Evolution is a Fact #31 - Ten Questions for Creationists

by cofty 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hooberus

    Quote recovering


    You refuse to see that your experts conclusions are flawed . What if I showed you that even your so called experts admitted that they where incorrect with regards radiometric dating? Would that be enough to persuade you?"

    You refuse to admit your previous clear misrepresentation here about the Siccar Point article so why should anyone trust what you have to say on any other subject?

  • recovering

    Don't take my word for it . Read the citations everyone has provided for you. I want you to think for yourself.

  • Vidiot

    Question 1: "Since some proteins can be assembled in more ways than there are atoms in the universe, why do the sequences of amino acids and bases vary between species in exactly the way evolution predicts?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 2: "Why do humans and other primates have virus DNA, and other bits of non-coding text, in exactly same place in their genomes?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 3: "Why do humans and other species have broken genetic code for features that they no longer possess?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 4: "Why does human chromosome 2 consist of two primate chromosomes joined end-to-end?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 5: "How do you explain the amazing fossils that demonstrate major transitions?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 6: "Why do the same fossils always appear in the same layers of rock in a way that is totally predictable?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 7: "Who were the hominids that walked upright more than 3 million years ago?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 8: "Why do humans have vestigial features?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 9: "Why does the distribution of species align exactly with evolution?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Question 10: "How does creationism explain bad design like the recurrent laryngeal nerve?"

    WTS answer: "We don't know, but Jehovah will reveal all in due time."

    Young-Earth Creationist bonus question: "How do you explain geological features like the unconformity at Siccar Point?"

    YEC answer: "Huh?"

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    JW creationists answer most answers with "How do you know" and keep repeating that until the opponent gets to something they don't know whereupon they are the victors, Praise Jah!

  • recovering

    Hooberus please post a citation from a peer reviewed scientific publication to support your position on evolution. Please note that creationist or religious publications are not accepted by the scientific community.

    If you can find one i will indeed possibly change my outlook.

  • Vidiot

    @ Whatshallicallmyself...

    Don't forget "we weren't there", too.

  • hooberus

    From page 3.

    Cofty wrote:

    We have to be careful to commit 100% to methodological naturalism. In other words there is not a single detail in all of life's long history that cannot be explained without resorting to the supernatural. No arguments about complexity are permitted.

    Can you elaborate on why “No arguments about complexity are permitted.” ?

    And who decided this.

  • cofty

    The context was a conversation with tornapart who commented that they accept the scientific case for evolution but still believe that a creator started the process.

    If we are going to take that position — theistic evolution — then we have to commit to methodological naturalism and not resort to arguments from design otherwise we have stepped outside of science into the realm of superstition and creationism.

    The part in italics is assumed from the context as any intelligent and well-intentioned reader can clearly see.

    I see you have still to read your first science book Hooby (or any book that doesn't come with a set of crayons)

  • cofty

    Here is a link to the series of forty threads in the Evolution is a Fact series.

  • hooberus

    Cofty wrote:

    I see you have still to read your first science book Hooby (or any book that doesn't come with a set of crayons)

    Cofty you make dogmatic assertions about Evolution, then when questioned one of your tactics is to respond with condescending statements about those who question you.

    If evolution is such a fact why the need for such foul debate tactics?

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