Where do you go to die?

by wasasister 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    You Know:

    You yourself have said it. LOL

    What kind of evasive bullshit is that?

    I didn't say it. I asked you if you had said it!

    Why don't you stop trying to be a second-rate Christ and give some definite answers to questions you are asked? It was a lame comeback when the original Christ said it; it's pathetic when you parrot him.

    Here's another question for you: do you have biblical insights that the FDS does not have?

    Hint: the most definite way of answering this question is with a "yes" or a "no".


  • You Know
    You Know

    I learned a long time ago that apostates are all bluster and hot air. When it comes down to knowing anything of value it is nothing but pretense. You obviously need each other to play out your little charade of being in the know. / You Know

  • expatbrit


    Kindly enroll me in the G.B. Shaw program.

    Thank you.


  • JAVA

    expatbrit & Francoise,

    I think you're right, the George Bernard Shaw theory of dealing with You Know and Fred Hall is by not wasting your time. Fred and You Know have a difficult time keeping up with the Tower's ever changing swill, we certainly don't want to upset them by asking them to think. Have a good one You Know, and don't forget to underline the WT for this Sunday, otherwise you'll have nothing to say.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • You Know
    You Know

    ***we certainly don't want to upset them by asking them to think.***

    You would be wise to keep silent, not because you might upset me, but because you can't win.

    ***don't forget to underline the WT for this Sunday, otherwise you'll have nothing to say***

    It appears that you are projecting yourself on me. I have never underlined or quoted out of the WT. But like I originally said in your case, if it wasn't in the WT you are cluless. That is a fact. / You Know

  • wasasister

    Thank you to all who responded to the original topic...both of you.

    The subject of a death ritual has been on my mind and I thought it might be of interest to some here. I posted it rather late last night and went to bed. Imagine my surprise upon returning from work to find the thread three pages long! How gratifying that others found the subject interesting enough to reply.

    Then, imagine my disappointment to find out the majority of the activity was You Know wringing his hands in glee over the prospect of bloated, apostate bodies, rotting in the sun. I sure hope Jehovah is thoughtful enough to leave YK on earth for a time to enjoy this sight before taking him up to heaven. I can just picture it now, YK stepping over thousands of corpses thinking: "Oh, there's one! Hey, I found Uncle Bruce! And I'm pretty sure this corpse is Kent, although the face is almost completely eaten away by carrion birds. This one appears to be a child, although it could be an apostate dwarf. No matter, they had it coming. Didn't understand Jehovah's judgements."

    So, thank you for your compassion, You Know. I'm very relieved I don't have to worry about my funeral arrangements.

    For the rest of you, nice try, but reasoning with YK is like a broken pencil: pointless. He's not even intelligent enough to realize when he's been bested.

    Some good suggestions here about making arrangements in advance. As for me, I've instructed my daughters to have me stuffed and mounted on a chair next to my computer monitor so I can haunt this place forever. Don't worry, I'll leave a window open so the vultures can get in when the time comes. When was that again, YK?

    Bye...for now

  • You Know
    You Know

    ***I'm very relieved I don't have to worry about my funeral arrangements.***

    The sad thing is that you didn't use to worry about dying. But now that you have tossed your hope in the gutter you are planning your own funeral. That's pretty sad Wasasister...pretty sad. / You Know

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    I hope you come back to this thread one more time to see my thank you to you for starting this post.

    It is a subject I don't quite have a handle on yet for myself being torn between JW family members and my non JW family members. I know I have a lot of thinking to do first.

    I do know that there is a need for me personally to have closure with any loved one of mine who dies. The suggestion made previously of loved ones making some remarks of memories and good thoughts seemed the most appealing to me to get the proper closure.

    Those are the lines I'm thinking of...something where friends and family can gather and not be preached at about 1914 and the heavenly hope contrasting the earthly hope and the preaching work and yadda yadda...things I've heard at funerals that have made non JWs get up and walk out.

    Thanks for bringing this to mind again so I can discuss it with my husband and family.

    As for YK...what a sad pitiful excuse for a human. The compassion that the Bible describes Jesus showed for all humankind and the ultimate sacrifice he made for all is such a far cry from the whiny little self-important, egotistical bleatings of such a pompous ....

    I truly feel sorry for such a sad example of typical spouter of JW drivel. I know words of wisdom and logic are wasted on ones like him. He needs to reassure himself of his own "glory" by trodding on others who think differently. All we can hope for is someday something written here or anywhere, will strike a chord and make him really think not just spout off WT passages.

    Had Enough

  • Tina

    Hi HE,
    I agree,witness funeral services are nothing more than an 'infomercial' for the wts. Nothing personal or comforting about them at all.
    Since my family is religiously split-some jw's,some rc's my humanist funeral should actually prevent hard feelings between the two.(but that's not my reason) The closure comes from laughing together,crying together,etc in short being in an atmosphere where one can openly express thoughts and feelings.......that's why I want to 'design' my final exit,as it were. regards,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • expatbrit


    Please could you give a few more details about what is involved in a humanist funeral. It might be something I would be interested in having (though to quote Augustine "but not yet!")

    As for me, I wish no religious aspect to my arrangements. Like most Europeans, I prefer cremation. I wish the simplest prcedure possible, to place the least financial or organisational burden upon my loved ones.

    My one concession to sentimentality is that I would like my ashes to be returned to the area I grew up in, so that I can become a part of the gentle and beautiful countryside that I love so much.


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