Why all the hate...

by Dystopia 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

    It's within my legal rights that this thread be deleted or else, or else I'll be back; Under a covert ID and numerous other IDs that will get very personal with the moderators of this forum.....Dystopia/Default

    2 accounts already?!.......You must be Very Important!..LOL!!..

    You intend to Cause some Real Trouble?..


    ...................Image result for Good luck with that

  • Hadriel
    It's within my legal rights that this thread be deleted or else, or else I'll be back; Under a covert ID and numerous other IDs that will get very personal with the moderators of this forum.

    You apparently never got beyond the first two paragraphs of the terms (see below). With your statement you're already indicating intent to break the terms. And just for the record if requested I will use my IT expertise/talents to track your butt down if you do anything malicious or outside the terms. You had your fun move along. You're likely a JW it would be a real bummer for you to get exposed I would imagine.

  • TheMark
    I think he means business.
  • smiddy

    Dystopia ,/ Default

    [" crimes punishable by law " is a responsibility shouldered by each and every individual person ]

    Apart from the mandatory law requiring persons to report Child Sexual Abuse , the onus is on any and every individual to report a crime especially against a child , failure to do so means that person is complicit in that crime.

    All of those Elders handling the 1006 Child sexual abuse cases in Australia ,which equates to at least 3018 Elders , should face the strong arm of the Law and have the book thrown at them for failing to report just one case they were involved in.

    And I say this quoting your own words above.


  • smiddy

    Welcome Luna , your first post was excellent ,hope to hear a lot more from you .


  • Listener
    Welcome Luna, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.
  • honest

    Why all the hate? Sorry dude you mean why do jehovah's witnesses have such hatred for ex members? if they didn't hate us so much by taking our families away from us, call us liars and mentally diseased, then we wouldn't have anything to complain about. Most of us would still think of the cult as a whacky religion and just let it be.

    But since this cult is evil to the core and goes against basic human rights, it's not going to get rave reviews, is it?

    Give me my freedom and My family and stop name calling me ( mentally diseased) then I'll shut up.


    Once again, I’m asking you to delete my thread;

    If you can’t perform this task,

    you’re obviously some sick person who can’t come to terms with remedial logic.....Dystopia/Default/Jaxx77


    Genius that you are..

    Your not talking to the person with the capabilities to do that..LOL!!..

    Are there any other people you`d like to make demands from,who don`t have Administrative Capabilities?..

    How about threatening a local Chinese Restaurant?.......Or..


    ..............................Maybe This Guy?..

    .............Image result for Goofy

  • sir82

    I can address all of your talking points if you request it, but for the time being I’ll address just one.

    “Not reporting child abuse.”

    The fixation on Jehovah's Witnesses doesn't make any sense.

    There’s no organization blamed for not getting the police involved with adherents that attend activities associated with an organization, unless a crime committed has something to do with the organization itself.

    Free, unsolicited advice:

    "We're nothing special, we're just as corrupt and wicked as everyone else" is a pretty poor line of defense.

  • Jaxx777

    It's up to everyone to keep this forum open to all participants as advertised.

    If you don't want a certain group of individuals participating (e.g. JW Apologists)

    Simply say so at the onset.

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