It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3011 Replies latest jw friends

  • JohnR1975

    It’s so sad how married men ruin their family by sleeping with sex workers and so much pain comes with with prostitution on everybody.

    Lloyd can blame JWs till he is blue in the face but the truth is his example is actually an advertisement for JWs are right and people like Lardface are wrong

  • Diogenesister

    What's with Lloyd & the "putting on a brave face" quote on Instagram?

    Man U isn't being relegated, is it?😂

  • Thisismein1972

    He's having a whale of a time with TDS at the moment, but his X profile is a real echo chamber as no one is interacting with him at all, he barely gets a like.

  • WingCommander

    I remember a few weeks back on Reddit, someone had asked about which ex-JW Youtube channels helped you get out the most. His name was only mentioned like once, and then it was immediately made know in a response what for a slimeball he REALLY was and I had to laugh my ass off. (no it wasn't me commenting) It really shown thru not only how irrelevant he now is, but also how despised his slimy sick behaviour is. Truly, he's done. Gone. Poof! Up in smoke. He might as well buy the townhouse next to TOMO3 down in Lumberton, NC and retire in a life of solitude. Him and Fat Tony can compare vices while laughing about much better and smarter they think they are than everyone else. It'd be like a weird "Odd Couple" revival. lol

  • ukpimo

    Lloyd Evans was fake from start to finish. I can understand why he did what he did, but I don't condone it. Long may his legacy rot in the annals of exjw community history!

  • vienne

    I noticed that a recently completed PhD thesis cited him as a source. That is academic moronism.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I am reading all this talk about Dijana supposedly having a serious relationship with someone. Serious enough that people here are referring to him as these girls’ “step-dad”.

    As wondrous as it would be for those two girls to have someone other than Jabba the Hutt in their life as a male role model, where’s the evidence of this? I can’t see anything on her FB or Instagram, though admittedly I am not a friend so it could be visible for friends only.

    Anyone have pics or SM posts referring to this supposed new man?

    On a more playful note, imagine the sheer amount of material this new guy would have. “Tell me about the ex?” or the livestream. “So tell

    me Di, what didn’t you do for him that made him say you were sexually incompatible?” Imagine asking that question over brunch.

  • TonusOH

    Knowing what we know about him, I really really do not want to know the answer to that question.

  • WingCommander

    Lloyd already answered that question in the letters he sent to Dijana:

    1. Lloyd felt she was to uptight, frigid, whatever because.....

    2. She didn't want him surfing her butthole with his skin board, and also....

    3. Wasn't really up for an "open marriage", AKA: Letting Lloyd "experiment" to explore his possibly bi-sexual side with Thai LadyBoyz or whatever......

    4. Had a problem with Lloyd sexting underage girls. She should've left him on the spot upon finding that out near the beginning. Would've saved herself a lot of time and headache.

  • ukpimo

    I'm not sure if this was ever posted. Despite being an active "apostate" and disfellowshipped from the religion, Lloyd's name was actually on his father's business

    Please do not post any address or company information on this website, follow the link. He only resigned in 2022! Well, Lloyd had been a well known "apostate" for 10 years until that year. It seems that he perhaps still helped his elder father in business without his dad being disgraced by having his elder privilege removed. I find this a disgusting example of double standards. Lloyd himself only became an elder around age 30 because his father was an elder. The following website is helpful in stitching the story together.

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