VA shooting suspect was raised a JW! He mentions it on his Twitter account

by WingCommander 324 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    The fact of the matter is clear, the US has more gun violence within its population because there is more gun possession and purchasing distribution .

  • Simon
    The fact of the matter is clear, the US has more gun violence within its population because there is more gun possession and purchasing distribution

    Apparently, that is a difficult concept for some to grasp.

    Although it can't all 100% be simply gun possession - Canada isn't far behind on gun ownership. It's the sort of guns and what people do with them as well as the numbers.

  • Finkelstein

    Thats true Simon , there other mitigating circumstances but I'm broadly speaking over all.

    Population size has significant relevance.

  • Finkelstein

    It has to be realized though that its much easier to buy or obtain a gun in the States comparatively to countries like Canada or England

  • freemindfade

    America has a two fold problem. I am fine saying the vast availability and as SecretSlaveClass pointed out mismanagement of fire arms correlate to GUN RELATED DEATHS. No body here dismisses that. However it is implied that

    • Americans are bloodthirsty violent maniacs, if you go there a gun nut is likely to shoot you
    • Its easy everywhere in America to just get a gun
    • There are a lot of opinions on the guns themselves that are wrong, as I stated, as ridiculous as it may be for anyone to posses an assault rifle, contrary to popular belief they aren't really being used to kill people.

    Cause and Effect. lets talk about that for a second. Baltimore was brought up because of its population. I am glad someone mentioned Baltimore, because I have a very intimate knowledge of some of the worst parts of baltimore. Its a bad bad place. I helped someone with property development in these places. You know you can buy a row house in baltimore for $2000? Why is that... I had to have dealings with people named "rock" and "speedy" with "F-ck" tattooed on one eye lid, and "you" on the other. They would have shoot outs yes in the street, like the wild west. The place was a cracked out, dead end, American failure. You bet your ass their is A LOT of gun violence there.

    Now let me ask you this, cause and effect, which comes first, do the guns cause these parts of baltimore to have a crack problem and staggering crime and poverty? We can admit there is a problem with guns, but did guns cause this 1st world void? Or!!! does the crime, poverty, failing come FIRST, and the GUNS follow?

    You see this is what frustrates me the canada, uk, aussie anti gun folks on here, because you do have a blind bias.

    Your stance is the secondary problem to the violence is #1, and you are so focused and how little you think of those of us who live here, that is all you see. There are MANY primary problems here that could save lives, even while the secondary issue is addressed. But you all want to pick the simple and media blasted idea that the problems we have here (that decline yearly) are because OF the gun. Guns no more cause the problem than my laptop is causing me to type on this site. You are falling into the idiot trap of our own media empire that tells you This, this is the problem, while ignoring the more complicated, embarrassing pink elephants in the room.

    Gun violence is highest in america in the metro areas where the gun laws happen to be the strictest. I am not sure what else you could do in New York city to make it harder to get a gun, as I stated its next to, if not, impossible for a citizen to get one with out some act of congress. And yet the kids in brownsville, east new york and other places area killing each other every day. While bubba the gun nut in bumblescum mississippi is out shooting empty propane tanks with his AR15. Ive lived here a long time, and i have been many places, for more than visits, and i am telling you, you guys are are putting a simple blanket view to a complicated issue.

  • freemindfade

    Simon, in america when the population is > 250,000 the violent crime & murder rate are double the national average. Now if you took the numbers and applied them to say a city of 8 million like nyc, the murder rate is high, if you focus in more, you could that one or two neighborhoods in one borough would account for the bulk of that.

    Cause and effect, murder comes from a place and an environment. The fact of the matter is that the bulk of our crime in america is located in small pockets. The issue is oversimplified and not being honest does not help.

    Again people love to make claims about how horrible it is we have people with AR15's here, and while I see no need myself really to have one, the fact is in an FBI stat from 2011 of deaths cause by FIREARMS, 3.5% were cause by RIFLES, AR15's fall under that. That means that even a further fraction of the 3.5%. But the image portrayed is that americans are walking around shooting everyone with assault rifles, when things like that are not true.

    Blaming Guns = Easy

    Blaming Social & mental health failings = much much more difficult

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Americans are bloodthirsty violent maniacs, if you go there a gun nut is likely to shoot you

    This obviously is untrue and unlikely but when people think of their own safety they err on the side of caution, with little regard to other peoples' feelings.

    I wouldn't live in the US because guns are readily available to many people, including people who have a seemingly good track record but may even have an undiagnosed mental illness. Apart from that, it's a great country.

    What does that make me? America-phobic, or just someone who's concerned for their own safety?

  • freemindfade
    I think it's bordline bigotry. I've lived many places in America. I've seen a lot. Good and bad. Better than you know and probably also worse. It's generally peaceful.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    I think it's bordline bigotry - fair enough; it might be. But I'd rather be a bigot who is alive and well than embrace American diversity and end up on a mortician's table.

    It's generally peaceful - you're probably right.

  • freemindfade

    That me be one of the most shocking things I've heard on this site.

    But I'd rather be a bigot who is alive and well than embrace American diversity and end up on a mortician's table.


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