Satanic Ritual Abuse

by Big Tex 88 Replies latest members private

  • eisenstein


    I have a lot to say on the matter, but I am afraid to post too much. Something horrible happened to me in the late 1980's. I was in my early 20's. To this day I have yet to recover completely. I too was sexually abused as a child and was told I was a liar by my perpertrator who was walking back and forth in the hallway while my mother was giving me a bath after coming home from work and finding out what had happened to me. I still have horrible nightmares, paranoia, and can't sleep in my bedroom with the door closed. I toss and turn all night, sleep is very light and all of my blankets are all over the place when I wake up the next morning. I also have "demon attacks". Do you have these?

    I know this is a very delicate subject, I wish for your well being. If you are too afraid to post, you and nina can PM me. But just know that your experience is not isolated. And I hope you can get to the root of your problem. Without hurting yourself so much. Thank you for this post, whether or not you decide to retract it or not. I can't believe these things really go on. I am afraid to do too much research because I am afraid of what I might find. I didn't click on the link, but I may at another time.

    I am happy you have someone who supports you.


  • funkyderek

    There's an interesting article on the subject of Satanic ritual abuse here:

    It also contains several links to case studies and reports for further reading.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    There is a difference between SRA and RA.

    SRA uses Satanic symbols, themes and imagery during the abuses. The Satanic part adds an element of the supernatural. Some cases of SRA are actual re-enactments. Others are made to look like a true Satanic ritual. The child, lacking in knowledge can be easily confused by the symbolism since most children have a hard time distinguishing reality from pretend. That doesn't mean what happens in the ritual isn't real. It just means the people involved are working hard to make it look real. It is still extemely traumatizing and abusive to the child caught in the ritual

    RA does not use the above but can still have a routine they use that is quite similar but just doesn't use the imagery etc.

    I'm trying to be careful here so I don't trigger anyone. The therapist's job is not to discover "truth". It is to help the person deal with the memory and learn to live a well adjusted life.

  • czarofmischief

    I believe you BT. I really do.

    Be strong.

    Based on Tiberius' Founding Principle: "People are swine," anything is possible.

    rem - Remember Dahmer? That bizarre scene he was creating was related to dark magic - he wasn't a cult member, but he was definitely acting out according to our culture's definition of ultimate evil. Is it so hard to think that maybe there are a LOT more people like him that we haven't caught yet? That maybe this kind of thing goes on a lot more than we are willing to believe at first, because we are scared of the consequences?

    There are many dark places in this world, trapdoors and hidden dangers - poisonous serpents. There's a lot of beauty, too, but that doesn't hide the reality of the evil.

    For instance, you and I might never commit an act of domestic violence, might have never seen it. But almost every woman I know has been a victim of it in some form. Which means that either I have met an incredibly skewed sample of the population - or it is going on ALL the time, and we just don't hear about it.


  • cruzanheart
    They say not knowing is a bad thing, sometimes there are places we should not go I have found. I have gone there ( not SRA related) and now wish at times I did not know the truth.

    (((((Cassi))))) I know how you feel. But our life experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. If we don't deal with the bad stuff there's always a chance that we will pass it on intact to the next generation. Big Tex has worked so very hard to get all of his "stuff" out and deal with it, not only for his peace of mind but so that none of that crap would be passed on to our kids.

    Cassi, you are a great asset to this board and that's partly because of what you have been through. You are a help to a great many people.

    Recovery gives us power over our abusers and hopefully to a small extent prevents further abuse.


  • waiting
    If all those memories are false, then what the hell causes so much terror? I'm not a fearful person by nature, so what did I see, or experience that terrified me so much.

    Poor tex - the little guy, not the big guy with good looking legs. You've survived quite nicely, you know.

    I think there are more people who live the above quote than we'd like to know about. I have some of the same style memories. I just never talk about them. Never. Oh, I used to - but not anymore. Why? Why allow others to pigionhole me, pass judgement on me? I do that enough all by myself.

    I don't know totally what's true, what's not. I think only survivors tear their past life apart trying to figure out "did this happen?" And then try to pinpoint every minute of every event. If they're not crazy before............they could be crazy after doing that for years.

    I think most of us will never know all the details. Btw, how does one know if they know all the details? We only know what we (or someone else) remembers.

    Take care - your first priority is taking care of yourself.

    Thanks for the subject - but it's a tad intense for me right now. A pervert will use any means available to him/her to accomplish their agenda. As mentioned, they might not even believe in God & Devil..........but kids usually do, along with Boogymen and Monsters. Easy to scare kids into submission.


  • Pleasuredome

    phew! thanks for the link funkyderek. for a moment there i thought SRA actually happens. those evil police, DA's and therapists. i'm glad we've got the opportunity to give our minds away to University of California at Davis psychology professors Gail S. Goodman and Phillip R. Shaver. they say it doesnt happen, and they're obviously more intelligent than us, so lets all bury our heads in the sand so many more children can be abused, tortured and killed.

  • rem

    Actually Dhamer is a good example and one that I was going to bring up earlier... just been pretty busy here.

    Like I've said before, I have no problem believing there are isolated incidents of SRA, just as Serial Killer Canibals like Jeffery Dhamer are pretty rare. Remember, as has been brought out before, I'm talking about Satanic Ritual Abuse. Of course there are a ton of whackos out there that will abuse their children and others... a smaller population of whackos that will do it in a ritualized setting, and an even smaller number that bring Satanism into the picture.

    The point was that in the 1980's people thought there was some type of organized Satanic network responsible for the reported abuse. It simply did not add up - the Satanists were not really out to get our children, at least not in the large numbers that was suspected. Many cases were shown to be complete fabrications mostly from religious fundamentalist parents influencing their children.

    In reality the SRA cases of the 80's were a good example of feeback loops in action. Fortunately we learned from them before it spiraled too far out of control like the Salem witch trials. We learned that it is easy to manipulate memory and we should be cautious of believing extraordinary claims without corroborating evidence.

    The number of Satan worshipers is quite low and there doesn't seem to be any reason to believe that Satan worshippers have a higher rate of child abuse than any other religion. There's even less evidence of a Satan worshipper child abuse conspiracy.


    PS. for Cruzanheart: "WHAT in particular are you saying is not true about the statements you quoted from my last post?". I was referring to the comment that only one SRA case had been proven false.

  • funkyderek
    phew! thanks for the link funkyderek. for a moment there i thought SRA actually happens. those evil police, DA's and therapists. i'm glad we've got the opportunity to give our minds away to University of California at Davis psychology professors Gail S. Goodman and Phillip R. Shaver. they say it doesnt happen, and they're obviously more intelligent than us, so lets all bury our heads in the sand so many more children can be abused, tortured and killed.

    Silly me. I didn't realise we were supposed to "give our minds away" to the professors you mention. Rather, I thought their conclusions had merit because of the four-year study they conducted where they "investigated more than 12,000 accusations and surveyed more than 11,000 psychiatric, social service and law enforcement personnel" and "could find no unequivocal evidence for a single case of satanic cult ritual abuse." But you're right, we should dismiss what they say as they're obviously part of the global paedophile conspiracy. Why let the evidence get in the way of our outrage?

  • cruzanheart

    Rem, I don't think anyone in this thread is going on a witch hunt or screaming whole-sale conspiracy to conceal cases of ritual or Satanic ritual abuse on a world-wide basis. What we are saying is that it DOES happen and it PROBABLY happens more often than is reported in the media. You seem to be taking a contrary position and arguing about the number of cases REPORTED, which has absolutely nothing to do with how many times this actually happens and it makes you sound like a Jehovah's Witness defending their holy organization against the baseless claims of child abuse. You know better than to defend them, or you wouldn't be on this board in the first place, so why try to minimize people's feelings about their own abuse (which you didn't witness) by pointing out how few cases appear in the media? That's not productive.

    The next time someone videotapes ritual or Satanic abuse (with two witnesses present, of course), I'll make sure and send you a copy.


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