It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    I think he said "poopies" not "boobies." Hence the pooh in the "apology" drawing he gave to Jessica.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Lousy fathers have a tendency to overcompensate the few times they are with their kids. It's their way of fending off allegations they know are true - they are "weekend dads" who have little to do with the day-to-day parenting of their kids. With the advent of social media, you can see it all over - dead-beat and feckless fathers taking selfies of themselves and their kids doing something fun. After that contrivance with the girls was recorded and safely uploaded to Instagram, Jabba the Hutt went back to scrolling dating sites and the like whilst the Evans girls returned to their Disney movie. He probably responds to their myriad of child-like questions without even looking up from his phone.

  • usualusername1
  • MeanMrMustard

    "What I give" - A Haiku by Lloyd Evans

    Lovely sex workers.
    Transactions define my soul.
    Empty, small payments.

  • DerekMoors

    And another one bites the dust. That's 10 so far since the beginning of the month. Happy new year Lloyd!

  • TonusOH

    JW Watch is finally back up. No updates since 2021, though.

    The "about" page is funny, because it now has over 18,000 'comments'. I don't know if there are any legit comments, because spammers are adding new comments every hour. In fact, you can now tell how long the site was down by checking the time stamps on the spam: It was down from October 4, 2023 to January 19, 2024. I wonder if we can add links to this topic and to the comments. It would be a real chore to find them in all of that spam.

    Edit to add: Looks like almost all of his pages have a comment section that is flooded with spam. Good job maintaining the site, I guess...

  • DerekMoors
    Looks like almost all of his pages have a comment section that is flooded with spam. Good job maintaining the site, I guess...

    Shows how well he does without people around him doing all the work. He also bragged some months back about being excited to get back to writing and there's still no new content there and nothing about this supposed next book. Buckling down and doing actual work when you don't have a big windfall of money in your hands is just too much for him I guess.

    Interesting that he got no likes or comments on this. I'm not saying for sure that no one showed up for the zoom call but you'd think at least one person retrieving the link would give it a like.

    He's gotta know this shit is over for him. No one is feeding him insider stuff about Norway or Spain or anything else, his video on the leaked CSA form is stagnant at 23K views in 11 days. His shrooms video also has less than a 77% thumbs up ratio. Loser.

  • Caminante

    JW Watch has been down because of some malfunctioning plugin, one couldn't even access the admin portion of the site because of the same error. Obviously he will need to do some cleaning up, and remove all the spam.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    He also bragged some months back about being excited to get back to writing and there's still no new content there and nothing about this supposed next book.

    He did say he was writing the 2nd edition of TRA plus a new book - topic unknown. A second edition of TRA shouldn't take that long:

    • Perform a CTL-F on all mention of "girls" and replace with "women". The section about getting aroused when the "girls" served him at MTS School is troublesome. Keep your old copies because they are about to become useful against this creep after he tries to sanitise it.
    • Delete the passage about the Christmas tree.
    • Write a new chapter on events since 2017 - suck himself off re: the Leah Remini special, and report on Tony Morris being removed, beard policy change and plagarise someone else's reporting on the Norway case.
    • New chapter on the Thailand scandal and his version of it - in other words lie about it and only present information he can twist to suit him. Attack the M7 and others, making his tiresome excuse that it is all part of a JW Mindsetâ„¢. Call them all criminals, racists or something - Lloyd has this chapter already written.

    See, I just outlined it for him. No charge. Oddly he mentioned a German translation of it but no other language. Mexico and Brazil have huge JW populations compared to German speaking countries and regions and it makes no sense to not have translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Maybe he's still sore about how his Spanish translation went? I think it's obvious that he has a German speaking insider he trusts, thus the reason for that language.

    Buckling down and doing actual work when you don't have a big windfall of money in your hands is just too much for him I guess.

    This is another problem for him and possibly why he's in no hurry. He knows he's not getting $21K crowdfunded for this book. He might clear a couple thousand or so but nothing significant, and it probably does more damage than good as people see yet more evidence that he's a profiteer.

  • TonusOH

    Thanks for the info, Caminante.

    On the "About" page, there is a comment from August 27, 2021 that appears legit, and the next comment is a spambot posting on December 22, 2022. After that, it's all spam. The last real comment is on page 8 of the comment section, which now runs to 457 pages.

    I wonder if someone kept the site cleaned up for a while, then it was either shut down or inaccessible until December 2022? In any case, the spambots kept dumping all over it until October 2023, when the site was down. At this point, it probably would be best to simply shut down the comment sections.

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