It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144thousand_and_one
    He's harking back to the days when he had an army of trolls/flying monkeys that would jump as soon as he put the call out.

    I have to laugh at anyone who ever took SlobLloyd seriously. I find it humorous that some people were dumb enough to give this guy their money. The only thing I would ever have considered giving him is a limpe and a well-placed kick to the bum.

    I have to laugh at anyone who ever took SlobLloyd seriously. I find it humorous that some people were dumb enough to give this guy their money. The only thing I would ever have considered giving him is a limpe and a well-placed kick to the bum.

    Sometimes the truth hurts, and oooof your comment hurt. You are entirely correct and I consider myself thoroughly laughed at and kicked up the bum. Not offering an excuse, only my perspective. When you leave a cult and are all sorts of emotional (angry, confused, sad etc) Lloyd seemed like a “great place to repair”.

    I accept your opinion wholeheartedly as it was clearly NOT a safe place to repair 👍

  • 144thousand_and_one
    Sometimes the truth hurts, and oooof your comment hurt.

    I'm sorry for my choice of words as I didn't intend to cause anyone on this forum any discomfort. I've always considered SlobLloyd to be a soft, wimpy stooge who is full of shit; hence my previous post. It's always been obvious to me, but apparently not so obvious to those who like you, needed somewhere to "repair." However, at this point in time, SlobLloyd's supporters have no excuse. The facts are there if they choose to read them. My question for his "Patreons" is what are you getting for your money, and why do you continue to support this lop of shit?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    He never expected to see the day that the numbers would swing back against him.
    This is a huge reason why he had misplayed this from the beginning. Let’s be honest here - it was a huge invasion of privacy. Most scandals are. He’s just dead wrong about the implications behind the revelations and felt that the outcry and victimhood he would claim as a result of private information being leaked would outweigh the real reason why this was a scandal of epic proportions.

    Consider for a moment - Tampongate. Did the British people absolutely need to know that their future King made a disgusting and perverted comment to Camilla Parker-Bowles about being her tampon? No…. But did they deserve to know that their future King was carrying on an intimate affair with a married woman whilst betraying their future (and beloved) Queen? Absolutely. This is a guy who is in every way is representing them. On currency, internationally, and even has a weekly meeting with the PM on policy.

    Did exJWs need to know all the sordid details about the collapse of Lloyd and Dijana’s marriage? Likewise - no. But in the big picture of things, one must consider this - he was fundraising off her and accepting earthquake relief money on hers and the girl’s behalf. How much did that earthquake fund go towards his Thailand trip? It was supposed to be used for his promised family home in Istria - something he emotionally blackmailed her with after she asked for the divorce - when the money was half hers by all rights.

    The reasons why exJWs needed to know the full truth about the entire affair are:

    1. Lloyd is a known liar, manipulator and bully. Pics, emails and WhatsApp conversations had to be released, otherwise he’d lie about the entire thing and get away with it.
    2. Money donated to him - be it Patreon, PayPal, or earthquake funds - was being used to fund a sex holiday in Thailand. And it was - Dijana didn’t ask for a divorce during the trip because Lloyd was enjoying the elephants and beaches.
    3. Lloyd was a representative of the community. He didn’t say this outright and has consistently denied it since the scandal broke, but nevertheless he had placed himself in this position…. The Leah Remini Special, IICSA, various comments made to newspapers as an “exJW activist.

    Yet there exists a Charles III while Lloyd is no longer by any stretch of the imagination considered a representative of exJWs. Why? Charles didn’t go on a drunken livestream after Tampongate, admit to the entire conversation, relating how he thought of being Camilla Parker-Bowles’ tampon every 2-3 months for 3-4 years. He didn’t blurt out that Diana didn’t please him sexually. He didn’t threaten baseless lawsuits against the radio operator and media outlets after he fully admitted what was said and added more.

    Charles “shut the fuck up and got off social media”. Lloyd gave the biggest sob story, implicated himself further, then contradicted himself by backing off some admissions, and then sued 7 foreigners in a podunk Croatian court using absolutely moronic pseudo-legal reasoning.

    A book can be written about this - it’s so indicative of how one can be so consumed by his initial success.

  • nicolaou
    Lloyd was a representative of the community. He didn’t say this outright and has consistently denied it since the scandal broke

    I'd argue that he DID claim to represent exJWs. His original jwsurvey site carried the tagline "giving a voice to the silent majority".

    As presumptuous as ever.

    I'm sorry for my choice of words as I didn't intend to cause anyone on this forum any discomfort.

    No apology required 144K, you were 100% correct in your assessment. There were so many things that I didn’t know about lloyd when I left, I would never have supported his work if I had known. It is my hope that now that the information is out that people like me don’t make the same mistake. Those who know and continue to support his work are beyond my help 💜

  • TonusOH

    If you look back at the archives in this forum, a lot of people gave Evans the benefit of the doubt. Only a handful of people saw him for what he was, and they got as much grief from people defending him as they did from Evans himself. Go back to the start of this topic (the first thread) and you will see some pushback even after the livestream.

    As a social species, we tend to trust people and give them the benefit of the doubt. Lloyd's aggressive and arrogant posture also tends to put people on the defensive and most will back down. It's not surprising that he got away with it, since he always played it out as if he was just defending himself from attackers and 'haters.' It was only his arrogance that led him to overreact to Kim's actions and make that disastrous livestream. Had he taken the time to assess the situation and made a reasoned response, he might still have most of his support.

    I don't blame most of his supporters and helpers --Kim included-- for being there as long as they were. I do agree that anyone who supports him now is somehow ignorant of what has been going on (how?!?), or simply doesn't care. The latter boggles my mind. It's not as if Evans is doing much of anything these days that could be considered activism. Who is he saving? Who is he helping, aside from himself? What does he do that is worth throwing money at, anymore?

  • 144thousand_and_one
    What does he do that is worth throwing money at, anymore?

    What did he ever do that was worth "throwing money at?"

  • Simon
    When you leave a cult and are all sorts of emotional (angry, confused, sad etc) Lloyd seemed like a “great place to repair”.

    That's exactly why he hangs around exJWs - the vulnerable people leaving the WTS are easy picking for a predator to take advantage of.

    People both want to help but also need help from others, what they don't need is to be fleeced.

    No one should feel bad for being trusting and wanting to help "the cause".

    Everyone who leaves feels like they want to destroy the WatchTower. It's understandable due to the hurt they cause. But after some number of years out everyone realizes that it's simply unrealistic. What is inexcusable is to know that and be making promises that you'll bring it about, if people donate money to you. He must know it's impossible and isn't going to happen, otherwise he's even dumber than we think, so the only explanation for taking people's money is that it is a grift.

  • NotFormer
    What is inexcusable is to know that and be making promises that you'll bring it about, if people donate money to you.

    Isn't that somewhat what the WT does?

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