Poll suggests world hostile to US

by Simon 203 Replies latest social current

  • StinkyPantz
  • Englishman

    I don't think that Simon is particularly more anti-US than anyone else is at present, altthough he is certainly anti - establishment, and by extension that could include the USA.

    Most of the world is very alarmed at the US at the moment. Here we have a huge country, a super power that can actually defeat any other country or combination of countries in the whole world. Many of us feel threatened by this monolith with it's love of guns and it's love of capital punishment. It's almost as though civilised society is being threatened by the Wild Bunch. Many of it's citizens have no concept of a society outside of it's borders, nor will they show the slightest interest in anything that does not fit in with their own concepts of how life should be.

    A difficult situation, certainly.

    BTW, Europeans are agreed upon one thing about Americans generally. We love you to bits, but mostly we like the one's who have TRAVELLED.


  • ThiChi

    ""Many of us feel threatened by this monolith with it's love of guns and it's love of capital punishment. ""

    Yea, freedom and taking responsibility for your actions can be scary to those who have not experienced these two foundations of truth.

    No one sure minds our money, or getting some out of trouble with the occasional madmen Europe seems to breed.

  • expatbrit

    Curiously enough, a recently unearthed poll taken in Germany in 1942 suggests that at the time, Winston Churchill was considered more dangerous than the Black Death. Erwin von Kleinetestes, who conducted the poll, reported that eight hundred and twenty two members of the SS were interogated, and Churchill was rated as "one scary schweinhund!"

    Over half reckoned that by sheltering Jews in Britain, Churchill was "just doing what the Zionist untermenschen want", and a stunning eighty percent agreed that they worried more about Winston Churchill than splitting the crotch of their lederhosen whilst goosestepping up the Champs Elysees.

    A balanced attitude was shown by respondees, though, who generally agreed that Churchill would have made a jolly good German Nazi, if only he'd been (a) German, and (b) a Nazi. This shows that the SS was not anti-Churchill, as some would have it.

    The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 100%, depending on how likely it was that the whole thing was a propaganda ploy by Himmler.


  • Englishman


    At least the US has taken the heat off the Brits at long last!


  • bigboi
    Most of the world is very alarmed at the US at the moment. Here we have a huge country, a super power that can actually defeat any other country or combination of countries in the whole world. Many of us feel threatened by this monolith with it's love of guns and it's love of capital punishment. It's almost as though civilised society is being threatened by the Wild Bunch. Many of it's citizens have no concept of a society outside of it's borders, nor will they show the slightest interest in anything that does not fit in with their own concepts of how life should be.

    Excuse me sir, but that is total bullshit. The vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry back to differect parts of most of the world and while our knowledge may not as extensive as the inhabitants themselves or their neighboring nations, that certainly doesn't amount to an ignorance of any society besides our own.

    Unfortunately, we have to deal with a government that has seen fit to take a very proactive stance against certain elements on the world scene. Although our's is a representative government it certainly doesn't represent the will of all the ppl in the US. The last election is proof of that. A sizeable portion of the country does not agree with what is going on at all and wishes to embrace the world and solve these problems by other means. However even those ppl want to see something tangible dsone to bring about real stability in the Middle East. The war effort in Iraq can be a start in the right direction if handled appropiately.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I dont like some of the views the American government seems to hold. I think they are a scary bunch. A bunch of Zealots who think they have a holy mandate to save the world.The kind of Zealots that feel justified in nuking people.Theyve already done it.Theres no doubt in my mind they are as dangerous minded as any Al Quida terrorist. Both think theyre on a mission from God. I think the American masses are prone to self righteousness and easily triggered by internal propaganda. Moreso than average. I think in a standup fight with equal forces the Yanks would get their asses booted like they did in the Nam. It took them 20 years to stop weeping over Vietnam.Theyre very emotional people and easily triggered by internal propaganda, like I said.

    Sweeping generalizations, I know, but thats how I view it.

    Not to say there are not many yanks here I am fond of.

    (Watch them HOWL now, youre not allowed to say you dont like America)

  • Simon
    Would I be allowed to say I'm totally anti-UK, anti-Black, or anti-Fat people? Why is he allowed to be totally against a group of people. He is saying that he is totally against the US and that is taking it way too far in my eyes and it's scary; but then again, I might be over-responding.

    Yes, you would ... and people would be able form their own opinion of you based on what you said.

    I read it as obvious sarcasm.

  • StinkyPantz

    F*ck it.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I can't believe how some people can be so childish when it comes to opinions that are different from theirs.

    Stinky, what are you, 4 years old. Grow up for Christ sakes!!!

    No wonder I don't visit this board as often as I do. Every time I do, it's always the SAME people arguing over the stupidist things. What a turn off. So much for healing!!

    (No offense to you Simon, OK?)

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