It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3010 Replies latest jw friends

    Maybe Lloyd can immigrate to Australia

    No thank you very much!!!

  • ozziepost


    Even us losers and criminals have standards!


  • WingCommander

    I can see it now; Kim calls for an UBER pick-up.

    Lloyd Evans pulls up in a Prius.

    "Hello there! I'm your...........sonnofbitch! You're the reason I'm driving this UBER! This all YOUR fault!"

    Then proceeds to drive off in a huff.

    Next YouTube video is about how Kim has re-entered his life and he's being persecuted. He needs more funding to file suit against Kim in Australia. Oh please, PLEASE send more money!

  • Journeyman

    Maybe Lloyd can immigrate to Australia

    No thank you very much!!!

    I can see it now; Kim calls for an UBER pick-up... [etc]


    Woohoo! We're now into the 300th page - and this is the back-up thread after the previous one collapsed under the strain! 🤣

    Somehow though, I doubt we will see another 300 pages about this character. Hopefully, he's finally running out of steam and will soon vanish into well-deserved obscurity.

    The whole world - and even Evans himself - really needs him to disappear into some obscure corner, drop the whole "activism" con and live out the rest of his life in just an ordinary, inoffensive way without causing other people any more pain or needless drama.

    Not sure it will happen that way though...

  • Thisismein1972
    No thank you very much!!!

    It is your fault the Irish were shipped over to Australia 400 years ago.

    Wait, the Irish were slaves too. My worldview has just been shattered.

    My worldview has just been shattered.


  • JohnR1975

    Serious question, what does Lard Evans do all day?

    he has no job no friends and hinted at not needing to spend time with his daughters now they have a new step dad.

    why is he even still living in a country where he still can’t speak the language?

    he lives in a cheap dump bedsit with paper thin walls. His evenings must be so lonely and depressing

    he makes a half hearted video once in a blue moon

    what does he do all day? He has nothing in his life at all anymore no wonder he has problems with prostitution and drugs.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    341 patrons. -16 from last night.

    Almost like people aren’t seeing the point of funding a guy who is not producing much content and keeps having mental health issues he feeds with psychedelics.

  • WingCommander


    Very good questions and observations. What gets that he's the cause of his own problems. Think about this......this guy had it all. Living high off he hog with the in-laws. Nice looking wife, 2 kids. Upgraded basement studio with all the nice furnishings, etc.....looked really nice to have professional looking broadcasts. Had an actual small staff to edit content, do graphics, etc. A book. A book tour. Traveling the world, seeing places, meeting people.....famous in ex-JW circles. Money coming in every month, enough to live off and thrive even!

    All of that......GONE! Poof! Up in smoke! (like TOMO3 liked to say) All because this weirdo didn't find his wife "enough" and just had to take mental holidays to Thailand to bang LadyBoyz and do who knows what. Then, even more incredibly......actually let other people know his activities who were disgusted enough to leak it to his unsuspecting paying donours. THEN.....go on Youtube with a livestream and embarrass himself even further with basically an online mental breakdown and victim-shaming marathon. What a dumb, pathetic, scumbag this clown is. I feel ZERO pity for his current circumstances. ZERO.

  • Diogenesister
    Interesting that Lloyd's most recent video, "My Beliefs Are Changing," has been up only two days and has 27K views. Whereas his previous eight videos have an average of only 7.2k views.
    This is speculation, but maybe 20k of those 27k views are by Lloyd critics and Lloyd victims watching the slob disintegrate on video.

    Ok I think many of us could hear this one breaking like a fart over a walkie-talkie. I wouldn't be surprised if he takes his cue from another pervy Brit who used to hide behind his "right on, politically correct" persona....Russell Brand. He too "changed his beliefs" when it looked as if his career would tank over abuse claims & became a Christian. Cedars too would be able to resurrect his career by teaching Christians how to debate witnesses & bring them to Christ. But Like Watchtower, money is Cedars real God.

    I think for that reason the US and mainstream Christianity would be Cedars target. That kind of grift would be slim pickings in the JWs & in the UK which is a shadow of it's former self.... and we all know Watchtower doesn't tolerate any competition when it comes to the grift!

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