It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    Lloyd is confusing having to check in with his patrons and get their permission to buy a new car or move to a new home or buy another Star Wars toy, with them having issue over his spending money they donated on something as horrific as prostitutes.

    This isn't a matter of, "Is that car the best financial decision, will it last longer and offer higher mileage than this other car. If I'm your patron, I get to have a say on what type of car you drive, clothes you wear, Star Wars collectibles you treat yourself to..."

    It's a matter of him using thier dollars to prop up one of the most abusive, horrific industries on the planet, something that often involves CSA. That's bad enough, but he does it while pretending to be an advocate for CSA victims.

    Lloyd is a criminal, period. Convicted of it or not, he admits to using prostitutes regularly, which is a crime. If your personal life involves criminal activity, yes it's other people's business. In fact, court cases are often public because we feel that criminal activity is not someone's "private business" but in the interest of the public.

    If your dollars are going to support criminal activity then yes, it's your business.

    Imagine any criminal using that as a defense. "Whether or not I break into homes and steal things is no one's business but my own. Whether or not I used money you gave me to buy my crowbar, mask, and gloves is not your business."

    Good god that man and his followers are some sick, hypocritical, demented freaks.

  • Simon

    His private life would be his private life ... except it wasn't ever kept private - he wrote books about his life, he solicited donations based on his life, including the notion that he was a devoted family man and caring husband which we now know was a complete veneer or lies.

    The reality was that he'd been treating his wife like shit for at least the last half-decade, probably a lot longer (I don't think people really change who they are, and it seems like he's always been a sex-pest all his life, as documented by his own accounts).

    He decided to live his life in public and make money from doing it, so his "private life" was never private and is fair game for commentary and critique.

    Lloyd - it's your personal life, not a private one, and you didn't keep it private so why should anyone else bother to?

    You made your own bed, lie in it you sick mother fucker.

  • Simon
    Lloyd is a criminal, period. Convicted of it or not, he admits to using prostitutes regularly, which is a crime. If your personal life involves criminal activity, yes it's other people's business. In fact, court cases are often public because we feel that criminal activity is not someone's "private business" but in the interest of the public.
    If your dollars are going to support criminal activity then yes, it's your business.

    From what I've read over the last few years I now believe that anyone who uses prostitutes is effectively a rapist as by most accounts I've read, any "consent" involved is a lie as they are simply not really free to give it. There is always some coercion in some form or another. An exJW activist should know that the only reliable accounts from people who were trapped in a lifestyle come from those who have escaped from it.

    That's in western countries. Add high-traffic countries such as Thailand and I think it erases the last pieces of doubt. If you claim to be an advocate for victims of childhood sexual abuse while using young women in these countries? Just stop already, how can you even claim to care? How can you believe you have any credibility whatsoever?

    Anyone still supporting him financially is an enabler and should hang their head in shame. Anyone still defending him, given all that is now known about the "man", has to be judged as a supporter of such behavior and like him should have no business being anywhere near women and girls.

    Also, when you talk about your own sexual indiscretions and describe them as involving "women and girls", people will assume that the girls aren't women, so when someone makes an accusation that you did something you shouldn't with some girl who was underage ... well, it makes it sound more credible. Throw in the judicial committee meetings (what % of those are for sexual misconduct?) that an "I'll make a video out of anything" YouTuber made the bizarre and non-sensical claim they didn't want to record "because they had nothing to hide" and you wonder what skeletons are still waiting to be revealed.

  • Toblerone5

    Let's imagine for one minute this. Replace the name Lloyd Evans by any Governing body members of your choice. I'm canadian so I will use David Splane .

    While David Splane was seperated from is wife, David Splane went to Thailand ,using Watchtower funds, and while in there he Dated a sex-worker ! Then he did a JW broadcast telling every JW that yes ,he did that, and he also visit on a regular basic , Prostitutes over many years , and that's nobody's business ! that's is private life ,and as a G.B. he doesn't have to explain what he do with the donation money. JW send to Warwick . He's still a human ,and is not perfect , so please respect is privacy.

    What would be the reaction of JW, and ex-JW do you think? Do you think for one minute the Croatian Youtuber would not have a heyday with that ? Do you think he would dare to defend D.S . in public ? Respect D.S. privacy ,and tell everybody he won't make a video about that ? Let me remind everybody what happened when one G.M went to buy some wisky... šŸ§

  • usualusername1

    Faultless victory Toblerone!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    The reality was that he'd been treating his wife like shit for at least the last half-decade, probably a lot longer

    Iā€™m going with the ā€œa lot longerā€. When he was posting here and she was still a JW, he had a clear contempt for her because she still was a believer. He frequently spoke of her in condescending terms. Who could really blame her? The Kingdom Hall was more comforting than this narcissist she married who immediately after the marriage was consummated was still carrying on several online relationships and was waiting for her to leave for work so he could jump online to masturbate to them!

    She should have left him then and there and seemed to have done just that until he flew in after her.

    Then something truly amazing happened. Lloyd became the exJW fat Elvis, and almost overnight had hundreds of people from round the world telling him how great he was and were pushing their money into his hands. The baby came and they got so many donations and gifts sent to them worldwide she had to have been impressed.

    This is where I think he really went off the rails with his arrogant nature. He saw and met a lot of the fans, in particular the women. This is how a predator thinks - when a female is telling him how great his last video was, heā€™s thinking about how he could bed her if it werenā€™t for his wife and child right next to him.

    So he took this underground. Iā€™d say as soon as he had the means as well as the excuses (the frequent travel for exJW meetups), he started paying for sex. 2015 probably, latest 2016. Probably thought of it as a novelty at first (ā€œThatā€™s the third woman I had sex with who is not my wife!ā€) and it soon turned into a necessity.

    ā€Iā€™m flying into Holland to film a documentaryā€

    ā€Oh, so shall I join you?ā€

    ā€No, this is important and itā€™s a working trip. Media contacts will be thereā€

    He probably had his exJW friends on the ground unwittingly running interference for him, relating to her how busy they were and Lloyd had to sneak away to the hotel for a nap.

    Lloyd might just go out like fat Elvis did. Pumped full of drugs and alienated from all reality.

    Someoneā€™s going to find him on the toilet.

  • Tamalam

    Sex work is indeed paid rape.

    The consent would not be there without the money. Therefore, rape.

    If it takes:







    To have sex with a woman, it is rape.

  • Chinapomo

    Biggest change in the history of jw in probably 50 years or something, and Lloyd hasn't said a thing.

    Meanwhile other exjw YouTube channels have plenty of videos covering the news already.

    It's amazing to see how insignificant he has become. He's still posting his useless sushis that no one is watching anyway.

    People who are still giving him free money are retarded. Sorry not sorry.

  • slimboyfat

    I think the biggest change was stopping charging for the literature in the 1990s. Until that point Watchtower was effectively a publishing company and their entire culture (including counting time, placements, return visits, and so on) reflected this. In some ways not counting time is the logical (if much delayed) consequence of no longer functioning as a publishing company.

  • Chinapomo

    It was a big change for the corporation indeed. But the rank and file had no clue about the implications and honestly couldn't care less. This time however every single one of them is affected

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