would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 196 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    A good question is would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?

    were you more happy PIMI? Are all the PIMIs more happy than the the PIMOs or the POMOs?

    Look at Lloyd Evans and the mess he has made of his life he is unhappy and talks about suicidal attempts.

    Is ignorance bliss?

    option 1. Possibly believe something not true (JW interpretation of the Bible) but it makes you happy if you stick to it. Ignorance being bliss.

    option 2. Come to the realisation what you believe is wrong and you have wasted so much time believing something not right. You end up unhappy even bitter and resentful. Now you don’t know what to believe.

    Or is there a third option where you choose informed ignorance. I know the GB have been wrong about many things and I know they are still wrong about many things. But there is a chance they are right about some things. And I’m comfortable in not knowing the entire truth about these things.

    Im PIMA not committing either way, sitting on the fence as it were. Maybe the Bible is the word of God and maybe it isn’t. Either way I love studying it and I also love being part of the congregation of JWs.

    But I often wonder would I be happier if I could go back and be fully PIMI?

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    I am as happy as I have ever been since I cut the chains, in so many ways.


  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    What got me thinking is a new TV show called SILO.

    The story starts we don’t know why we are in the silo, we don’t know who built it or how long we have been here but we just know we can’t go outside.

    There are 10,000 people living in this big underground silo for generations, they have water, power and the mid levels are farming for food.

    Some are curious and have doubts about the story they are told to believe. Some have serious doubts and have strong reason to believe they are being lied to.

    In the pilot episode one line really made an impression on me when she said “I wish I could go back and not know what I know

    Everyone else was just getting on with their lives believing the story they were told or perhaps some doubted it, but didn’t dwell too much on it and just carried on being happy with their family and friends.

    I am in this category, I doubt the GB interpretation of the Bible is right but maybe there is a God and the Bible is his word. I want to be like those ones in the silo who didn’t dwell too much on it and just carried on being happy with their family and friends.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA
    resolute Bandicoot6 minutes ago

    “I am as happy as I have ever been since I cut the chains, in so many ways.”

    RB What do you believe now? Were you happy when you were PIMI? Do your new beliefs provide hope for the future?

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Religion was invented to make the cold, unfair realities of this world easier to deal with.

  • Gorb

    How more you know, how more you realise you don't know.

    The same with your state of mind. How more you realise, you see that you can not always be happy.

    Always happy says a lot about someone. It is not realistic, it's fake.

    So, since being out of jw.org, i'm happy about many aspects of life, and less happy about some other subject. And try to grow, make choices, and learn from things that went wrong.

    Life is that what goes unexpected.


  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Joey you may be right, but that’s a pretty bleak no hope outlook.

    If you are right then ignorance is bliss.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Gorb I have to say these are very wise words-

    since being out of jw.org, i'm happy about many aspects of life, and less happy about some other subject. And try to grow, make choices, and learn from things that went wrong.”

    I think many here would not be so honest with themselves

  • ozziepost

    From what I have seen these past decades is that the borg has thoroughly brainwashed the R&F to think in terms of “the Troof” or nothing. What I mean is that getting the R&F to buy into the whole concept of the WT being the only embodiment of christianity means that PIMO are left stranded. It’s being in the Troof or nothing.

    As evidence of that, I point to the seeming majority of ex-Dubs identifying as agnostic or atheist. I would suggest it’s because of what the Borg has conditioned its adherents to view as its interpretation of Christianity that’s given PIMOs no alternative. It’s classic mind-control.

    And we pay the price.

  • punkofnice

    As the Uber-Morlock said in The Time Machine film 2002.

    '......those two most terrible words: What if?'

    I will never know. I just have to deal with the here and now.

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