It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Toblerone5
  • Toblerone5

    On his Patron page , posted 2 days ago... Very wise move to resheduled a zoom call of what 30 minutes ? with the Patrons that gives you $25 USd , when your bleeding patrons each month ...Oh and extar point for using the "children's" card...Let me guess he's going to the coast ,like usual? but he sold the suv...Rent one ? that can be expensive...Unless his ex-wife will go with them? What I'm I saying , Vacation are expensif ! especially with 2 kids...

  • Toblerone5

    well I guess is Patrons won't have a JWWatch video on Tony morris brand new house Now...Unless he does one from is B&B room

    Well there will be no vacation time ,on this forum post , court documents, translating them ...not to mention posting the Patreoff winner... Thanks Inna ,Derek,and kim for squeezing this in your schedule

    Well I do hope he has a nice time away with is girls...the month of August will not be easy ,financially i think..And by Sept, you should have obtained those documents so...

  • DerekMoors

    Re: the translation costs... just a reminder that we don't have the documents in our hands.

    The lawyer mentioned that only those involved in the case directly can access them (probably why there's no way to just click and open them online).

    So we're paying her to prepare a power of attorney and file it with the court and then access the case documents once the court acknowledges that. Translating also means she can explain what the documents mean from a legal point of view.

    I know here in America all legal documents need to follow a particular format and wording and then get filed a particular way. One mistake and they toss it out.

    IMHO a few hundred bucks is not a ridiculous amount to make sure everything gets done right and to have a few minutes of real legal advice.

    Once we get the power of attorney and Kim signs and sends it over, she can also say that she's actually retained legal counsel in Croatia. Lloyd needs to think seriously about that if he plans on pushing forward with this bullshit. Since we know he reads this board, he also needs to consider the number of people willing to chip in a few bucks to get it done (plus a few have contacted me privately so there's more than he knows).

    Anyway, it's Sunday so I'm sure we won't hear anything more today but will keep everyone posted moving forward.

  • pr0ner

    Hmm interesting question Kim. I think at the end of the day he wasn’t really a activist or a YouTuber he was an opportunist. Capitol “O”. He can make a claim he has done some activism, but seems to only do it if he can promote himself at the same time. He can make a claim he is a “YouTuber” but most entertaining channels expand their content into other areas. Lloyd can only discuss two topics. Ex jw technicalities and himself. That’s it. So in both examples he’s not good at being and activist or YouTuber. He only has the thinnest resume possible to justify his claim to calling himself either one of them. What he is best at is promoting himself. He is also lucky that he had ambition and good timing. It’s more important to be first in peoples eyes than best. That’s all he needed.

    But competition always comes for people. Now there are activists that get loads more views and do way more work than Lloyd. Now there are YouTubers who have more creative ideas, are experts in other fields, and get more views than Lloyd. So now he’s being exposed as a on again off again activist. A lazy content creator and a self promoter.

  • Journeyman
    I feel as though Lloyd has been mis-representing himself for all of these years as an “activist” when in fact he is actually a YouTuber. Would people have been so willing to support him financially and with volunteer work if they had been told upfront that he was running a Youtube business rather than an activism movement?

    It's an interesting point, and certainly more than just semantics.

    Would he have been invited to various events around the world, been interviewed on the BBC or permitted to appear at IICSA if he had been billing himself simply as 'a YouTuber' rather than 'an activist'? Probably not.

    How many other things - such as financial and material donations - might he not have benefitted from if not for touting himself as an 'activist'?

    To be fair, while he was in touch with people like the Beeb and IICSA he could at least have some small claim to being an activist - lobbying to raise awareness with public organisations and push for change - but there's no doubt that since his self-inflicted fall from grace, with all shred or pretence of credibility gone and any meaningful contacts he had rightly abandoning him - he is certainly no longer 'an activist', but just 'a YouTuber'. (No offence intended to YouTubers who are happy to be known as such, and are not pretending to be God's Man's gift to the world!)

  • slimboyfat

    The lack of interest he ever had in actually helping anyone in any practical way is pretty amazing. Because so many people spend so much time trying to help other ex-JWs I guess it was projected onto him that he was somehow involved in that as well. He never was. Anyone who didn’t further his financial or so-called “career” goals were allocated no time in his schedule whatever. He had unpaid volunteers who could do that for him and create a good impression on his behalf. Some people just have a knack for using other people without them realising it. I don’t know where he got it from but LE has that skill in spades.

  • Tamalam

    Hey all, just popping in to say if there was a crowdfunding/donation effort necessary for the document retrieval and translation I'm more than happy to chip in.

    Also a suggestion. What about doing a rough initial translation via Google (or similar) software, and use that to sift out what is useful and what isn't, then have a translator work on the pieces that are most relevant?

    Saves paying for translation of maybe duplicate information, or accidentally translating the entire rule book of Croatian legal procedures 😆

  • slimboyfat

    In my opinion AI translators are every bit as good as humans now. If you just want to understand a text then AI translators is more than adequate. Only if you need an authenticated translation for legal purposes would it be worth even considering a professional translation.

  • Tamalam

    You just know he would make some ridiculous claim about the translation being wrong and people misrepresenting the suit 🙄😆

    Only his wife in the whole of croatia can accurately translate documents, etc etc 😆

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