It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I agree with Simon above. No way in hell a straight, heterosexual male says he wishes he had the option to be Gay. Ummm.....No. I don't even like to see guys in straight porn, much less have even a microgram of homosexual tendency in my body. It's just not there, I'm not wired for it. About the closest I could even get to maybe being even slightly Gay, would be just to say that such-an-such is a handsome Tom Cruise or something. In a complimentary fashion, not in a "I'd like to get me some of that ass" fashion.

    Lloyd is GAY. At least Bi. Maybe even SUPER-GAY. I mean c'mon, Thailand is known for their "Lady-Boiz". Why else frequent there, when you've got Amsterdam so close by where certain parts prostitution is legal and the women are like a buffet? No, Lloyd likes a certain "type." Maybe even a bit younger than what he'd admit or is legal anywhere else? Shudder.

  • Jehalapeno

    I don’t know what kind of food Croatia serves other than I’m sure it’s close to Greek cuisine and other cuisines of the eastern Mediterranean, but I am sure of one thing:

    “Beans on Toast” isn’t a Croatian dish.

    How can someone that comes from a culture of “beans on toast” criticize another country’s dishes?

  • TonusOH

    His biggest problem is that he doesn't realize he's bad at comedy.

    Which is the same sort of problem that has led to where he is now. He doesn't realize that he's a bad husband. And a bad father. Now we can add comedian, musician, and food critic to that list.

  • DerekMoors

    His comedy video is down to 79% upvotes. I noticed he had bumped up to 369 patrons but is back down to 367. Still too many but at least it's going in the right direction.

  • nicolaou

    A big shout out to TonusOH who went to the trouble of transcribing the 'meltdown' video of our favourite crusty wanksock. I've added it to the site at

    The links are also now Search Engine Friendly and nicer to share.

    Enjoy (well, you know what I mean)

  • TonusOH

    Thanks for uploading it, nic!

    YouTube did most of the work. I think I mentioned in this topic that YT has a transcription option now. And it does a remarkably good job. I guess it helps that Evans (even when he is making a half-drunk livestream) talks at an even pace and enunciates clearly. It only took three or four hours (spread out over the course of a month or so) to fix a few words and remove the extraneous "um" and "uh" that are scattered about. Even better, I only had to watch the stream two times to complete it!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    His biggest problem is that he doesn't realize he's bad at comedy.

    And this video was a compilation. Meaning he thought these passages were actually the good portions of his stand-up. I'd hate to see what didn't make the cut.

    Most of these jokes weren't even jokes. Talking about JW upbringing and what was disallowed isn't that. There was no punchline. Any Brit could have offered the same wry reasoning that an Indian dish is now the national dish. He probably had heard that comment on a television show and recycled it for people who had little or no exposure to it.

    The part about him thinking his privates were going to explode after a discussion about masturbation with his dad was something I thought he would drop based on how it completely sucked the air out of the room on the last one. We keep asking the same question - why did he tell Kim and Bob he was seeing prostitutes? The answer is right in front of us. He likes talking about his private parts and what he does to it in public. He seems to really get off on it. I seriously doubt Dijana would have ever rang the bell on why he resigned as an elder and that entire mess, but there he went - it was because he was sexting other women! Like it was something "cool" that he did. Almost like it's his own bat-signal to horny women in the audience that he's available and up for just about anything.

  • DerekMoors
    He likes talking about his private parts and what he does to it in public. He seems to really get off on it.

    I think he's also so narcisstic and disconnected from other people that he doesn't realize they're not interested. If he's thinking about his dick, then of course other people want to hear about it. If he's obsessed with how it's all Watchtower's fault that he's messed up, then of course complete strangers are hanging on his every word about it.

    He really, truly doesn't understand that other people don't care and that there's a huge world out there where people aren't always thinking about sex and aren't fascinated with all things JW.

    It also speaks volumes to how he hasn't grown as a person after leaving WT. He can't make jokes about work, social media, celebrities, life experiences, etc. because he's still living in his weird little bubble. His crack about women leading him on was also bizarre in a room with women present. Doesn't occur to him that maybe they wouldn't appreciate that insulting stereotype? Just a narcissist, through and through.

  • Thisismein1972

    So here's my thoughts on the gey day thing.

    He has mentioned before that he is not sexually compatible with his ex wife.

    He has dyed his hair a very gay blond.

    He does have a very feminine way about him, just look at his videos and his actions.

    The way he acts and the angst he seems to go through suggests he is hiding something and feels the need to overcompensate.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    So here's my thoughts on the gey day thing.
    He has mentioned before that he is not sexually compatible with his ex wife.

    To add: The reason his wife gave as to their sexual incompatibility is that he primarily desired anal sex. She did not. They hadn't had vaginal intercourse since before his youngest was born in 2019. Not to say they weren't intimate since then, but it primarily consisted of him asking her to do things whilst he masturbated.

    Doesn't mean he's gay, but worth noting.

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