Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!

by Simon 173 Replies latest social current

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Read about the history of abortion.

    If prostitution is the oldest profession, then performing abortions for those women is probably the second oldest.

    Its easy for a conservative middle aged, middle classed man to tell a young woman how she should live her life. Now imagine if you were that young woman of 16 or 17 with that decision weighing on you because you made a bad choice. I would guess that a lot of those middle aged men have daughters that have had abortions and they probably arent even aware of it.

    Dont get me wrong, Im extremely uncomfortable with the idea of abortion but I havent walked in the shoes of someone that has had to make that decision.

  • sloppyjoe2

    @joey jojo we don’t live in a society where people care about walking in other peoples shoes. We don’t live in a society where people can let something they disagree with happen that has no bearing on their lives. We live in a society where someone’s beliefs or opinions should be forced on others. In this topic, you either accept abortion or you don’t. If you do accept abortions you accept that babies will be eliminated that could have lived a full life. If you don’t accept abortions, you either don’t care about any circumstance that could warrant an abortion or most circumstances. In this situation you don’t care about the negative consequences that not aborting the baby would cause. This is such a touchy topic and in reality there will never be agreement.

  • TonusOH
    Its easy for a conservative middle aged, middle classed man to tell a young woman how she should live her life. Now imagine if you were that young woman of 16 or 17 with that decision weighing on you because you made a bad choice.

    I'm not sure that's a good example. If that man was the father of that young woman, I'd wager that the reason for any problem is the fact that he did not offer her guidance, counsel, or advice on sex. It's a common problem here, especially with religious families (and more so with fundamentalists); they are uncomfortable discussing sex with their teenaged children, assuming that if they outright forbid it, that will be enough.

    Nor would I necessarily trust a 16/17-year-old to handle such a situation well by themselves, seeing as they have very little life experience (something their parents do have, seeing as they have had at least one child). Leaving her to make that decision --and live with the consequences-- all by herself is not ideal, in my opinion. But this is another problem with a clear solution that is nonetheless fraught-- teach sex ed in schools, and ask parents to discuss these issues with their children. Find some way to impress on the most anti-abortion parents to take the lead in helping to reduce the issue by doing something they seem to dread- talking about sex with their children.

    Now, if you are comparing a woman in her 20s or 30s with that middle-aged man, your point is much stronger. I wouldn't necessarily dismiss the concerns or thoughts of the man, but I would place the woman's experience far higher when considering the issue.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Instead of using chemical castration drugs on our teenagers, how about a 3 strikes you are out law? Get three women pregnant you are not married to and you get automatically chemically castrated.

    Here's an interesting video that asks a simple question: What is a woman?. I'd like to see a similar one titled What is a man? It is time America shakes off all the liberal indoctrination that we have been subjected to and start revisiting basic questions of our existence.

  • Simon
    If prostitution is the oldest profession, then performing abortions for those women is probably the second oldest.

    At one time, birth control was difficult and had a high failure rate. And pregnancy & childbirth was dangerous and had a higher death rate.

    But we're in 2022 now, not the 1800's. Things have changed.

    Birth control is surely easier and safer than abortion.

  • Simon
    If you don’t accept abortions, you either don’t care about any circumstance that could warrant an abortion or most circumstances.

    Can you point to anyone saying anything remotely like this?

    It's possible to be against abortion in general, the frivolous use of abortion and promotion of abortion as some "wonderful achievement" for political purposes, and simultaneously have sympathy for individual cases where people are in difficult situations.

    One particularly sad group are trafficked women, forced into prostitution, that Planned Parenthood could do more to help and rescue but instead perpetuate their suffering by erasing the "problem" so they can be put back to work.

    Laws should be viewed holistically. Human traffickers should face the death penalty.

  • sloppyjoe2

    @simon it was certainly a broad statement. So I will be more specific. If one is against all abortions no matter what, they don’t care about the following. A woman raped that doesn’t want the child. Incest causing pregnancy. A woman that may die if the fetus is not terminated. A fetus that will never be able to be functional due to a genetic disorder and the parents would prefer to terminate. And like you said forced prostitution which i would classify as rape. If you read my prior comments, I don’t think abortion is good. I don’t glorify it and I don’t think it should be happening past viability. I just prefer we keep our freedoms. There was already a post about what to do with men that get women pregnant. Eliminating one freedom will now lead to eliminating more freedoms.

  • redvip2000
    If one is against all abortions no matter what.

    In my experience, the people who are against all forms of abortion are typically religious nuts and ideologues. These are the people that claim that a second after conception, some magical spirit enters the fertilized egg.

    Most rational people understand that there is a difference between living tissue and an individual. And most rational people understand that the line between going from living tissue to an individual is not perfect. Is it 15 weeks? 20? 25? it can be debated, but it certainly isn't 1 second after conception and it's not 1 second before birth.

  • redvip2000

    Btw, I just saw an add on TV where Newsom is saying that they will welcome people from all states in Cali where they can seek "reproductive care".

    "Reproductive care"? Notice the branding here. It almost seems women can't go to the doctor in that medicine area at all. It's infuriating how every issue under the sun has to be sanitized with some PC language. Nothing can be called what it really is anymore.

    Everybody has to pretend something is slightly better than what is it, as if there is shame in calling it abortion. If you pro abortion, then be proud and call it abortion.

    Calling it "pro-choice" is similar. Another attempt at sanitizing it. As if people are forced to have abortions at gun point, and not really choosing to have one in the first place.


    Here’s my take for what it’s worth…

    1) The “viability” argument isn’t viable. I can take a sampling of modern humans, drop them in the wilderness and they are no longer “viable.” That doesn’t mean their lives aren’t important.

    2) I never thought I would agree with Bill Clinton, but abortions should be rare, and safe. The Far Left insanity that has young girls celebrating promiscuity, and abortion like it’s cool, and not a massively irresponsible course has to stop. The same goes for males. Social responsibility is not being advocated and we are seeing the results.

    3) Most folks seem to be falling for propaganda again. Morons attacking Police in LA where they can still get an abortion. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    I think we are seeing what happens when Elites run the media with the express intent of creating a subservient class. The educational system is a failure. I’m not a lawyer but I can take the time to ready about Roe V Wade, and understand why it should never have been, and understand that the very process that just overturned it also benefits those who wish to protest.

    There has to be a standard and it cannot be thrown out just because we feel like it. I suppose the alternative is to just violently burn it all down and see what happens.


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