It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon

    Who was definitely older than 20, right?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    King Rehoboam Evans inherited rulership of the united 12 Patreon tribes of Israel from his wise but corrupt elder father, Solomon Evans. The 10 northern Patreon tribes gathered at Shechem and demanded reforms from King Evans before agreeing to his kingship and continuing their support on Patreon. The King heard their demands, which insisted that he cease emotional abuse of his wife the Queen, quit seeking other wives and concubines, and stop visiting exploited and enslaved Ammonite prostitutes.

    King Evans was agitated at these demands and sought the advice of the older and wise King's counselors like Mark O'Donnell and Javier Ortiz. They advised their king to agree to these demands and reform his kingdom. King Evans did not like this advice, and turned to the foolish and impulsive advisors like Kit Kat and Joshybear. "Sue their ass HA HA HA HA HA They will regret it, You will see!!!" was Kit Kat's advice.

    King Rehoboam Evans then had his scribes mass produce the King's Proclamation that he had no mastery over his penis, he'll fornicate with whomever he desired and it was none of anyone's business, the Witch of Endor (AKA Kim Silvio) was casting demonic spells to split his kingdom and that he would sue all rebels and lapsed Patrons in the Jerusalem courts.

    Per the Prophet Abijah's prophecy, the 10 northern Patreon tribes were ripped away from King Evans. The King only had two remnant Patreon tribes that were paying tribute to him. His lawsuit was dismissed and his Patreon soldiers were outnumbered by the larger rebel Patreon army.

  • Journeyman

    God passes his commandments to Moses Evans, who takes them down the mountain to the people but adds his own, long-winded additional comments and rebuttals on another set of stone tablets.

    Reaching the bottom of the mountain, Moses Evans demands a podium to stand at to address the people. The first time he gives a rambling, self-serving speech with the tablets, the people listen (reluctantly) so he decides to milk it by trying to repeat the same trick every year.

    However, after a while he realises the people are losing interest so he breaks each tablet into tiny pieces which he calls 'stony' and gives them one each every few days.

    This works for a short while, but again, in time the people lose interest, with Aaron even building a golden calf for the people to worship instead.

    Enraged, Moses Evans has a tantrum and blames the people for harming his mental health. He orders the destruction of the golden calf and has it melted down into coins which he persuades the people to give to him.

    With the money he then travels back to Egypt, where he employs a legal firm to sue Aaron, Miriam and five other leading Israelites, while spending the rest on a stay at a resort with various Egyptian concubines and employing Tibor, a scribe, to record his exploits.

  • Thisismein1972

    And it came to pass that Jesus (Lloyd) could not provide the loafs of bread and the fishes as the crowd had not tithed to his set requirements. One in the crowd said he is not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy. Consequently he got a ruddy good stoning by the Lloydrites.

  • Diogenesister
    (6) Lot has sex with his daughters - N/A

    (6) The Arboreal one has sex with someone else's daughters ...allegedly!

  • Journeyman

    God orders Jonah Evans to travel to Nineveh and give them his judgement message, but claiming he is overworked, his mental health is suffering and he needs to re-evaluate his life, Jonah Evans flees to Thailand instead.

    One day, while enjoying the company of a female who was definitely over the age of 20, and relaxing in the sea, Jonah Evans is swallowed by a big fish and carried back to where he came from.

    Sickened by Jonah Evans' constant whining from inside his belly, the fish vomits him up on a beach, and finding he has been forced back from Thailand early, Jonah Evans reluctantly gets out his BMW chariot and goes to Nineveh.

    When he arrives there he gives them God's warning message, telling them that since they're not going to listen to God, they should give him their money and devotion instead as he knows best.

    To his horror, the people decide they'd rather listen to God, and feeling indignant, Jonah Evans tells them they're all dead to him and he's blocking them all.

    Without the money he hoped to make from the Ninevites, Jonah Evans sells his chariot and he sits down, fakes tears and cries out "Things are bad!"

    God rebukes him for caring more about the chariot than the Ninevites, and Jonah Evans' replies "I am dead inside" and complains he is "completely done with life's shit".

  • KatKat

    What is he actually saying in his video? Lloyd literally went to a place where very very young women sell their bodies to people like Lloyd Evans to be able to send money home to their families and to survive. Lloyd gave these young women the money to be able to have sex with them.

    He did not care about their age or circumstances. He argues that any woman who is in the sex trade chose that out of her free will and therefore it is okay for him to buy sex from any woman in any place without concern that he might be the abuser of that woman. Lloyd is neither ethical nor woke.

    Lloyd is a sleazy sleazy man and is, as shown again in his video, unable to grasp any complexity concerning sexual intercourse. He overlays some kind of sexual music when he speaks about the daughters having sex with their father in order to get pregnant. He talks about it with a smirk, a very simple minded man.

    He needs to grow up but doesn't try to because he thinks he doesn't have to. Therefore he will always be one of the men that the #metoo movement was about. He is unaware and damaging to the women that he is close with.

    He is the man who thinks about how he can get away with staring at women's breasts. He will not put the effort in to learn how to be actually respectful to women. He learned how to look like he cares about safety for women like a predator would. Only with the aim to get close to them and have control over women.

  • DerekMoors

    Is it too early to start putting in bets for next month's patreon drop? He's at 508, Inna and I both say he's in for a 25 drop, so 483.

  • Yooters

    Someone should add Saintly Brandon into the Lloydism storyline

  • Toblerone5

    🤩Did somebody said PatreOff ? 😛

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