Why all the hate...

by Dystopia 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Ok gang it's time. From this point on, no matter how tempting it might be, let's not feed the troll anymore....it loves and thrives on the attention far too much and besides we wouldn't want to distract it from preparing it's Saturday morning magazine presentation.

  • talesin

    This meme I copied from another thread sums it up quite nicely for me ... only make the person young, sick, and did nothing wrong except refuse to attend the Kingdom Hall with the drunks and fornicators (saw with my own eyes) who dare to judge others. Those who drove my 17YO friend to hang himself. Those who knowingly deny their own child is being raped, and treat their child's rapist like a family member. Yes, I hate *some* of Jehovah's Witnesses.



  • talesin

    Pete, like Simon said, carry on, it's a good question. Forget the troll. So what? Who cares? Let the lurkers learn why we hate the WTBTS. Some of us hate the abusive individuals. I forgive not, those who sanction child molesters, and those who abuse their own children. Period. xx

  • Vidiot

    Alive! - "...the ongoing exposure to seriously disturbing thought patterns revealed by others, violent and dysfunctional families, depression, mental illness was and possibly is rife - too many, it was so thoroughly pervasive in every congregation I stayed at... once the veil was lifted. This wasn't just imperfect men - something was up..."

    It's quite the paradigm shift when you realize that (as sparrowdown so eloquently put it recently) it's not just a few bad apples in the barrel... it's the barrel making the apples go bad.

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