Did Jeruselm fall in 587 or 586 BCE?

by Doug Mason 277 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shepherdless
    You have been misled and deceived by the false teachers.

    Projecting, much.

    The date 537 BCE is is the accepted date for the Return 0f the Jews to Judah thus officially ending the 70 years.

    By nobody, except Watchtower. And based on nothing but a fudge. They want 607BC to be true so they make up an event in 537BC, on zero evidence. In any event, Jer 25:12 is absolutely clear that the 70 years ends at (or prior to) the fall of Babylon.

    Jer. 25:12 only comes into effect after the 70 years had ended in 537 BCE and not 539 BCE at the Fall of Babylon for it begins as a qualifier "But when 70 years have been fulfilled"

    Completely wrong. Re-read Jer 25:12

    and Dan 9:1-2 refers to the ending of the 70 years after Babylon fell for Daniel observed the matter in 'the first year of Darius'.

    Daniel only refers back to Jeremiah, and doesn’t change or add anything at all. Why do you refer to it?

    Also, side point: this is the passage that incorrectly states Darius I was the father of (not the son of) Xerxes. Darius I was the Persian King at the Battle of Marathon. Xerxes was the Persian King at the later battle of Thermopylae. By the way, you do realise most scholars think that Daniel was written in about 167BC, there I no record of that Book existing before that date, the Jews don’t include him in their list of prophets, etc?

  • Finkelstein

    The dishonest one says .....

    The Bible presents the facts about what happened to the Jews

    during the period of Babylonian domination.

    Yes it does and you and your other novice bible scholars who are in the JW organization are dismissive to those facts.

    The WTS cultivated its power by being lying deceiving bible interpreters and therefore are apostates/false Prophets.

    Crooked charlatans running their own publishing house dont make true bible scholars.

  • Sanchy

    The WT chronology regarding 1914 thoroughly collapses at the forced eisegesis used in relation to it's dual interpretation of Daniel Chapter 4.

    There is absolutely no reason to connect the vision described in Daniel chapter 4 to the 70 weeks mentioned in Jeremiah, other than by applying gymnastics of the mind; but of course, Watchtowerites are Olympians when it comes to this sport.

    Just my 2c
  • sir82

    Y'know, in troubled times such as these, it's reassuring to know there are some things you can count on.

    The sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.

    The tide will go out, then come in, then go out again.

    And on JWN, in any thread whose subject is Jerusalem's destruction by Babylon, dozens of JWN posters will yet again argue furiously, and to no avail, with the one-note troll known as "Scholar".

  • scholar


    The date 537 BCE is generally accepted by scholars for the Return of the Jews which means once you go back 70 years you arrive at 607 BCE. nice and easy!!!!!

    You need to reread Jer. 25:12

    Daniel provides context essential in the understanding of matters. Nice and Easy!!!!

    We are talking about Darius the Mede in the case of Daniel 9:1

    The said scholar not giving in to any hysteria.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    WT scholars and the said scholar love facts and only deal with facts for we are factual and love the Bible. Do you?

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    WT Chronology in connection with the doctrine of the Gentile Times ending in 1914 CE is well based on Daniel 4 attested by Luke 21:24. Further, the book of Jeremiah does not deal with 70 weeks but 70 years for the 70 weeks prophecy is described in Daniel 9 which is based on the prayer of Daniel on the basis of the 70 years of Desolation lamented by Daniel the prophet.

    Make sure your mental gymnastics is accurate and fair!!!

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Scholar appreciates your compliment. It is nice to know that scholar is reliable just like the heavenly bodies and other terrestrial forces for scholar must be doing something right.

    scholar JW emeritus

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    The 70 years ends with the fall of Babylon, not with the return of the exiles. 539. Easy!!! 👍

  • scholar

    joey jojo

    Sorry. That opinion does not work for the Bible clearly shows that the 70 years ended with the Return of the Jewish Exiles in 537 BCE and not with the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE. In 539 BCE the Jews were still in Babylon not yet then released and Judah was still desolated so such a hypothesis is impossible.

    scholar JW

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