Poll suggests world hostile to US

by Simon 203 Replies latest social current

  • Trauma_Hound

    How do I become a canadian?

  • expatbrit
    How do I become a canadian?

    Sorry, you have to be Chinese first. Expatbrit

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Damn trouble making Polls....

    Why can't they stick to making sausage and learning to screw in light bulbs?


  • Aztec
    In accepting this award, I would just like to say that we live in fictitious times, with fictitious protests and fictitious polls. And if you have both the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, then you're obviously not a fraudulent maker of fictitious documentaries.

    Expat, you're such a brat!

    I am reserving judgment on this poll as many Americans were allowed to participate in it and we all know how dumb Americans are.


  • Yerusalyim

    It was stated,

    Poll suggests world hostile to US

    And again I must ask the question, SO WHAT? and WHAT'S the change!?

  • Trauma_Hound
    I am reserving judgment on this poll as many Americans were allowed to participate in it and we all know how dumb Americans are.

    Well you know, I think most amerikans that label other amerikans for disenting, as un-patriotik, are dumb, because this kountry was founded on discent.

  • Aztec
    because this kountry was founded on discent

    I know you're being facetious TH dear but, the fact remains that most Americans are afraid to really challenge thieir government and be open about it. The main reason I will never be a member of either political party is their, quite obvious, desire to reflect eachother so uniformly. I will always be an independant because I distrust politicians of any sort. And I have a bit of disdain in me for anyone who will completly back either party. I'm the dangerous type of voter, I educate myself on the people in question and vote accordingly. I don't particularly care what their party affiliation is, I vote according to their actions. I'm a dissenter in my own fashion.


  • Trauma_Hound
    I know you're being facetious TH dear but, the fact remains that most Americans are afraid to really challenge thieir government and be open about it. The main reason I will never be a member of either political party is their, quite obvious, desire to reflect eachother so uniformly. I will always be an independant because I distrust politicians of any sort. And I have a bit of disdain in me for anyone who will completly back either party. I'm the dangerous type of voter, I educate myself on the people in question and vote accordingly. I don't particularly care what their party affiliation is, I vote according to their actions. I'm a dissenter in my own fashion.

    I know you are my dear, that's what I like about you! :) I don't vote for either party, also.

  • Jayson

    Hey Dog,

    If you want to go to Canada here you go.


    Don't let the boarder Guard kick you in the ass on the way out of the Country.

  • teejay
    If you click the link, you'll see that it was the topic of the article. It is simple and accurate:
    (a poll was taken) suggests (ie. it could be a representative sample) world (the sample was taken of people from many countries) hostile (negative thoughts expressed) to US (the country the poll was about)

    Do you object to it? How?

    Object to what? The poll? No.

    Do you think the world is not hostile to the US?

    No, I don't, or why else would 95% of the world be trying to get in here? or be like us? doesn't sound like "hostility" to me.

    Do you think it is but we shouldn't talk about it?

    Do I think the world is hostile? No. I thought I answered that already. And yes, if you want, we can talk about the world's lack of hostility.

    Do you think it is but everyone should be nuked?

    No (for the third time) I don't think it is and certainly NO, I don't think it should be nuked.

    BTW, nice, peaceful thread you got going, Simon. Any thoughts of locking it?

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