It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

    Looking forward to seeing the rant of Lloyd on Twitter about how the apostates have faked all court documents

    And to all those who believe that I have some melted ice chips from Antarctica for sale 🤦‍♀️

  • pr0ner

    Awesome Kim. Am also curious if the lawyer had any thoughts on the matter. As in did she feel confident this was thrown out and like 99% of the people who hear about it had the same reaction of finding it ridiculous?

    As in did she feel confident this was thrown out and like 99% of the people who hear about it had the same reaction of finding it ridiculous?

    She hasn’t reviewed the file as yet 👍

  • TonusOH

    LMsA: He promised a lot at 82 patrons or $750 a month

    It's not even a lot, when you think about it. Do some research, produce 200 or so minutes of usable content each month, and split it into ten videos. A week of work (if that) for a living wage. And he grew way past that. He had it made.

    He'd be living the good life if not for his lack of mastery over his penis. And then some Thai "girl" told him that she could help "straighten out" the issue, and let's just say that Google translate doesn't always get it right...

  • Chinapomo
    There is a rule in marketing that it's always better to be first in the eyes of consumers than best

    I'd agree with you if we were talking about any other niche. But exjw YouTube channels are different. They don't have the same faithful audience that gets emotionally attached to the author for years. People tend to follow jw related channel for maybe a couple of years then move on, and new people keep coming in. Now with a lot of new creators Lloyd doesn't even have the advantage of being the first one like a few years ago so image does matter. He's so stupid that he hasn't even realized this.

  • WingCommander

    @Kim: You've been to Antarctica?


  • Toblerone5
    And to all those who believe that I have some melted ice chips from Antarctica for sale

    Do you ship to Quebec ?

  • Journeyman

    It's now up to 482..

  • Toblerone5
    It's now up to 482..

    😁 somebody has that number...INNA! and her Husband DerekMoors!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Thanks to Inna we all may have the answers to the many questions that we have within a short time

    If he hadn't made all those bold statements about "criminal defendants" and that people would be served papers shortly, this wouldn't have been such a big deal. It would have been just another civil suit thrown out. He didn't leave any doubt as to what he felt the outcome would be as evidenced in this tweet to Marc Latham in April of this year.

    The "papers" will be great; let's see them. When pressed, he backtracks and says he doesn't owe them that either and repeats that they are criminal defendants. He should want everyone to see them if his case is that rock-solid. There's a reason why he won't release anything and I have a feeling we're about to find out why. Still doesn't stop him from shooting his mouth off though. He's never had to face consequences for anything. Growing up, within his marriage and with exJWs. Probably why he's so irate his Patrons went down, and are still going down even after the begging stunt.

    This is going to be his own personal 1975. People read too much into his statements or mischaracterised them in order to slander him. But all the receipts are there. He fully expected everyone to be served and to face justice in a Sisak courtroom.

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