!

    My partner was married to a woman for 20 years. (She & I have become very good friends, by the way.) She is 20 years older than my partner. Although they never had any children together, she had several from a previous marriage. Now, my partner is a step-great-grandfather, at the tender age of 41!

  • Aztec

    "Everything that have to do with that sort of behavier is to me,revolting."

    You need to get out more Arancia!


    PS Scooby pm me anytime! I'd love to talk to you!

  • rocketman
    Un-Gay? LOL

    Glad you got a kick out of that term ash. I was debating between that and "de-gayify".

    In any case, once that inclination is there, ain't nobody stopping it or changing it.

  • morrisamb

    Since I am gay and my sister is a lesbian, my poor JW mother has had quite the time of it...Of course, I was so naive on the gay issue when I was a teenager...my sister is younger than me and she came out, and to me, first...I had no idea (like, her lumber jackets didn't give me a hint! LOL)...

    I was so naive...(your line..How naive were you?) that I was surprised Liberace was gay...I just thought he liked to dress up to entertain people. I sure enjoyed visiting his museum this past spring.

    My partner was married and his ex-wife and I met a couple of years ago and we're best buds now.

    I think if my 5 neices and nephews told me they were gay, I would only feel this personal tinge of pain for what they might go through in life. That's only human...who wants loved ones to suffer?

    I have told my sister and my family that if my mother (she's 68) all of a sudden said she was gay, I'd have a problem with it...Go figure...we are all different and products of our upbringing, not the least of which is the amount of time we were a JW.

    I have joked for years that I'm the closest thing you can get to a gay witness. Sometimes my gay friends will say to me, "you're still a Witness"..even though I haven't been one since '85!!!

    Life, eh!

  • Mulan
    Mulan said: I would be sad at not having grandchildren from that child.
    Then someone else said: As far as I know, homosexual men and women can have kids

    I am sure you guys know what I meant.

  • sens
    I am sure you guys know what I meant.

    Is Cool Mulan ....I get ya.

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