I am getting disfellowshipped

by CitizenofEarth 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tomas Moro
    Tomas Moro

    Si adistes a ese comite, estás reconociendo poder de ellos sobre ti.

    Y eres esclavo de ellos porque te presentas para recibir su supuesta autoridad.

    S les importara tu espiritualidad, te ayudarian.

    Y de todas formas, te van a expulsar, hagas lo que hagas. Ir es solo para que te humillen.

    Lo mejor es no presentarte y no explicar nada más.

  • Diogenesister

    Just in case you want to meet with them and talk about your stance on disfellowshipping, you might find this handy.( I understand meeting them might be more about recording it for your parents, some choose to comply for family and of course that's entirely your prerogative).

    Here is the Watchtower that states that disfellowshipping ( or excommunication) is a pagan practice: http://governingbodyletters.blogspot.com/2008/06/according-to-awake-january-8-1947.html

    Remember Also that in 1 Corinthians Paul was talking about socializing with a man who was living with his fathers wife! He also said it was from him and not from God at some point.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Tomas Moro

    Si adistes a ese comite, estás reconociendo poder de ellos sobre ti.

    Y eres esclavo de ellos porque te presentas par.....

    If you adhere to that committee, you are recognizing their power over you.
    And you are a slave to them because you present yourself to receive their supposed authority.
    If you care about your spirituality, they will help you.
    And anyway, they're going to expel you, whatever you do. Going is only to be humiliated.
    The best thing is not to introduce yourself and not explain anything else.
  • Hecce
  • Vanderhoven7

    You indicate that you would like to lambase the elders

    The time to tell them off is when they invite you to their meeting...rather than at the meeting itself.

    When they call to schedule a meeting ask them why should attend a meeting of an organization you want exactly nothing to do with.

    If they ask why...ask them why you should have anything to do with an organization that protects pedophiles rather than their child victims

    That joined hands with the wild beast of revelation for 10 years

    That never could interpret Bible prophesy correctly...but went on pretending it could for 150 years

    That banned lifesaving medical procedures such as vaccinations and organ transplants for years

    That you wouldn't bother to give the time of day to an organization that obviously is not directed by God. So why should you waist a minute of you time at their meeting.

    It's nice to leave the organization on such good terms. ;^)

  • OnTheWayOut

    I join the chorus of voices.

    Congratulations on sticking up for your friends and not giving the elders any power over you.

    And I would also say anything you want to teach them, prove to them, whatever, is falling on closed minds. Better to keep giving them no power by not showing up.

    If you must go, you do it for yourself, not for them.

  • GTSfromSY

    My heart goes out to you my friend. Truly my friend.

    I cannot begin to give you advice because I do not know much about coping with shunning. Honestly my family could shun me and it would not really matter. I was never blessed with truly loving friends in the truth and I have always known it even when I was PIMI.

    Although I love my parents, I don't really like who and what they are especially my father who is an elder and of the caliber of the ones you dealt with, so no lose really there either.

    I mental prepped myself to be cut off and stopped caring to a great degree about my parents long ago. That sounds horrible I know, but true. We are CULT survivors so our experiences are anything but normal. For me if it happens I will leave with all my emotions and peace of mind fully intact. No one is worth the price of that to ME.

    If you feel like "returning to jah" just to get back to a state to converse with others you know again, then do so and don't let others judge you for it if that is what you want and how you feel.

    I hope things turn out with minimal negative effects on you. I know from others that it may be rough. Please keep my profile handy and DM if you need a listening ear. I don't think I could give any good advice for you because I am not experienced in that area of JW life but I will always be encouraging!

    Hold your head up high however because it is clear as rain that the WT is falling and with, either willingly or unwillingly, release those captive in her at some point. I strongly, based off of what is internally going on and the crippling events they are sustaining for now, that it will happen in the very near future.

    Take care and best wishes.


  • MrRoboto

    I wouldsuggest NOT bringing up points that draw into question the authority or legitamacy of the org only because you said that you are trying to record for your family to hear. if you get DF for apostacy they will be less likely to hear you out than if you get DF for "brazen conduct"

    I loke the idea of showing the 1947 article, you could simply say that you agree with what the org wrote there. May I suggest giving each elder a copy but that you read out loud the paragraph where it mentions the pagan origens and the purpose being to control the members. Out loud so it gets on your recording and they may feel pushed to respond. then perhaps mention that jesus never commanded to shun or excercised shunning of anyone and so "Im sorry if my efforts to be more christ-like stumble you but rest assured that I have already forgiven you for what you are about to do."

    Melt them with hot coals :)

    or just skip the whole thing and move on. I feel for your situation with fam being in though. its going to be a rough ride, hang in there.

    oh and congrats for being a real human being to your fellow man, we need more people like that in the world.

  • zeb

    'If you turn up, you are legitimising the cult's authority over you' ...couldn't have said it better.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    May I ask.......would your disfellowsipped friends do the same? If its the same elder body on their case.....you could bet dollars to donuts that they are going to tell those gys they can't reinstated for associating with YOU too. Just something to breach with them. Would your parents speak to you if you were disfellowshipped?

    If you don't care about being DF'd (like really don't care), then record it, and have a bit of sport. There is nothing in the bible that suggests speaking with someone who has been disfellowshipped or marked is a disfellowshipping offense. Where is the scriptural backing?

    Also, the flock book says if someone is "not identified as one of JW's by the community" then there is no reason to go after them. Then again.....that book contradicts itself all of the time.

    Or.....if you don't care about meeting up with them, but don't want to be disfellowshipped, tell them that you haven't been identifying as a JW in the community, and there is no reason to disfellowship you. You left respectfully, through the back door, for "matters of conscience" that you feel no need to discuss so as not to affect their faith negatively. This is a statement I stick with, and have had much success with. Note......I am not disfellowshipped. Explain ot them there is no reason to harrass you and reach this far into your life to disrupt your relationship with your family, when you have simply left. I believe that there is a portion of the ARC video where Geoffrey Jackson says they do not do such a thing. Maybe have it qued up on the I pad?

    I would have all of this for sport to be honest. I can't wait for some brothers to come to my door, or bring the CO by.......(they just don't.......I wonder why?) :)

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