UN FINDS WMD...OK saddam lovers, what now?

by dolphman 280 Replies latest social current

  • dolphman

    Hey everyone...keep smoking that crack!

    Let me again explain to everyone what it means to own a chemical warhead as opposed to a regular 'ol artillery warhead. It means that you can put your choice of a variety of chemicals into, whatever the flavor of the month in Iraq is. They're useless otherwise. So in theory, one would not posses one unless they did not have a purpose for one. And that purpose would be to fill it full of chemicals. Unless this thing was in a museum, it doesn't make sense.

    We backed Saddam, yes. So what? That's no excuse to let him own WMD and use it against his own people. Iran back in the day (and even now) are just as bad. We had a choice to choose between the lesser of two evils. I guess we could have just let Iran overrun the middle east and spread fundamentalist Islam whereever. We all know what great people fundamentalist Islamics are and what a great culture they intend to bring to all of us.

    I'd be more than happy to extend my neck out to rid Saddam of WMD. Who knows, maybe when our American troops start dying it'll actually serve to help protect us from profileration of WMD, and not just to put more oil in our SUVs, like so many of you DESPERATELY want to believe.

    Ok. So, I'm still waiting for you whiners to come up with something good. This is just the start of the evidence that'll soon be found. I hope you guys have washed your feet recently, because your all about to have to STICK YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTHS.


  • ashitaka

    "We didn't find the nuke, just the nuclear missle silo, but it looks brand new."

    If that was the quote from CNN, all of you naysayers would be thinking differently. An empty warhead that looks new means that the program must be in force....if it was old and rusty, Iraq could be given a little leeway.

    Iraq is guilty. Stop trying to defend a nation of torture.


  • pettygrudger


    I wonder how much crap US has lying around they can't account for or don't remember having - Yerusalim can you actually provide PROOF that the shelf life for these warheads EMPTY is only 30 days?

    and why is the UK selling stuff to Iraq that can be used for military purposes?


  • Simon

    I resent the assumption that just because someone doesn't think a war with Iraq is a good idea that they are a 'saddam lover'. This is insulting. Are you a communist Mao lover if you don't want to invade China for instance?

    If we take a step back and look at things a little more dispassionately there are some glaring flaws in the USA argument:

    • The weapons inspectors have found no WoMD.
    • The USA is adamant that Iraq has them ... they 'know' he is hiding them.
    • The only way the USA can really know that he has them is if they know where they are.
    • They cannot tell the weapons inspectors where they are which would give them just cause to invade for material violation of the UN resolutions.
    • Therefore, the USA does not know that Iraq does have WoMD or where they may be and is telling major porkies. If, as is clear, the USA wants more than anything to catch Saddam with some hidden weapons then surely they would tell the UN inspectors where they were if they had the information as they claim.
    • This 'intelligence' is from the same peope who knew zip about Sep 11 ... I think they lack credibility as a reliable source right now.

    I do not think Saddam or his regime are nice or should be in charge of a country but attacking Iraq without just reason could seriously backfire on the USA and destablise the whole region. If the USA is really concerned about what his regime does then maybe they should be asking questions of some of their 'friends' such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia (who, incidentally, could more easily be described as being behind the Sep11 attacks).

  • Makena1

    I am not well enough informed to contribute anything meaningful to this discussion. I am still trying to figure out why we (U.S.) is pursuing the Iraq question so hard when there is still much to discover, while we have N. Korea admitting they have nukes and other WMD's?

    Yeru - I enjoy your posts. Someone has probably already mentioned this, but you look so much like Michael Chiklis - from the Shield. My fav TV show this season and last.


    All best,


  • dolphman

    oh c'mon pettygrudger everyone knows this. What makes chemical warheads so special is that they have the durability and special construction to deliver a chemical compound without the chemical compound being so disturbed in it's trajectory that it loses it's potency. The shelf life of certain chemicals is longer than others, I don't know the specifics, but you don't just put VX in a mason jar and stick it in the fridge. These chemicals are fragile and are often stored elsewhere.

    During the gulf war Iraqi artillery commanders would need advanced notice before launching chemical weapons. Due to the fact that they couldn't just reach for the nearest tube of VX. They had to carefully arm there warheads and they had to be prepared in such a way.

    This is just the start of the avalanche of evidence soon to come. Please wake up people.

  • Simon
    I guess we could have just let Iran overrun the middle east and spread fundamentalist Islam whereever

    Hmmn ... I remember some similar reason for fighting in Vietnam: something about "the whole area could turn communist". Of course this justified backing the wrong, evil regime for that too.

  • Robdar

    maybe when our American troops start dying it'll actually serve to help protect us from profileration of WMD

    But then again, possibly not. You mentioned in the last thread you started on this subject that you are an ex con. What were you convicted of? Would you even be allowed to serve in the military? Are you able to vote?


    Actually, I'm the farthest thing from a gun-toting Republican. I went to an artsy-fartsy school, did drugs for years in a band and am an ex-con to boot.


  • Gerard

    Iraq has failed to provide evidence of action it says it took to destroy stocks of banned weapons after previous U.N. teams left in 1998.

    Sadam knew the rules.

    He played.

    He lost.

  • dolphman


    Yes, calling someone a Saddam lover is perfectly appropiate. I would not consider someone a Mao lover if they did not want to invade China. Mao is dead. However, Saddam is alive. And Saddam's behaviour threatens a lot of people. Personally, I don't think invading China is a bad idea either. But one evil dictatorship at a time, please. I thought you all were against war? Why invade Egypt or Saudia Arabia if we can use the diplomatic solutions you all think work so well against them? They're time is coming. Like I said, one evil dictatorship at a time. The fact of the matter is there are no UN resolutions against Egypt or Saudia Arabia. However, there are some against Iraq.

    Regardless of who or what or why the US is wanting to go to war with Iraq, I think it's becoming quite obivous that Iraq has violated it's UN agreements. Blix has already said it violated the sanctions by importing certain materials, although it's not been proven they are being used for WMD development. The fact of the matter is Iraq has violated UN resolutions and the ceace fire agreements and a whole host of other things and for some reason some people STILL have to be convinced that he's a bad guy, who has been intentions for the US (that means us personally). Jesus, you guys can be his defense lawyers during his war crimes trial if you want.

    Again, whatever the US arguments and intentions are, the fact remains that Saddam is a bad guy, with bad weapons, and a big bad desire to do a lot of bad things to us. The proof is in the pudding, and the inspections, which were completely UNESCESSARY, are proving this.

    I'm not sure what else to say. If you all want Saddam to stay in power, just say so. Quit coming up with excuses for how you feel.


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