What is the alternative to JW?

by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Acts5v29

    In answer to your statement, the ministry does not

    "...seek to exploit fear of the future in the same way that the Watchtower does."

    - the climate crisis is already inducing that fear; the ministry assures people that there is a solution - even when we cannot handle the issue ourselves - and that it is not a Divine Slaughter as the watchtower prophesies. It also takes away the need to find the mythical "one-true-religion" or belief system in order to survive.

    In short, this ministry is helpful and fear-removing, not exploitative.

  • cofty
    In short, this ministry is helpful and fear-removing, not exploitative.

    In short your "ministry" is facile nonsense.

    You have consistently avoided dealing honestly with every question put to you.

    There is no prophecy about climate change in Genesis - or about anything else.

  • cofty
    You understand very well that I made no threat, and the language of your response by PM should be beneath you

    You PMd me a story about somebody who opposed you in the past and that they died. Don't play dumb about your intentions.

    My reply is pasted below as I have nothing to be embarrassed about...

    What the fuck was that about? Man up just say what's on your mind and stop hiding behind passive-aggressive stories. Your so-called ministry makes truth claims that do not stand up to scrutiny. The forum is for the support of people escaping a cult. It is not for people like you to promote alternative fantasies. You decided to promote your ideas in a public forum so you now need to defend them in public. So far you have avoided all the "Inconvenient Truths". Let's see some honesty for a change.


    In short, this ministry is helpful and fear-removing, not exploitative......Acts5v29

    ...................................A Person Would Have To Be..

    ......................EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID TO BELIEVE YOU..

    Image result for Watchtower Armageddon..Image result for Watchtower Armageddon

  • Vidiot

    @ Outlaw...

    Watchtower theology... predating Roland Emmerich movies by a whole f**king century... :smirk:

  • Acts5v29

    Good morning Outlaw,

    Our ministry is different from the ones you mention, nothing to do with the watchtower no matter what coffy may impute - infact, a mere consequence of it shows that Armageddon cannot possibly be imminent, that the events of Revelation have not yet begun, and that the centuries-long preaching of imminent Armageddon has all been flawed.

    Ours points to the climate crisis, and says there is a rescue of everyone alive - regardless of belief - and points to the 1st prophecy which warned we would reach this stage. Its proof requires not only a nemesis - such as the climate crisis will eventually be - but also a rescue from God, otherwise His prophecy that leaving Him would bring our demise would be hollow. The reasoning is very simple.

  • cofty
    points to the 1st prophecy which warned we would reach this stage

    No such prophecy exists except in your imagination.

  • Acts5v29

    Genesis 2:17 is clearly a prophecy:

    "If this happens, then that will happen"

    It is all too easy for someone to quote selective words for their own advantage - such as "There is no God" from Psalm 10, or some supplementary words from a PM to portray as a threat what was genuinely conciliatory.

    What is curious is why you are not afraid of this misrepresentation inasmuch as it damages your reputation a great deal. Sincerely, I would not wish that upon you.


    Good morning Outlaw,

    Our ministry is different from the ones you mention, nothing to do with the watchtower no matter what coffy may impute - infact, a mere consequence of it shows that Armageddon cannot possibly be imminent, that the events of Revelation have not yet begun, and that the centuries-long preaching of imminent Armageddon has all been flawed.

    Ours points to the climate crisis, and says there is a rescue of everyone alive - regardless of belief - and points to the 1st prophecy which warned we would reach this stage. Its proof requires not only a nemesis - such as the climate crisis will eventually be - but also a rescue from God, otherwise His prophecy that leaving Him would bring our demise would be hollow. The reasoning is very simple......Acts5v29

    All you`ve done is..

    Slap a Different "Time Line" on Armageddon..


    Non Believers of your Faith/God "STILL DIE"..


    ...........Image result for Lipstick on a pig............Image result for Lipstick on a pig

  • cofty
    No such prophecy exists except in your imagination - Me
    Genesis 2:17 is clearly a prophecy - Acts15

    you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die - Gen.2:17

    Please tell us how you get from that to global warming.

    As for your PM it was a passive-aggressive threat about somebody who opposed you once before and who died. With your permission I will post it here in full.

    It is very common for ex-JWs to imagine they have uncovered the real meaning of life, the universe and everything. I wrote a commentary on Revelation shortly after I left the cult. Fortunately I had the humility to realise it was bullshit and destroyed it.

    Your fear-mongering "ministry" is just another version of C.T. Russell's delusions.

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