by Teddnzo 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    How would you know if you are deliberately lying to yourself? You would not know.

    isn’t the chance as origin of life theory that it’s survival of the fittest? So if you can try to get away with things that may be considered crimes or immoral then there is nobody like God to care?

    I wonder how it compares emotionally someone going from atheist to design theory compared to someone who was a theist to believer in chance theory?

  • TonusOH

    ExB: How would you know if you are deliberately lying to yourself?

    Because it's deliberate. I'd love for there to be a god and an eternal future and a universe that makes sense on that level. But wanting something to be true doesn't make it believable if the evidence doesn't convince me.

    ExB: there is nobody like God to care?

    Ah, but there is someone like god to care. Human societies have developed hierarchies and governments and legal structures backed by force. Tell me, when someone commits a crime, who is it that arrests them, tries them, and jails them? God? Or the state?

    If I had no restraint and went about my life harming others, what would happen? Would god step in and prevent me from taking action? Or would it be the people around me, from the average passer-by to the agents of the state? People commit crimes all the time and it isn't god who steps in. How many of those criminals will claim to believe in god? Why didn't that belief stop them from doing wrong?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    So there is no need for me to regret all those years being super honest with tax returns and never getting involved with shoplifting or anything 😅

  • Teddnzo

    ExB the beauty of JWLITE after this month’s broadcast AGM is who can take what you like and leave what you don’t like. You can repent last min if JWs are even slightly correct about their interpretation of the Bible.

    Yes you can cheat your tax returns and do shoplifting as you say, I’m sure if you do those things you will be doing a lot of other things that are morally wrong and illegal.

    JWlite means you can hide all these things and even if you did get found out about just say your sorry

  • Leathercrop
    With so many religions and religious denominations --many which demand exclusive and rigid devotion-- the odds are that most people will fall short. On the other hand, the idea of a god who wants everyone to be saved, but allows such splintering of support over time, doesn't make sense. Such a god really can't exist.

    Of course a god like that can exist TonusOH.

    Quoting the Bible, it was Jesus that welcomed those that were expelling demons in his name although were not following him. Assuming one believes in God, which I do, It makes sense to me that God would welcome anyone's allegiance despite manmade "variations" in faith.

    Leathercrop here, new to the site. Going on 4 years expelled.

  • Foolednomore

    I would not go back for anything! Too many headaches.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    With so many religions and religious denominations --many which demand exclusive and rigid devotion-- the odds are that most people will fall short.”

    One real problem for all PIMIs is that they have been brainwashed to feel guilty about absolutely everything. They have been programmed to go tell the elders about everything they may feel guilty about.

    Many feel guilty they are not doing enough ministry or due to what the GB say they just feel they should be doing more study or doing more in the congregation. They feel guilty they watch slightly inappropriate entertainment. This eats away at them and it’s very detrimental to their physical and mental health that they just can’t live upto the ideal that the GB have put out there.

    I know of at least a few brothers who viewed porn and the guilt was eating them up. They had to go tell the elders. It’s often sexual repression and it leads to other problems.

    But when you think about it porn and masterbation is very common and not that bad, certainly not bad enough to have guilt eating away at you. Some experts say it’s ok to release tension rather than have repressed feelings building up inside you.

    Maybe JWLITE would be an absolute saviour for some who wake up to the fact that the GB are misguided and are wrong about many things. JWLITE means you do have to keep somethings to yourself and certainly not go tell the elders about every questionable thing you do or view in your own personal privacy.

    No more having guilt eating away at you.

    I know this would help

  • TonusOH

    Hi Leathercrop. I am referring to a god who wants for everyone to be saved, yet creates an environment where most will not achieve salvation. While it is true that such a being could exist, I find that possibility frightening. A being of unlimited power who wants good things for everyone, yet who undermines his own desires and condemns large numbers of people to eternal suffering? What else is he capable of?

  • Leathercrop

    Hi TonusOH

    I understand your questions certainly. It comes down to interpretation at the end, as is the case most always with spirituality of any kind. I tend to feel like a lot of non-hardcore Christians do, at least what I perceive them to, that Christ makes amends where we come up short, and that faith in Christ goes a long way.

  • Teddnzo

    Yes it all comes down to interpretation. All this new light we keep get is just changing interpretations of this ancient book that the truth is we don’t really understand.

    I just watched this entire video which I thought was brilliant and any who have been JWs for a long time will relate. https://youtu.be/5wjy8ETRvho?feature=shared

    It seems the new JW light at every AGM is slowly becoming JWLITE anyway if you see what I mean. JWs are becoming dumber or another way to say it is they don’t seek to think about the interpretation of scripture at all, they just go along with what the GB say even if it makes No sense!

    An interesting observation in this video that this is the first time the GB have used the term new light as it was only the ex JWs who used that term


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