Watchtower to pay for Silentlambs trip

by Dogpatch 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday
    Someone that is accused of child abuse is not transferred to another congregation, no, they face a judicial committee. If found guilty, they are difellowshipped.

    And you know this to be a fact in every case?? Just because they tell you something does'nt mean its true.Just ask my neice!! Sword ..if you have children and you care about them you better watch them like a hawk!! Better yet get out of the cult and learn to think for yourself and give your children the same freedom.

  • DJ
    If found guilty, they are difellowshipped


    THAT is the problem. How often does a child have two witnesses to their molestation? Do you think it is wise to just believe the perp over the child?

  • ThiChi

    144,000 and one

    You proceed from a good number of false assumptions, so, I will take you up on your offer:

    1. The Biblical policy includes "settling disputes" before the "holy Ones," not just "taking your brother to court". See the implications? Has this process been pursued yet with all believing parties? Would an omission grant the WT the ability not to abide by this requirement? As an Elder, I was brought into a case where the WT required just that, from both parties.....

    2. It is a foolish requirement, but it is still a WT requirement. Or, at lest a requirement for some and not for others?

    3. I was appealing to an active JW, and to the "spirit" of what this entails, if fellow believers are involved.

    4. I still maintain that the WT should stand up and take responsibility for the welfare of these victims, based on the WT's very own principles.

  • oldcrowwoman

    I support Bill Bowen efforts. What little I know of him personally. I"m sure he has his ducks in row. This sounds like a huge step for SilentLambs.

    I find it odd for the wt paying his expenses. Considering he is a Apostate!!!!!

    I need to put my 2 cents with ButterKnife of Blah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    BKofB quote" I expect the WT to defend themselves and not make some disgruntled witness rich with our donations."

    All the tea in china will not change the memories and feelings of abuse. Far as I am concern they are scars for life. No amount of money will change that. It is'nt about getting rich is saying that there won't be anymore abuse tolerated in the orgainzation. And their policies need to be address.

    The point of it all is to make it safe for all children!!!!


  • Bendrr
    The difference with the Catholic problem is very simple. Catholic priests were transferred to other churches were they were still serving as priests were they would again abuse children. In somes cases, I believe the transferring was done several times. The abuse obviously being covered up by church officials.

    Oh damn! You're absolutely right! The Watchtower Society has NEVER tried to cover up molestation cases by moving the molester to another congregation.

    What pisses me off is when I think of where the money comes from. Nothing against Silentlambs, I'm glad that the Empire is having to cough up the bread for his deposition. No, what really really pisses me off is knowing where that money is coming from. It's coming from Jehovah's Witnesses like my parents. People up in age, with no savings or retirement plans whatsoever, who every week put a check or cash in the contribution box. That money could buy them groceries or keep their gas or electricity on for another month but instead they GIVE it (I just can't stomach the word "contribute" in this case) to what is basically just another religious corporation who couldn't care less for them and that exact lack of care is evidenced by this very case going to court.

    But it's gotta be done.

    Mike. (Go Silent Lambs! Take them for every last penny!)

  • asleif_dufansdottir


    The WT does not care about their followers, about abused children, or anyone else. The WT cares about money and power and protecting its ability to get more.

    The only thing that will get the WT's attention and possibly make it change it's moronic policies is

    a) the government making them

    b) the threat of losing money.

    Therefore, I wholeheartedly support any and all who bring suit against them. In the memo of the check they have to write to pay, I suggest that they write "The screwin' we get for the screwin' we gave"

    Fair is fair...

  • outoftheorg

    SOJ I have posted this on similar threads and you never respond.

    Once again. MY presonal experience. My daughter, after hearing of other sisters protesting, went to the elders and charged this elder with sexual molestation. In the end there were 5 sisters protesting to the elders. THEY AGREED WITH AND BELIEVED 2 OUT OF THE 5. One of the 2 was my daughter.

    They contacted the wbts and were told to drop the case. This devastated my daughter. When I told the elders this they told me that It was up to me to make her accept this. I told them what I thought of them and the wbts. So they df me. The pedophile is still an elder in good standing.

    I am and never was a liar, thief,adulterer, or any of the things stated in the bible that they use as reasons for df'ing. They could only come up with ( I had fits of rage ). Damned right I did.

    Explain please, the logic in this lack of action on their part. Where is there any justice here? How is this protecting the flock?

    What should I do soj? How can I accept this from an organization that claims to be Gods only representatives on earth?

    Please soj help me out here. How does one get past this? What should I tell my daughter? Both her and her sister and 2 brothers will not have anything to do with the jw's. Does this make the wbts blood guilty? The wbts service desk gave the elders the orders to drop it.

    If as you say the jw's are the true religion, what am I supposed to do with this mess?

    I really would like to see a reply to this post.

    Thanks in advance SOJ.


  • Mulan
    This post seems aimed at sensationalizing what is a very normal part of the litigation process.

    That is not the point. I'm sure we all know what a deposition is. The point is they are paying his expenses in an effort to discredit him.............and the average JW are the ones really footing the bill.

  • pettygrudger

    Sword of Jah - I have to respectfully disagree with you on this, as I know first hand how these situations are handled. Not only was my mother and I "silenced", no proceedings whatsoever were brought about against the perpetrator - so please don't put some umbrella blanket over what they are "supposed" to do - truth is they don't, and 5,000 testimonials to that fact is proof in the pudding wouldn't you agree?

  • gcc2k

    Simmer down now folks.

    SoJ (who refuses to respond to any legitimate questions from this witness in good standing) says:

    The donations are carefully spent on the world wide work. The congregations in the U.S. can afford a payment on their Kingdom Halls, for example, but 75% of the countries around the world would not be able to build Kingdom Halls without the help of the U.S. branch. Also, you think publishing the amount of literature the Watchtower does yearly is cheap?

    As 144k+1 points out, you (and we) have no way of knowing that. The fact remains that the Society has millions of dollars in assets and probably even more that is liquid. Time and again we have seen the Society manipulate matters to preserve their capital, such as changing the donation arrangement. I've been in Kingdom Halls around the world, and let me tell you that we wouldn't have Kohler toilets and nice tile, carpets, seats, sound systems, etc. if building halls overseas were an issue.

    I am not intimately familiar with the case, but I believe that the suits are brought forth because there was a real damage/hardship suffered by the victims because the elders and the Society failed to act to protect the victims. I believe more is involved here than just trying to pry money away from the Society.

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