France is a "Pain in the Ass"

by JH 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    The problem with the case for war is the assumption that if Iraq DOES have WMD, he will use them against the entire world, because he is some kind of megalomaniac or something. Which is just silly.

    There are only 4 people who have made a good attempt at leading their country to world control:

    • Genghis Kahn
    • Alexander the Great
    • Napolean
    • Hitler

    Now, who here seriously thinks Saddam is the equal of any of them? And even at their best, none of them ever got more than a continent!

    Yes, Saddam wants WMD to 'protect' his interests (and they may include control over more of the region than he has now). Why is this an OK motive for the US but not Saddam?

    The hawk answer is "well, because that will just be his first step to taking over the world!". Yeah? Says who? Why does everyone IMMEDIATELY think as soon as someone opposes the US, it's only because they want to take over the entire world and make everyone their slaves or something? (The reason, of course, is because we instinctively attribute to others our own motives. That IS what the US is trying to do with out WMD and military power - bully the rest of the world into being our 'friends' and ever expand US control and power, hence US citizens simply ASSUME that is what every other nation is doing to.)

    Saddam wants the US to stop meddling in the Middle East. Period. That's ALL he wants. He doesn't want to 'take over the world'. He doesn't want to exterminate everyone not Muslim. He doesn't want to kill you and your family. Indeed, he really doesn't CARE about you and your family, he's on the OTHER FRIGGIN SIDE OF THE PLANET.

    Edited by - Xander on 22 January 2003 16:13:33

  • dubla


    yeah, youre probably right.....i doubt a person like saddam could ever do any real harm with a few nuclear weapons.....i dont really know why anyone is even concerned.


  • MrMoe

    Xander -- I bet that is what the little Jeish family said several years before Hitler gassed them all. Of the guy said the morning he was killed when the twin towers went down.

    How soon we forget.

  • Xander

    How long has the US had nuclear weapons? Russia? France? CHINA?

    We managed to control ourselves just fine. Saddam has shown he wants more control over his region of the world, and wants the US out. Why should that be a threat to us?

    We COULD treat his country like any other world power, like every other country has a right to. But, not Iraq? Why? Because the 'civilized world' is a closed "US and friends only" club?

    What would you say?

    Iraq isn't 'like' other countries? They are barbarians? Why? Because they have different beliefs? *cough*Saudi Arabia*cough* They oppress their native population? *cough*American Indians*cough* They are a dictatorship? *cough*China*cough*

    Why are they 'evil', when the actions you use to define them as 'evil' are done by every other nation on the planet? But, it's okay for the "US and friends" club to do those things, just not Iraq....

  • JH
    Saddam has shown he wants more control over his region of the world, and wants the US out. Why should that be a threat to us?

    Because of the OIL.



  • MrMoe

    And who the heck says Saddam WON'T ATTACK US!!! He is all buddy buddy with Osama, remember him? You know, the guy who was the mastermind behind the twin towers fiasco? What if they get a hold of what Saddam has, or better yet - what if they all become big blood brothers? Then what? Um hello, we were ATTACKED once already??!!! Enter in WMD and you better treasure the thought of the skin being burned off your body.

    The ignorance and lack of logic for WHY America should NOT just sit back and let Saddam break the rules AMAZES me.

  • Xander

    He is all buddy buddy with Osama, remember him


    You have proof of that?

    Cause, you know, no one else at all does. I'm SURE the CIA would pay quite a bit for it, so if you have it, might be a way to turn a quick profit.....

    (In any case, even if true, since when is consorting with terrorists - even being 'good buddies' with them - a reason to treat someone as Satan himself? Remember, the US was 'good buddies' with Bin Laden. Indeed, we funded his terrorism campaign against the Soviet Union. But, terrorism when funded by US and used against ANOTHER nation is okay, right? After all, we are certainly in the "US and friends" club. But, no matter, there isn't any reason to think that Iraq and Bin Laden worked together at all - they are actually different branches of Islam and I'm sure Bin Laden loves Iraq just as much as us).

    Edited by - Xander on 22 January 2003 16:43:25

  • Xander

    who the heck says Saddam WON'T ATTACK US

    This is a good point.

    Who is to say FRANCE won't attack us? MY GOD, they have NUKES! And they're FRENCH!!! Quick, bomb them!!

    And CHINA?!?! GODS ABOVE THEY ARE EVEN A DIFFERENT RELIGION!!! AND a dictatorship!! With NUKES!!! Quick, bomb them, too!!!

    After all, nobody has the right to nukes but us! We're the only ones who use them responsibly!! (Really...everyone else just sits on them...I mean, c'MON, what are they there for if not to be used? We've really set the example there! - and no, I agree, they needed to be used then, I'm just being intentionally obnoxious with this last comment)

  • Perry

    Saddam has shown he wants more control over his region of the world, and wants the US out. Why should that be a threat to us?

    Quick Xander, call the State department! I'm sure that they never thought of this piece of brillance. You can save the world from a tragic mistake.

  • Yerusalyim


    Here is a link of from PBS, a quite LIBERAL establishment, interviewing a guy who talks about the Iraqis training terrorists to take over planes.

    A link from the Washington post about Atta meeting with the Iraqis in Czech. WHy wouldn't the CIA want to confirm this? Because they're doing what is called a CYA manuever because they didn't predict/prevent 9-11

    Link to a 60 Minutes report by Leslie Stahl showing evidence that Iraq has directly funded the Palestinian terrorists.

    UNrealist, the war is against TERRORISM. Not just Al Qaeda, not just terrorists that directly attack US Citizens (which the PLO has done). The War is against ALL TERRORISTS and those that aid and support them. Of which, Saddam is one. He's going. We will be at war with Iraq in a month or less.

    Question Realist.

    WHAT is the role of the UN weapons Inspectors, and what is their charter?

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