Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!

by Simon 173 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    If it is true that 50 percent of all conceptions end in spontaneous abortion---or, a miscarriage---without the woman even realizing that she IS pregnant---then, who, or what---is responsible for that termination of the existence of a fetus? - nobody. Bad shit just happens sometime, that's all.

    That's got little or nothing to do with irresponsible adults getting their rocks off then killing unborn babies.

  • Simon

    "I can't be guilty of murder because people die all the time" has to be the weakest defence anyone could ever use.

    Sam Harris seems wise until you listen to what he says, then you realize he's a fucking idiot.

  • Riley

    I was raised in an evangelical christian home before Mom became a JW so I was exposed to the pictures of mangled 24 week fetuses and the testimony of women saying it is the worst decision they have ever made. So on and so forth. I will admit I do kind of kind of still lean that way. Especially with the need to enforce some kind of gestational limit.

    I have also seen the third world where there is a church on every corner and Children everywhere savaging rubbish bins for something to eat. Also my sons best friend is a foster child and it is just horrible the kind of crap these kids have to endure. Getting moved from birth parents, to birth grandparents to foster family back and to birth parents. Mom starts using drugs again and the cycle repeats itself.

    I have also been a male partner in a first trimester miscarriage and I have been in that weird area where you don't know exactly what you are suppose to feel.

    It is not an an easy situation anyway you look at it but the idea that a 14 year old girls or a women in college that makes a drunken mistake need to be held accountable, seriously get fucked.

  • Sea Breeze
  • Biahi

    Most GOP congressmen and senators are against abortion…until their mistress gets pregnant.

  • Simon
    It is not an an easy situation anyway you look at it but the idea that a 14 year old girls or a women in college that makes a drunken mistake need to be held accountable, seriously get fucked.

    A pregnancy test and the morning after pill is too arduous?

    Being sexually active includes being responsible, and people should learn that instead of the false idea that life is consequence-free.

    Teach people to make better life choices, not to devalue themselves.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Some drunken mistakes have consequences. Like if you get drunk, drive, and kill someone. I guess the idea that such people should be held accountable is unacceptable? I mean it's just a drunken mistake. It shouldn't ruin their life, right?

    Some "mistakes" are big mistakes. We would rather not have people make those horrible mistakes. So, society has constructed norms, over time, to minimize people making these mistakes - like don't get drunk and drive because the penalties are very high. Also, don't get drunk and fuck around - same reason.

    But if you do get drunk, get a designated driver, or take an uber/ taxi, then that's a workable solution too. Likewise, if you insist on fucking around, get birth control or the morning after pill (also a workable solution).

  • FedUpJW

    But if you do get drunk, get a designated driver, or take an uber/ taxi, then that's a workable solution too. Likewise, if you insist on fucking around, get birth control or the morning after pill (also a workable solution).

    I agree 100%. However both those choices would require a person to exercise a fair amount of intelligent, self-responsibility, something that those who drink and drive without regard for possible consequences and those who f--k around like animals with no regard for consequences are woefully lacking.

  • MeanMrMustard

    A fair amount of the insight we may mistakingly atteibute to intelligence, is probably actually due to seeing real life consequences for actions.

    That's why I was so amused by the #SexStrike movement. Basically, "Oh yeah?! Well if you aren't going to give me an easy way out, I'll just have to behave sensibly! I'm deleting all my hookup apps right now! How do like that, men?!"

  • Riley
    Holly shit , it’s like my disfellowshipping hearing in here.
    “ better lifestyle choices, consequences , held accountable “.
    People ( besides you dorks ) get laid. It happens. Get over it. It’s none of your damn business.

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