YELLOW RIBBON : Show your support!

by email 118 Replies latest social current

  • email

    A lot of us can have different opinions about going war... some can support it... other can protest it... and that’s what freedom of speech is all about. But there's a threshold and we're PAST that threshold... we're AT war. So no matter what your opinions were before or even now NO ONE can change the fact that we are at war and that won't change no matter how much those that oppose it try. Now that we're at war, no matter what our opinions might have been, I think ALL of us HAVE to support our TROOPS... and their safe return home...

    Therefore I’m proposing showing your YELLOW RIBBON on each post. The yellow ribbon does NOT necessarily mean that you are in favor of the war… but you’re supporting our troops and hoping for their safe return home.

    I hope you can all join in and show your support.

    The link below is to the graphic that you can attach to your postings:


  • pr_capone

    Hey brudda email! Good idea mang though I plan on spamming the place tonight so I might forget on a post or 2.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Scarlet

    I think this is a wonderful Idea email. Our troops need all the support they can get.


  • email
  • xenawarrior

    I'm there !!!! Great idea (((((((((((((((email)))))))))))))


  • TR

    I'm in agreement with the war, and I support our troops.


  • neyank


    Just testing to see if it works.


  • neyank

    It didn't work.

    How do you guys get the ribbon in your posts.


  • email


    You have to click on an icon on the edit/post window that says (while you hover your mouse OVER it) INSERT Picture from web...

    Click there then type the address ( ) on the "Picture Source"

  • LyinEyes

    I also support our troops who are over there risking their lives.

    We have Barksdale Airforce Base here in Bossier City , Louisiana, and yesterday on the news they were able to talk to one of the officers that is over there fighting by phone.

    He was 30 years old and his message was that the morale was high and he was proud of what he is doing fighting for the freedom of his wife and little boy he has at home. He said that is the motivating factor for him to get up each morning and do what he is doing, after being gone from home for4 months. He said no matters what happens he will do whatever it takes to make sure his wife and son live in a freedom .

    I know many mothers in our little town who's sons are stationed off in differnt places and I see the worry in their faces. I can only imagine if it was my son or husband,,,,,,,,,,so I will be praying for their safe return home, and I thank them for their sacrifice.

    Great post Email.........hugsssssssssDede

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