Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?

by OnTheWayOut 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?

    I Do Declare..

    The Great Tribulation Is Upon Us..

    Image result for southern belle

    Image result for I swear you are exceeding the limits of my medication

  • kairos

    The bunker videos from RC 2016 will have them primed and ready...

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will reply to individuals when I can. I just want to add that they really seem to have blown or mismanaged or poorly invested so much money. They focus so heavily on obedience w/o questions and they have so many people fading and young people just walking away. They already have implied the 120 years "like the days of Noah" before the flood could mean something.

    I know this kind of thing goes against everything they learned since 1975, but they survived that and paid for modern presses with that debacle. I have wondered if desparate times would make them declare 2034 as a date of significance and even just "imply" that the great tribulation could be upon us, "but we sometimes see prophecy fulfilled afterward" so we are on the watch. And I have wondered if they would go further than imply and prepare some kind of bunkers for their own escape. All current GB will be too old (or dead already) to care what this means for JW's of 2040 and beyond.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thing is too, is there really a time line for how long the Great Tribulation would last? I mean, technically that could go on for another hundred years...

  • redpilltwice

    You've posted an intriguing topic OnTheWayOut. Love this kind of stuff! You wrote:

    I know this kind of thing goes against everything they learned since 1975, but they survived that and paid for modern presses with that debacle.

    Those were times of financial growth, bethels everywhere, millions of mags and books, therefore Jah's blessing.

    Now they are cutting costs like never before while the internet is shooting holes in every jw doctrine and exposing the pedophile scandals and their corruption of their own organisational history. Declaring the great tribulation now or within a short time would make it almost unbearable for the flock to endure until a paradise in 2034.

    Also, the rumors for 1975 started in 1966, and became stronger in the next 9 years up 'til the "end" in 1975. That was one of their biggest mistakes! It wouldn't be wise to fuel expectations for 2034 already in 2016 or 2017 and repeat such a debacle again!

    Just sharing my thoughts, that's what forums are for, right?

  • Gefangene

    All this reminds me of a woman who is delusional and wants to convince her surroundings that she's really pregnant. She concentrated so much on her body trying to make out typical symptoms of pregnancy to a degree that she is falsely convinced of being pregnant. The morning sickness, the mood swings, etc

    When her belly fails to develop a bump she blames it on her doctor that he miscalculated her due date.

    The more time passes the more desperate she gets about her womb remaining flat. So she starts using cussions to fake a baby bump.

    This is the point where the GB is at now.. more and more desperate

  • purrpurr

    It's an interesting idea but it has two major issues that I can see, first that jw's have always been taught that the great trib is going to be very short in length. Second that having paid the price of so many failed predictions in the past would they really dare to try again?


    The more time passes the more desperate she gets about her womb remaining flat. So she starts using cussions to fake a baby bump.

    This is the point where the GB is at now..

    I`m Pregnant?..

    I Just Thought I Was Fat..

    Image result for Watchtower anthony morris

  • joe134cd

    I think it would be very brave or perhaps stupid to promote another end times/ great trib calculation.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS had used formative calculating fear to allure attention to its published works, saying the GT is at hand and Armageddon etc. has worked subjectively to that endeavored intent.

    Captivating people with fear and ignorance has been a special acumen for the Watchtower Corporation , the purposed lies will most likely continue on and the enforced distancing of its cultivated members from the rest of society as well..

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