Poll suggests world hostile to US

by Simon 203 Replies latest social current

  • teejay

    BTW, Simon, there are polls that say that Bush is doing a fine job. Just goes to show the value of polls, eh? Don't put your trust in polls.

  • Princess
    BTW, Europeans are agreed upon one thing about Americans generally. We love you to bits, but mostly we like the one's who have TRAVELLED

    Nice. We do travel Eman. We don't have the convenience of countries as close as they are to you. We travel between states more because it tends to be a bit more affordable. I do go to Canada occasionally. It is right next to my state. It bugs me when Europeans imply that they are more cultured because they TRAVEL. It's rather easy when it's right next door isn't it? I travel a lot despite the fact that I have a five and six year old child. It is one thing to hop on a plane to a nearby state and quite another to travel for hours and hours on a plane to another country.

    Stinkypantz: stop brownnosing Simon. You were right on in your first couple of posts and then you started backpeddling. He always lets people back on after he deletes them, sort of like God.

    Simon loves to bait Americans, get everyone real pissed off, then get the final word and lock the thread. I have had enough. He acts all high and mighty, offends dozens of posters, deletes a few and NEVER apologizes. He is an extremely rude host.

    Yes Simon, I do realize you have an opinion. The fact that you join in on every anti-american thread is offensive, you are the host here aren't you? As host, shouldn't you remain silent or neutral on issues such as these? Spout your opinion all you want at a party or apostafest. If you had intervened or just stayed out of the threads lately, we'd still have posters like LB, DakotaRed, email, Ruby Tuesday and now Princess. You are the reason I am leaving. Delete me if you want, have the final word.


  • Brummie

    I lurrrv America & its relationship with England (the motherland).

    Do I get some catnip now?


  • Cassiline

    Here Brummie....

    My daughter showed this to me the other day and I thought of you...


  • Brummie


    Bw aha hah aahah ahah

    cant stop larfing

  • Jayson

    Simon is it true that the BBC is now called Al Jazeera West?

    Here is another "fair and balanced" one for ya with lower bandwidth. This one from your favorite news channel.


  • MrMoe

    why is the USA such a hot topic? Who cares? Non-American's don't live here and likely they have zero connection to the States, so what is with the global obession? humph Geesh...

  • shamus

    I just looooooove how American's cannot take any criticism whatsoever.

    Whine / cry / whatever. C'mon guys, have some respect! Have some fun! If you can't laugh at your own government who the hell can you laugh at?

    Look at our **cough** government in Canada. We spend billions of dollars on a gun registry that doesn't even work, and 5 provinces refuse to enforce. The cost was only supposed to be a couple million... whoops!

    We have the milliatary might of a tulip. We can't even afford decent uniforms for what little armed forces we have.

    We're taxed up the arse.

    I love my country, but god, I can sure laugh at it! Why can't you guys? So what if people hate you in the world? I don't appreciate being bullied either. But, that's just "big brother" down there, and we put up with it.

    Relax, everyone! You can't please the whole world, and die on the internet arguing over nonsense.

  • drwtsn32
    You are the reason I am leaving.

    Princess, please don't leave!

  • drwtsn32
    I just looooooove how American's cannot take any criticism whatsoever.

    Not all of us are like that. In fact I'd bet that the majority of Americans can take it without freaking out.

    What bugs me is when fellow Americans think our government is perfect and they'll back the government no matter what. That blind devotion belongs in cult like organizations... not the US! I love this country but I am not always proud of everything it does.

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