Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!

by pale.emperor 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwleaks
    Brokeback Watchtower - Im sure a lot of these talks about tight pants given by Tony have the entire Governing Body backing if not? Why can't they shut this guy up? Maybe most agree with him or tolerate him?

    Hard to silence a GB member when one needs his vote to change doctrine. I can just imagine the GB meeting discussing this problem.

    JACKSON: Listen up Tony. Enough of your tight pants. People are starting to talk. It's becoming embarrasing. The rest of us Guardians Of Doctrine want you to loosen up and drop the tight pants.

    LETT: Sit down Tony, it was an illustration. Tony, we let you publish that article decrying tight pants in the Watchtower. Heck, we even let you have all the young brothers at Bethel model tight pants for you so you could chose the young brother you wanted portrayed in the magazine.

    SPLANE: Don't forget we also allowed you to travel to Italy to do research into the tight pants trend.

    TONY: But tight pants are designed by homosexuals. And we know that homosexuals are responsible for child abuse. And that child abuse in rampant among congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's the work of Satan. You all saw the video I made on that.

    SANDERSON: Tony, Tony, Tony. We all need hobbies and interests. But tight pants, really? This is becoming an obsession. Geoffrey, can you pass the gravy when your finished with it. This deep fried whole chicken is delicious.

    HERD: Tony, we sent you to the Caribbean for a holiday to help you overcome your obsession with young men who wear tight pants. And what do you do? You get up in front of a great crowd and twirl on the stage like you were Elvis in King Creole. Then you again rave on about tight pants.

    LOSCH: Please Tony, stop the twirling.

    TONY: You should talk Gerrit. You, your lederhosen and the spanking board.

    JACKSON: Enough! This is a warning Tony. No more twirling. No more tight pants. No more hot dog illustrations. Enough. For God's sake Tony, most men in Trinidad and Tobago don't even wear pants.

    TONY: But they do wear shorts, tight shorts. Some men without even shirts on. Look. I can prove it. I took thousands of photos as evidence. They're all on my computer. Tight shorts. Tight, tight shorts. Even among the brothers. And the hot dogs . . .

  • freddo

    "You should talk Gerrit. You and your lederhosen and the spanking board."

    Love it!

  • Finkelstein
  • baldeagle

    The insanity continues.

  • snugglebunny
  • fastJehu

    I like the youtube tight-pants contest here

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Tony.... enough is enough. I object!!

  • Finkelstein

    Why is it that the men who are fat balding and obese are jealous or critically watchful to how young handsome and slim non balding men wear ?

    Morris reminds of the fat balding old geezer that watched over carefully to how all the men and woman looked liked in my old hall.

    Boy is Jesus in for a rough time when he returns looking like he did.

  • Finkelstein

    Morris in this talk praises himself to how modest he dresses, but in reality he doesn't dress modestly, he dresses like some rich high class socialite.

    What hypocrite and asshole.

  • Finkelstein

    Morris in this talk praises himself in how modest he dresses, but in reality he doesn't dress modestly, he dresses like some rich high class socialite.

    What a hypocrite and asshole.

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