would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 196 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Ex Beth -

    “I am as happy as I have ever been since I cut the chains, in so many ways.” (RB)

    RB What do you believe now? Were you happy when you were PIMI? Do your new beliefs provide hope for the future?

    Wow, where do I start, I was a late teenage convert in the 80's and I came in thanks to a perfect storm of circumstances. Never ever dreamed that I could end up a JW, just got sucked into the vortex of no escape. Never really believed all of it but I wanted it to be true and was prepared to give benefit of doubt drink the cool aid and enjoy the vast array of new friends, probably like most of us. I had a good wife, a good job lots of new friends and yes I was mostly happy except for deep down burning doubts about flip flops and past failed predictions etc.

    What do I believe now? Do I believe in God?? Yes, I think this is a reasonable conclusion however he may not be at all who or what we think he is. Seems to me that who ever comes up with the best explanation for God is able to claim a special relationship with him and subsequently gains a big following, wealth and especially power over other peoples. This is how it goes!

    My mind is now unchained and I have resigned myself to the understanding that it is better to questions that cannot be answered than answers that you cannot question.


  • GoverningBobby

    or option 4- realize that you were raised in a cult, but choose to make the most of the remaining time you have. Choose to be appreciative for what you DO still have. I will always choose more knowledge over ignorance and deal with the consequences.

  • TonusOH

    ExB: Last years drama one of the prison guards in the great tribulation just jumped in last min.

    Was the guard an active JW who expressed his doubts to apostates regularly, or a non-JW who made a choice at a critical moment?

    I'm surprised to hear that you would prefer that the masses remain ignorant about the effects of the vaccines. Many are, presumably, still taking boosters or encouraging others to vaccinate. That would, in your estimation, cause more harm, wouldn't it? Wouldn't remaining ignorant be a greater danger to everyone in the long run?

    And no, I wouldn't try to talk someone out of their beliefs on their deathbed. That's the exception that proves the rule, though, don't you think?

  • BluesBrother

    Ignorance can indeed be bliss. I know some dubs who happily trot along, believing everything they are told, not concerned about life because of their certainty of The Kingdom.

    I was never quite like that . I had faith certainly but that brought its own problems. Congregation responsibilities weighed heavy, I had friction with the other elders . I was glad to leave all that. Today I could never be an elder , having to feign enthusiasm for their stupid videos and electric church practices.

    So personally I am happier and more content since leaving. I don’t know the answers to mankind’s greatest problems but I’m not going to worry over it.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    So personally I am happier and more content since leaving. I don’t know the answers to mankind’s greatest problems but I’m not going to worry over it.”

    Blues brother personally I am happier and more content since I realised that I need to become content in not knowing the truth. I don’t know the answers to mankind’s greatest problems but I’m not going to worry over it. And I like to hold onto a bit of hope that maybe just maybe the Bibles promises may come true 😀

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    RB I really like what you say here “Do I believe in God?? Yes, I think this is a reasonable conclusion however he may not be at all who or what we think he is.”

    Yes I’m thinking on the same lines as you. There is probably a lot more to it than we humans can understand 👍

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I'm surprised to hear that you would prefer that the masses remain ignorant about the effects of the vaccines. Many are, presumably, still taking boosters or encouraging others to vaccinate. That would, in your estimation, cause more harm, wouldn't it? Wouldn't remaining ignorant be a greater danger to everyone in the long run?”

    Tonus the same as a JW on their deathbed I was meaning someone who has had multiple injections I don’t see the point in telling them they have damaged their health. Just out of kindness they would be better off believing the shots were safe. Ignorance is better than the truth if you can’t do anything about.

    Their is a good YouTube channel called the truth hurts. It’s a very profound thing to say. Yes the truth hurts

  • DesirousOfChange

    I have actually pondered over that more than once. The "red pill/blue pill" dilemma. I used to be able to think that all the injustices in the world would eventually be corrected by Sky Daddy. That's a nice thought! Now I have had to face the fact that it will never happen. There will always be injustices and "bad" peopled that take advantage of "good" people.

    I have also pondered it when attending the Memorial Service of an older, faithful JW -- they "believed" right to the end (their end). A wonderful couple. He was a CO for decades. Went to prison for refusing to join the Army in WW2. The last "grandfatherly" CO that we had. Now they are all "Company Men". More an auditor than a minister. He died not realizing "the prize" but was certain he would receive it after his resurrection. They had a good life serving others, gaining the love and respect of 1000's of JW's. Would it have been better for him to have taken the "red pill"? I cannot honestly say that I think that would have been better for him/them.

  • cofty
    Would you really though?

    Yes. That isn't theoretical, it is based on hard experience and great personal cost.

    Are you prepared to come to terms that you were wrong about what you believe? Cofty have you considered that you have been lied to about the theory of evolution? I know you are comfortable in believing this theory but how can you know it’s the truth?

    Evolution is as certain as the fact that the earth isn't flat. I am an expert on all forms of creationism. I know all the creationist arguments and I understand why they are false. Creationists only ever know their side of the debate and what they have been told about science by other creationists. I have invested hundreds of hours to investigate evolution. It is beyond all sensible doubt. it is only ever rejected on grounds of ideology. Most scientists give as much time to creationist objections as astronomers do to flat earthers. It just isn't an actual question unless you are indoctrinated by Iron Age myths.

    what if you believed chance as origin of life for a long time then came to realise actually it must have been intelligent design as the origin of life?

    The origin of life is neither chance nor ID. That is a false dichotomy. Also abiogenesis is not the same thing as evolution.

    would you then wish you could go back and not know what you now know?

    I have never regretted learning new things. Follow the evidence wherever it leads. Anything else is intellectual cowardice.

  • LV101

    Negative -- miserable until epiphany of the con game and couldn't get out of Dodge fast enough but I was half way out the door/never gave up social life. I did receive calls (kind, good, men, for the most part only one bad apple and he got message real fast!) but I leveled plain and clear and living on private, live-security, property, helps -- they didn't have to waste time/call easier. They knew legally -- everyone has legal right to stand up to them (WT/clergy class just doing their job) and many have.

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