It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2849 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diamondfrog

    I remember where I was when Lloyd posted his car crash live stream. I was at work and could only listen to it.

    Amazing how you can recall where you were and what you were doing at landmark moments in life like 911, Princess Diana’s passing and Lloyd’s car crash live stream.

    Where were you?

  • vienne

    Dear Lord. Or as my mom used to say: "Dear LORD and little rabbits!" So it turns out that Lloyd isn't simply a narcissist with anti-social behavior and boring as heck, but he's terminally stupid and vain.

  • Chinapomo

    It's funny that every time there are fewer things to talk about regarding Lloyd, he timely finds something retarded to say or to post online, giving us new spiritual food at the proper time.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    What the hell does this mean? His lawyers refused to work until he produced proof of his claims? His lawyers demanded the judge order the defendants provide proof of the claims Lloyd was making?

    As with everything related to this guy, he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He’s counting on the intended audience (his supporters and Patrons) not being aware of the full truth which was just released by the M7. So he lies and modifies the facts to his liking. So in Lloyd’s telling, the court “invited” him to present evidence if you listen to how he words it.

    In reality the court was preparing to throw the case out and gave him a relatively short deadline in order to become compliant.

    isn't it quite a gamble going public like this?? Isn't he worried people may assume he's also guilty of the other points, also?

    He doesn’t think this way. He’s always operated on people’s ignorance of the facts and his own sordid history of either manipulating the facts or outright concealing them.

    As with the livestream and other miscalculations such as the Gold interview, he’s not thinking past instant gratification when supportive comments come in. He doesn’t think about the ultimate effect this will all have.

    This was yesterday’s news. Though the release of the court files and the M7 was red meat for people already clued into this, it went hardly noticed by his base of support. Thus as it stood yesterday he had a way out of this and to let it fade would have been the wise course.

    But he’s pinned his flag to the mast and is headed full speed ahead into the armada. The case was never going to be looked at by a judge. Now it is, and he’s riled up yet another generation of his viewers to expect his full vindication on things they knew nothing about.

    Not intentionally trying to sound Churchillian here, but he had a choice - dishonour or war.

    He’s getting both. This will not end well for him.

  • Diogenesister

    Jeff 'm confused (happens a lot lately given my health issues )

    My lawyers relied on the court issuing a summons for more thorough supporting documentation..."

    Ditto me.

    Why do his lawyers need the judges say-so to compile Lloyds evidence?

    "Relied on" so essentially Waiting for a summons? Did his lawyers know they hadn't applied the law correctly and required the court to tell them they hadn't, before they could spring into action and apply each legal statute perfectly with this 64 page document (complete with translations sent to four other countries & proof defendants received them) per the judges demand of the 3rd Oct?

    LMsA Not intentionally trying to sound Churchillian here, but he had a choice - dishonour or war. He chose both

    😂 Yes but you're spot on though! Definitely a last minute anger project....the Narcissist can never be wrong!!

  • Ron.W.
    As with everything related to this guy, he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He’s counting on the intended audience (his supporters and Patrons) not being aware of the full truth which was just released by the M7. So he lies and modifies the facts to his liking. So in Lloyd’s telling, the court “invited” him to present evidence if you listen to how he words it.


  • Pasta_Hour

    I love how he says he "filed a lawsuit", but it wasn't ever actually accepted by the court was it? So how can you say it was "filed"... Hey I could dump some trash off at our local courthouse too and call it "filing a lawsuit", but then I'm not completely insane either. Refer to the correspondence from the judge on this. He just handed the Croatian courts a bunch of copy/pasted paperwork with weird stains all over them that anyone could have whipped up in 20 minutes, and calls it good. Court tries unsticking the paperwork from itself, looks it over, says "naw wait a minute, this is all wrong" meanwhile Lloyd has already played with himself twice in the car ride home, and starts typing out the latest channel update about how screwed the M7 all is before checking his patron numbers, stopping to forcefully copulate with a sexy AF looking Christmas tree before heading out to the local illegal brothel for the 3rd time since yesterday.

    This whole thing is going to backfire spectacularly in Lloyd's face.

  • Ron.W.


    Yes, whatever the outcome, Lloyd will have to secure and generate new income streams..

  • Thisismein1972

    I will follow the magnificent 7 to the ends of the earth. But I have to make a stop in Thailand first, I enjoyed the scoober diving the last time I was there, I need to go back and do it again.

    By the way, why does he not go for this thread, Oh yeah, he can't, he would expose himself. Not literally 🤢🤢

    By the way Pasta_Hour, you are brutal, but I do like it 😂

  • Pasta_Hour

    Curious about the medical paperwork. What tests were scientifically done to determine a video I made that got a hundred views were the epicenter of his health issues, and not something like his alcoholism or a case of old fashioned AIDs from his uhh "adventures"?

    "This medical paperwork clearly indicates the m7 is criminally responsible for my hepatitis diagnosis. My Doctor said according to science, I could sue them for this. Prepare yourselves for prison."

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