North Korea's Threat

by Shakita 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist

    of course NK is no threat for the US...but it would be way more difficult to eliminate ding dong than to eliminate saddam.

    besides it remains to be seen how china acts in a possible war.

  • Yerusalyim


    You again show how trully UNrealistic you are by your comments. OF COURSE NK is a threat to the US and to the entire world. It exports it's weapons. When it develops a workable bomb, if it hasn't done so already, it will export those as well for hard cash. Then our worst dreams become reality. Realist, somehow I think that even a nuke going off in NY harbor, LA or London wouldn't be enough for you, would it.

    While there would indeed be heavier casualties in a war with NK as oppossed to Iraq, NK doesn't present a terrible challenge to our military. Where the problem comes in is the number of SK civilians that would be killed initially, Seoul would be wasted completely.

    Realist, the touchy situation we find ourselves in with NK is the PERFECT EXAMPLE of why we need take out Saddam NOW rather than waiting for him to get Nuke capability.

  • Crazy151drinker


    You fail to mention how we rebuilt Japan. Its in OUR best interest to rebuild them. When you rebuild your enemy's home they become a lot nicer to you. It is economicly and militarily of great value. We havnt had any problems from the countries we've rebuilt. Maybe if the Europeans had done that a long time ago you wouldnt have fought so many stupid wars.

    The Korean war happened becuase Kim Suck Dong wanted to invade the North and he had Stalin and Moa's backing. The Soviets even drew up the invasion plans for Kim Suck Dong. The Soviets provided planes and pilots while the Chinese poured in a million troops once we took over the peninsula. Stalin wanted the war to last as long as possible but once he died....wars over.

  • Shakita

    Nukes aren't the only threat that North Korea has in his country:

    Mrs. Shakita

  • D8TA

    Sooo...anybody look at the stats for the homeless and people who are starving in the U.S.?


    Wow, must make you feel pretty lucky that other nations aren't seeking sanctions and nuclear disarmament on the U.S.

    Wonderful when it swings all your way isn't it?

    Blind Patriotism...heh, a few of you are LOADED with it.

  • whyhideit

    N. Korea has about 2-3 nukes. The USA has about 10,000 or more. WW3 for them maybe, but not for us. If they launched a nuke against us, they wouldn't be around long enough to know what they started.

  • Yerusalyim

    Blind Patriotism? Hmmm I know that doesn't apply to me.

    Here's where you're wrong D8TA (Re: the homeless issue. In NK and other countries people are starving and dying AND THEIR GOVERNMENTS are doing NOTHING to help them, even taking aid given them and feeding their military with it. In the US MANY of the homeless are there by choice, others are there because of a lack of personal responsibility. VERY FEW are there ONLY because of finances. There are countless government and private programs for these guys. When we have literally a million people die of starvation in the US you MIGHT have a point.

  • Shakita


    I post statistics and facts on North Korea, and you call that blind patriotism? I guess it is blind patriotism to try to keep informed on world events.

    Never said the US was perfect, but they do have programs in place to try and help those in need. Think you will find those in North Korea?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • D8TA

    (it has links for U.S. Government stats as well...pretty solid)

    Why sure Yeru, I see your 1 million and raise you 32 million. As to the percentage that results in "death" let's give you the generous amount of 1% shall we? Looks like I have a point...thanks to you.

    Oh wait, that's right, you were talking about how people in the States "choose" to starve. Silly me. I mean after all, what's the U.S. costs in military spending again? (hint: you are walking in to my argument, research) What's the U.S. doing to feed 33 million of their own citizens, the cost? Hmmmm....

    Well, looks like what I said stands: Wonderful when it swings all your way doesn't it?

    Funny how when U.S. foreign policy being imposed upon other Nations is, without question, supported by the Blind Patriot. I'd like to see a few nations impose a few sanctions on the U.S., maybe a No-Fly zone? How about nuclear disarmament(After all the U.S. is the only nation to use them in warfare thus far)?

    U.S. citizens would shit their pants if this happened...but they have no problems when it comes to other parts of the world now, do they? No problem with arm twisting other nations whatsoever. But...stand back Jack...if you start imposing upon the Mighty U.S. of A. ...oh my the shit storm roll!

  • back2dafront


    I think you do have blind patriotism. I think you are a very bright individual, don't get me wrong, but the fact that you choose to ignore all the bad things about this country and replace it with "our forefathers fought for our freedom, so should we" logic shows me that you've caught the patriotic bug. It's the same bug that people like JW's catch - it's the need to want to belong to something that represents good. Use the same reasoning you've used to understand the follies of the JW's to dig into the meat of what's really going on in the USA. There's just so much that doesn't add up.

    Have you not ever wondered if the USA "sells" us ideas through the media to paint a picture of what's going on, blame things on other "evil" people, etc., just to win the favor of the people, when in all actuality, the real story is far from what's being told? Do you think this is utterly unheard of and impossible?

    I just think it's a hard sales pitch to sell anyone on the need to believe in the system and join the Forces. What's your pitch?

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