It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Sea Breeze
Bethel or Brothel; Is there a difference? -
Bethel or Brothel; Is there a difference?
Only who's getting screwed. Visitor or host ...
Newly Enlightened
Lloyd's video has been taken down. He edited the one that was on Youtube before it was taken down, here is the original
I came across this today. She is so spot on about this. She is also funny.
Edited to say some may not agree with it. From the outset she sounds very balanced. Further on it might not be to everyone's agreement and I certainly don't agree with everything she says. It's great to be out of the org to be able to disagree respectfully and not get taken into a back room with 3 men telling you that you absolutely must agree with everything. -
I'm I the only one to think this is funny? Real book on Amazon...not a joke...saw this on if they are related?
I think she would make a great Public Relations spokesman for the Watchtower Society. Did the Society donate money for her cause to make this video?
Lloyd struck my nerve with his debacle. I had a father who was a misogynist and a narcissist just like Lloyd and the Watchtower Society.
In this video she says, ''And if she loves Lloyd and wants to stay with him after this, then more power to her.'' I see too much of my mom in this statement! Maybe Lloyd's wife is fearful for her life or is afraid to leave him for financial reasons. WHO WOULD'NT LOVE A MAN THAT TREATS A WOMAN LIKE THAT!
My mom spent 59 years with my dad who verbally and physically abused her from day one. He was jealous of everyone that came near my mom or tried to have a conversation with her. She was not allowed to drive a car, because she might go out and meet another man. My dad would end relationships with their married friends if the other husband would start talking to my mom. My dad accused my mom of cheating on him with different men, without any proof. He even accused her that my younger brother was fathered by someone else.
My dad controlled all the money in the house and how the money would be spent. She would need to ask his permission and what she needed the money for. If he didn't agree with the request, he wouldn't give her any money.
My mom was told numerous time to leave him, since he was so abusive towards her. Family and friends would offer to let us live with them until she got back on her feet. She always refused because she was always afraid of him.
While our mom was in hospice care at home, he threatened her with a knife and a gun. When my brother and I found out, we called the police to have him removed from the house, because he was a danger to my mom. After one year of living in peace and quiet without my dad, she passed away.
My father lived the remaining 5 years of his life with his nephew. My brother has spent close to $30,000 on lawyer fees because our cousin forged his signature on the house deed, leaving half of the estate to him.
diogenesister wrote:
Just one example look at what he did to Marc Latham.
I stopped followed the 'Lloyd-attacks-anyone-who-stops-worshiping-Lloyd' drama years ago.
What did Lloyd to do Marc?
PS: Hi everyone.
In this video she says, ''And if she loves Lloyd and wants to stay with him after this, then more power to her.'' I see too much of my mom in this statement! Maybe Lloyd's wife is fearful for her life or is afraid to leave him for financial reasons.
I am part of a support group for women who have suffered NDA (Narcissistic Domestic Abuse) and many have said they were afraid of their spouses/boyfriends. The group is not just for women who have had narc spouses, but also those who have narc children or narc parents, the latter being true in my case. I've heard it so many times with the relational aspect of it. They wouldn't leave because they were financially set. They did as they were told. Many are afraid when they make that step out through Women's Aid. They don't want abusive ex to find them. Many get killed for daring to leave them. Children get caught up in it as well and watch their mothers get verbally abused mostly, sometimes never physically until the wife has had enough. She threatens to leave and he batters her. This story has been told over and over again.
When I see Lloyd on camera, as many others here have said, I instantly think narcissist. I fear for Dijana and the girls safety and my hope is that when they have finally had enough of this POS, that they can get away from him, safely. I have heard the pain of the realisation of a cheating spouse, the feeling of not being good enough and I too have felt that pain in the past. It is a cry like no other. The cry of death. The cry of loss. A loss of expectations, a loss of a dream, a loss of what you thought about that person. That POS put out there that he is incompatible with her. Just what? She's a beautiful woman, saying this as a straight female and she absolutely deserves so much better than this POS. Dijana, if you are reading - please recognise your worth because you do deserve better and so do your girls. -
My mom was told numerous time to leave him, since he was so abusive towards her. Family and friends would offer to let us live with them until she got back on her feet. She always refused because she was always afraid of him.
Yeah, anyone who is so controlling that they attack other people's wives simply because they liked some video that they disagree with is controlling, and if they try to be that controlling and bulling with other people then god-knows what they are doing to their wife at home.
I doubt he's a loving, respectful man in private given what he's like to other people in public.
I don't know why women in situations like that don't leave, life is never going to be great if you have a loser in it and you have to think about what is best for the children.