Who is your favorite author?

by Happythoughts 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • simplesally

    Dean Koontz fans should read "Mr. Murder" ........ it was fantastic.

  • AGuest

    Can anybody truly have only one? I don't think I can... hmmmm... let's see... right now it's:


    M. M. Kaye ("Far Pavillions" and "Shadow of the Moon")

    John Grisham (anything)

    Jon Coldsmith (just started reading his 16-book "Trail of the Spanish Bit" series - I'm up to No. 7 - they're all great!)

    Ayn Rand ("Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" - though I don't necessarily agree with her philosophy - I mean, I think individualism is a good and moral thing; however, if I'm paying you mega bucks to build me something, you darn well better give me what I paid for... and not simply what you want me to have... so you just might NOT be the "man" for the job, you know?)

    Wilbur Smith ("Bird of Prey", "Blue Horizon" and I can't think of the other title just now, but good stuff!)

    Alice Walker ("The Color Purple" - of course!)

    Gary Jennings (I am trying to get through "The Journeyer" which is FANTASTIC, but my "little" mind can't comprehend some of the barbarisms, so...)


    Roald Dahl (Did you not LOVE the "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" books? "James and the Giant Peach"? Oh, c'mon! You KNOW you did!!)

    E. L. Koninsberg (If you haven't read "From the Mixed Up Files of Ms. Basil E. Frankweiler" personally or to your kids... DO so!)

    and, c'mon, ladies...

    Francis Hodges Burnett ("The Secret Garden"... "The Little Princess"...)

    Peggy Bacon ("The Ghost of Opalina"... is AWESOME!)

    Louisa May Alcott (all of them!)

    Laura Ingalls Wilder (all of them!)


    Any dictionary or thesaurus

    My Spanish and Business Law textbooks (yeah... sure... right... but you never know... one of my professors might be "lurking"... yeah... sure... right)

    (Well, I told you I didn't think I could name just one...)



  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    King and Koonts are great too!


  • jwbot

    I am from Bangor, Maine. I live probably a block away from Stephen King. :) Cool eh?

  • Mutz

    I recently spent a fortnight reading the Ender series by Orson Scott Card, they were a very good read. Dune by Frank Herbert is a book I have read at least seven or eight times. Lord of the Rings is another book that deserves to be read more than once. The Red Dwarf books are great if you want a real laugh.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    I sent Mr. King one of my books. Could you go by and ask if he ahd a chance to read it?


  • ClassAvenger

    Tom Clancy, especially Rainbow Six.

  • Mulan

    Diana Gabaldon, Michael Crichton, John Grisham and James Michener

    I also like Danielle Steele

  • talesin

    Can't believe I left these two folk out

    Marilyn French: The Women's Room, Our Mothers Daughters are some fiction, plus she writes philosophy

    Margaret Atwood: Cat's Eye, The Handmaid's Tale, Alias Grace are good starters


  • Happythoughts

    tal- Marilyn French, The Women's Room sound sounds like an excellent book. I may have to pick this one up as well :). I went out and bought The Davinci Code, probably should read that one first.

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