Evolution is a Fact #31 - Ten Questions for Creationists

by cofty 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    Island Man - "In answer to all your questions: We do not have all the answers at this time. Perhaps Jehovah will fill us in on the details in the New System. We just need to wait on Jehovah and put faith in what bible says and not be swayed by the satanic propaganda being spouted by worldly scientists."

    Okay, I know you're taking the piss...

    ...but the older I got, the more frustrating and angrifying that answer was to me, so reading it just now kinda gave me a flashback headache. :wink:

  • rocketman

    Evolution has occurred. It is an established fact, I think the only thing a "believer" can do is to somehow reconcile God to evolution by saying that God perhaps guided or used evolution. Or, that he simply allowed nature to take its course, as it were, and, well, here we are.

    I call it the Lazy Creator Theory, although a more reverent name would be the Efficient Creator. Here's an example:

    Let's just say that the creation account in Genesis is true. God directly created just two of the billions of humans that have ever lived (actually, just one and a half, since he used material from Adam to construct Eve). From Adam and Eve onward until now, humans call God their Creator, but in reality, God did not create us, you and me, humans born since Adam and Eve. He created the mechanism, reproduction and genetics, that resulted in our birth.

    Genesis also says, of course, that God created animal life. Again, to have "swarmed" on the Earth, considerable time would have to have been allowed for animal life to multiply and fill the Earth. The Lazy Creator wouldn't have to create all that many forms of creatures. Create a few, and let nature take its course.

    To me, that's the only way to reconcile it - that God, at times, did create, but that most of life on Earth has come about by natural means. And even that is a tenuous "theory" for which I can provide no real proof.

  • Theburstbubble

    Hi Cofty

    Im not sure what I believe in to be honest. But there are a few things about evolution which I can't understand and maybe you can help.

    How did that first cell come about? And why does this not still happen?

    How did that first cell manage to survive long enough to evolve?

    The rest I can understand. Please keep your answer succinct as I do get bored very easily!

  • cofty

    rocketman - The reason your "theory" can't work is that humans as just as much part of the evolution of life as any other creature. We know a great deal about our non-human ancestors.

    Also it would not be an "efficient" creator. 99% of all the creatures that have ever lived are extinct. That's very wasteful

  • cofty

    TBB - If somebody asked you to explain differential calculus but with the proviso that they haven't learned basic maths yet and they want your explanation to be very brief, how would you reply?

    Abiogenesis is a separate field of study from biological evolution.

    The hypothesis that it originated in alkaline vents below the ocean is very promising. It would also account for why it does not emerge again how it was preserved long enough to prosper.

    I might describe it later in the series. If you can overcome your short attention span I highly recommend "Life Ascending" by Nick Lane.

    What we do know is that all living things evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years. A very small sample of the evidence is offered in the preceding threads in this series...

  • hooberus

    for all peer reviewed


    Everything on your (non-peer reviewed) anti-creationist list should be covered by these

    if not see www.icr.org

  • cofty

    Hoob you lazy lazy lazy man.

    I post 36 carefully researched threads all in my own words and you think posting a link to a creationist bullshit website is an adequate response.


    Use Google Scholar for literally thousands of peer reviewed papers on every one of the topics I have written about.

  • hooberus

    You can do the ad hominem all day.

  • cofty
    You can do the ad hominem all day.

    It was not ad hominem. It was a criticism of your lazy and pathetic efforts to deny the fact of evolution.

    You should learn the definitions of fallacies before you accuse others.

    You can do some revision here...

  • hooberus

    "you think posting a link to a creationist bullshit website"

    Actually I posted links to two websites.

    Which of course evolutionists will attack.

    As they always do anyone who remotely question their version of 'history' 

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