North Korea's Threat

by Shakita 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    You Blow said:

    Jah Jehovah's mouth has ever returned unfulfilled.

    LOL! What's his nickname, Jah Jah? LOL!


  • Farkel


    : Farkel, that was a two word answer. Now tell the nice folks here as to why it's a "Red herring", please?

    Because that has nothing to do with this thread, you silly goose. This thread is not about problems in the USA. Focus on the issues of THIS single thread, dear D8TA. If you don't like what is said here, then start your own discussion on your own thread.


  • D8TA


    I'll get to the point then. Sheesh, could of let me have SOME fun with it first.

    As I've stated: I do not deny in any way whatsoever about what is going on in N. Korea, I am simply pointing out that the same issues can be thrown at the U.S. and it's foreign policy.

    Here we have a topic with many posts lambasting North Korea. Stop. Step back. Take a look.

    Here we have people from the U.S. of A. lambasting North Korean policy, yet I will counter to make one consider this:

    Who is the number one arms dealer (even selling to those that compromise it's safety) in the world?
    What country on this planet has the most lucrative sales from such arms?
    Who initiated oil and fuel sanctions on North Korea?
    What country has the largest nuclear stock pile in the world?

    Here we have interjections about North Korea "starving it's people". Well, it's a bit hard to feed people when you have a lack to oil and fuel resources now isn't it? It's a bit hard to feed your people when the world's only super-power is imposing trade sanctions, isn't it? Electricity, Farming, Farming equipment, processing of food, food import, goods export...everything. This can lead a nation in to desperate measures, even to the point of bailing out of treaties.

    Since the U.S. is imposing sanctions on North Korea, not just with oil but trade as well, North Korea going to do what they can to survive. Trade with people who are willing to buy their arms. Trade with people who are counter to U.S. interests (since those who are pro won't trade with N. Korea), even those who are down right dangerous to the global community.

    In point; N. Korea is shadowing policies in which the U.S. itself engages in, with the U.S. even engaging with nations and groups that compromise U.S. safety.

    Forgo the bullshit, please? I mean, call it like it is. North Korea isn't playing ball with U.S., the U.S. wants to secure it's interests.

    Drop these "nobility" claims. These Kim-Suck-Dong-Is-An-Evil-Little-Man-Starving-His-People and the U.S.-Needs-To-Save-The-Day type reasonings.

    I've said it before, it's a world of survival of the fitest. This world isn't as black and white as you want it to be. That's what the game of global politics is. U.S. wants to stay on top and police the world, nothing more then King of the Hill in the world of big boys.

    As to it being the "best" for the world, well up to the Patriot Act and creation of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Defense I thought so, thanks, that's one of the reasons I no longer live there and proceeding in to Brazilian citizenship. If it works for you? Wonderful. In my mind, there is no "best" can make it "better"...but never "the best".

  • YERU2


    your logic is flawed, woefully flawed.

    Yes indeed, the US sells arms and makes a little money doing it, but with very few exceptions were not handing out weapons of Mass Destruction to the highest bidder AND, we're fixing to whoop up on the one guy who did get WMD that shouldn't have. In other words, WE are strong enough, militarily, to clean up the mess we make.

    The reason there are oil and food sanctions against NK is because it RESUMED it's Weapons program. Had they stuck to the deal we would have. Instead, they took our food and oil and funded their military build up and kept on developing weapons of mass destruction.

    You're taking Brazilian citizenship? Good, glad someone who hates this country so much is going somewhere where they can be happy.

  • gsx1138

    Bwahaha, typical crap. If you don't like the U.S of A get yer sorry commie ass outta here. I love how anyone who criticizes this Country must automatically hate it. I guess people are willing to trade critical thinking skills for patriotism.

    Yes indeed, the US sells arms and makes a little money doing it, but with very few exceptions were not handing out weapons of Mass Destruction to the highest bidder AND, we're fixing to whoop up on the one guy who did get WMD that shouldn't have. In other words, WE are strong enough, militarily, to clean up the mess we make.

    The US doesn't make a little money it makes alot of money. Those very few exceptions always seem to come back and bite us in the ass. So because we have a strong military we are justified in making the mistake in the first place? This is the kind of logic that keeps getting us into trouble.

    The reason there are oil and food sanctions against NK is because it RESUMED it's Weapons program.

    There has always been sanctions against NK, we have never lifted them only eased them.

    The leader of NK is a nut job, I think we can all agree on that. However, we were not willing to rework our sanctions and they lashed out. Was that right of them? No. But our strong arm tactics are not only immature they expose us to the rest of the world as nothing more than bullies. As citizens we may think 'so what screw em all' but sooner or later this will come back to bite us in the ass just like all of our other bad descisions.

    I would think that as someone in the military, Yeru2, you would be one who isn't to hot on getting shot at.

  • D8TA
    your logic is flawed, woefully flawed.

    It is? Then why did you reaffirm my statements? You watered them down in your reply...yet you reaffirmed them.

    Welcome to my mind of "no good vs. evil - right vs. wrong" Yeru. I've stated nothing more then facts in my last post, untill my last paragraph in where I expressed my opinion.

    I'm pointing out that a capitalist society (U.S.) wants to stay on top of the world. It conducts itself as it is designed to, furthering it's global interest. North Korea isn't playing ball with the U.S. and is doing what it needs to survive.

    Ask yourself these questions, with either North Korea or the U.S., did I state that either was:
    Right or wrong
    Good or evil
    Correct or incorrect
    endorse or condone either's policy?

    I simply showed the similarities in conduct between the two nations.
    The only thing that differs between the two is; political policy, interest, and competition.

  • SixofNine

    The only thing that differs between the two is; political policy, interest, and competition.

    hhmmmm... In all fairness, I think it should be mentioned that they talk really funny and cook puppies.

  • siegswife

    Basically, what it comes down to is if you aren't for the fascist agenda, you're a commie.


    *of the share the wealth that I've helped you bastards gain class*

  • Realist


    i assume you are familiar with the post WWII situation...russia and the Us both trying to keep or gain control over as many countries as possible.

    there were strong communist movements in almost all european countries...without support by the US all of europe would have fallen into communist hands.

    japan was completely destroyed...what would have stopped the russians from moving into that country?

    the US gave support to these countries to keep the communist block out and to keep these countries under the influence of US interests.


    you always assume that dictators are total morons, nutcases and suicidal. i see no signs for that. dictators are usually very much interested to saty alive! HENCE no one would attack the US or get too strongly involved into US affairs. there is no threat for the US here.


    what exactly are you trying to say? that the low income class should pay higher taxes and get even poorer? what kind of society would you like to create? don't you think the difference between rich and poor is already strong enough in the US? come on...where else do you have multi billionairs next to 30 million people living below the poverty level.

  • Emiliano

    The US is a capitalist country whose main agenda is to make money for the biggest and wealthies corporations in the US. They do this by intervening and contrubuting to the dismantleing of 3rd world countries. By removing rulers who will not cooperate with the US agenda and substituting ones who will help siphon the riches of those countries to benefit the corporations. It is not to the best intrest of the US that theses governments become independent and democratic. The US is against democracy. They like to have these countries ruled by some puppet thug who will follow US agenda for that country. If these thugs vary from the layed out US agenda they are removed from power by means of guerrila ware fare and mercenaries.

    The US uses its military power to do whaterver they want. They are above the Law.

    The US is the only country convicted by the World Court of "unlawful use of force" and illegal economic warfare. (1986 Nicaragua)

    They were ordered to stop by the UN . The US just shrugged it off and the week after Congress increased aid to the contras by another $100,000,000.00.

    We never hear any of this because we ( US citizens ) are not of the world. The 3rd world that is.

    We are kept so busy with TV sit coms, commercials and news reports that only report news that dont allow us to see what is really happening outside. That is why we are so oblivious as to why other countries resent us.

    The rest of the world sees us as the Biggest terroist of all. A big spoiled bully.

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