Where do you go to die?

by wasasister 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    It is not hateful to recognize Jehovah's will that this world come to an end. Furthermore, Jehovah's judgments have nothing to do with the Watchtower. The prophecies that determine the fate of nations were recorded hundreds of years before the Watchtower Society ever printed its first magazine. It's Jehovah you gotta deal with, not the Watchtower Society. Bible history has numerous examples of how Jehovah's judgments overtook foolish scoofers and ridiculers. If anything, the Watchtower de-emphasizes the horrible fate that awaits this world when once Christ's kingdom pulls the plug on it. Then you will have no choice but to accept the reality of Jehovah's inescapable judgments. / You Know

  • JAVA

    You Know, who besides Jehovah's Witnesses will be spared from this loving God's "inescapable judgements?" As a scholar of biblical history, and observer of all today, what religion besides Jehovah's Witnesses is pleasing God?

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • You Know
    You Know

    Have another expresso and figure it out Java man! / You Know

  • JAVA

    You Know, thanks for the expresso. However, I didn't need it to figure out a sect that lies, covers up, makes one false prediction after another, and who engages in emotional blackmail (i.e., shunning) is not worthy of worship nor is in any way a channel to God. I asked you a question in my last post that you obviously can't answer--I wonder why?

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Tina

    Hi Java!

    Thanks for the url. Some time ago I found a humanist group. They meet on campus UIC(which is in my back yard)Unfortunately the mtg schedule is difficult for me to make. I have some online hum.pals,and we mail each other.
    My sister had a Unitarian wedding ceremony,it was quite nice!
    Which journal? I get a few.......Don't know any religious humanists,tho I know they're out there......I'd be interested on yout take about that . Thanks and regards,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • LDH

    I have a copy of the last few issues of LIFE mag that were published.

    One of the articles deals with a man who wanted to be buried by his family because they didn't have 'proper' funeral money.

    The average person may think in order to be buried in a cemetery, you have to go through a funeral home. Not so. This story explored the myths surrounding that, and even showed pics of the old man's children caring for him tenderly after he died.

    Myself, I'd like my ashes to be used to fertilize a tree planted in my honor.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Unquestionably, apostates are the stupidest people on the planet. Here's why: Because you largely are Biblically illiterate and can only make assumptions based upon what the Watchtower has taught you up to this point, apostates are therefore completely ignorant of the fact that Jehovah's as-of-yet unvieled judicial decisions are scheduled to come against those of his own people first! The truth of the matter is, of course, that Jehovah judges the whole world as well as his own people. That is why the apostle asked the somewhat disturbing question: 'If now the godly man is being saved with difficulty, where will the sinner make a showing.' What's the answer? / You Know

  • expatbrit

    The answer is that you are a nutjob, Mr You-Know-I-Know-Jehovah's-As-Yet-Unveiled-Judicial-Decisions.

    Expatbrit, enjoying the stupidity of freedom from the JW cult

    p.s. are you in fact saying that those who limit their learning entirely to WT teachings are biblically illiterate?

  • reagan_oconnor
    Because you largely are Biblically illiterate and can only make assumptions based upon what the Watchtower has taught you up to this point

    Um, those "assumptions" are what I gleaned from the Watchtower and other WT literature. I based my life decisions on those publications for 20 years.

    I would comment on your "Biblically literate" statment, but I won't lower myself to your level.

    "I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man

  • Englishman

    Getting back to the point, there's other matters to deal with before worrying about the goodbye ceremony.

    Both my wife and I have made it absolutely clear to our kids that we have released each other from marital ties by dying, that is to say that we have already given our blessing to each other should the surviving parner wish to re-marry.

    And thats our choice, it's nothing to do with some cobbled belief emanating from the Brooklyn Bachelors.


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