Who is your favorite author?

by Happythoughts 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mizpah

    I never was one much for fiction. But I do enjoy a good historical novel if it is well done. I did enjoy James Michner. He used to do a lot of research before writing his novels. Two of my favorites were Hawaii and The Source.

  • Yerusalyim

    I guess I'm wierd for a guy, two of my favorite authors are women...Faye Kellerman (wife of novelist Jonothan Kellerman) and Ann Rice...her erotic was pretty wierd...I liked her Vampire Chronicles.

    I also Like Tom Clancy

  • StinkyPantz

    Dr. Seuss

  • tinkerbell82

    i'm such a bookworm, i have so many favorites!! i still love roald dahl and lewis carroll. ;). arundhati roy, james clavell, thoreau, camus, sartre, ray bradbury, joseph conrad, james herriott ;), and i'm sure there are a million others i'm leaving out.

  • NeonMadman

    For fiction, probably Harlan Ellison.

  • Badger

    P.J. O'Rourke -- One of the few conservatives who is truly objective. And a laugh riot, too.

    Chich Palahniuk

    Jon Krakauer

    Harry Turtledove

    J.R.R. Tolkien -- my parents like him, too.

  • StinkyPantz


    It seems to me that Dean Koontz is a winner; do you have a book recommendation?

    Some of my favorites:



    Also, Fear Nothing and Seize the Night are the first two in a trilogy. . we Koontz fans are eagerly awaiting the last installment.

  • Aztec

    Happythoughts, please do pick up a David Sedaris book! He's one of the funniest people around. He has a truly unique way of looking at life and his perspective is refreshing and hilarious. The chapter on Easter was written about his time in France. Apparantly their goodies are delivered by some sort of bell. That book made me laugh so hard I finished it in one night. I highly recommend him to anyone who is feeling a bit down as you can't help but smile when reading his books.

    Fe203girl, Margaret Atwood is another favorite of mine. I read "The Handmaid's Tale" when I was in high school and was shaken by it. "Cat's Eye" is another great one!

    Yeru, Ann Rice is awesome. She really develops her stories. My personal favorite by her is "The Feast of All Saint's". It deals with the "gens de coleur libre" pre Civil War days. Very good book! If by the erotic ones you mean the Sleeping Beauty trilogy...I liked those.

    Stinky, Dr. Seuss RAWKS!!

    By bookshelf is so bizzare! It ranges from pickling cookbooks to Nietzsche and everything in between.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    It seems to me that Dean Koontz is a winner; do you have a book recommendation?

    Some of my favorites:



    High 5's, SP!!! "Strangers" was the first Dean Koontz novel I ever read....totally captivating.....a real edge of my seat thriller!!!

    Frannie B

  • GentlyFeral

    Hey, I've been meaning to read Me Talk Pretty One Day. And forgot. Thanks for the reminder.

    Well, my current favorites:

    Leslie Marmon Silko
    JT LeRoy
    Sherman Alexie - all good stuff, but I think I like Indian Killer best (this week :))

    Tried to read Dune about 30 years ago and gave up at the beginning of the third volume. I'm afraid the only Frank Herbert novel I like is Soul Catcher. Found it in the teen section at the library about 25 years ago.

    Currently enjoying Ronald Hutton's The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles and about to dip into Arthur Rimbaud's poetry again.


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