It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3013 Replies latest jw friends

  • ElderBerry

    His latest video he says he is really struggling with mental health

    he says things going on it’s been emotionally challenging

    could this be his kids new step dad?

    then he talks nonsense about illegal drugs and shrooms for ages.

    it’s obvious he lives in a cheap bed sit on his own with paper thin walls and you can hear the neighbours next door. It must be so depressing living on your own and seeing a new stepdad with your ex

    he then says he describes himself as a 45 year old man struggling with his mental health and that he is stranded in Croatia. Why does he feel stranded?

    if his kids have a new step dad plus they are coming upto the age when they can google their biological dad and feel absolutely devastated and disgusted and disappointed the way he treated their mum and was sexting underage girls

    then he will probably move back to the UK

  • TonusOH

    He is stranded because Croatia is a lot cheaper to live in than the UK.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Since he doesn't believe in God anymore what he describes from a Christian point of view is him giving his body over to demons, you just can't make this stuff up, you need to listen to the end

  • WingCommander

    He's totally unhinged now. Satan and da Demonzzzzzzz have a firm grip on him. (Womp-Womp-Womp!)

    Next up: He'll be calling into Rick FEAR-on's "Six Screens" to try and garner attention back on himself. Rick will oblige, cause he's just as whacky......even more so in his own way. LOL! I can see it now!

    Rick announcing "A very special call-in guest from around the other side of the world" that "you won't want to miss!"

    He builds up suspense for a week.....then Friday night rolls around and a slovenly, disgruntled, high on 'shrooms Lloyd Evans calls in. Stay tuned everyone! If Rick can break him down enough to get him bawling, his ratings will sky-rocket! Hell, I'd tune in to hear that!

  • Thisismein1972

    He has a point. If you look into the woke ideology, which he loves so much then yes he is right to a certain extent. It is an evil Marxist ideology so maybe he has a point.

    He's just garnering attention so people can donate more money. Mental health is a real thing, don't use this to make more money. This is another form of mental health, it is usually classified in the Cluster B personalities.

  • Mikejw

    He actually says the words that his daughters dont need him so much, he sort of says he was there for them but now he has to let them go and he says the words detach !

    he is realising they won’t want anything to do with him when they are old enough to learn about the sex workers

    it seems to me this new step dad will be push Lardy boy out of the picture sooner than we think.

    he will move back to the Uk

  • Diogenesister
    Viennei noticed that a recently completed PhD thesis cited him as a source. That is academic moronism.

    Lord Vienne where was that? What was the Phd thesis about?! Boy that will make his ego hit the roof! I wondered if he'd be chirping on about iicsa since its been in the news a lot in the UK (well what a wash out it was)Its come up over our horrific grooming/mass rape scandal. Keir Stalin and Labour have refused a Statutory national enquiry into the Pakistani muslim child grooming gang scandal because they claim iisca (and another equally useless enquiry that mentions the grooming ONCE) have already looked into it and that the latest town involved should have yet another toothless local investigation! Thing is the abuse is nationwide and these local ones dont have the power to supoena the officials that covered it up including the police, social workers,politicians etc on the grounds of "community cohesion" BARF

    That would look right good for iicsa if it came out in the press that one of their core participants was a sex tourist and suspected groomer of teenage girls himself!

  •  Debra

    He's recently lost 3 patreons so that's probably why he's going on about mental health again to try and win them back and more

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    OK I watched that video. Here are my takeaways:

    When he’s unscripted, he’s incredibly dull. He has a habit of returning to the same point over and over again and repeating himself. It is clear though that the shrooms have altered his mind in no small way.

    He did offer clues as to what MAY be going on. There is currently yet another mental health crisis, so he’s not doing videos again and thanks those still paying him. And this is like what, not even two months after the last begging video?

    The primary reason given for sparking this crisis was the death of Mike Rinder, but he also referred to things happening on the “periphery” which could mean his reaction to Dijana moving on.

    The part that got me was after his latest trip, he claimed a type of god-like power in “creating” his two girls and has certain responsibilities that he clearly feels are a burden to him. He then goes on to suggest he doesn’t need to be involved in every aspect of their lives. When considered alongside his stated belief that he feels stranded in Croatia, it is clear he’s searching for a way out and playing the role of an absent parent.

    I was going to say what a selfish parent he was but deleted it. Actually Lloyd, the best thing you can do right now is get out of those girl’s lives. They don’t need you and judging by your last video, you are actually harming them. Take your fortune cookie wisdom and fuck off for good, you hapless sack of shit.

  • ukpimo

    Lloyd was no different from any jw elder I have ever known, having his own dark history to cover up whilst garnering love and attention from those he duped. That being said, coming to think of it, he was an ex elder. So that's why he was skilled in his deception.

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