by hamptonite21 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cicatrix

    We have a dalmatian my son named Luci in honor of Lucille Ball, because she is "black and white and everybody loves her."

    We had a black lab, but he recently disappeared:(

    My daughter thought about adopting a greyhound awhile back. She adopted a thoroughbred a few years ago. We went right to the track to pick him up. She had to sell him when she went to college, but still says he's the best horse she ever owned.

    Everyone "says" that dalmatians are agressive, hard to train, etc. also. If that's the case, I guess ours broke the mold, because she's none of the above. She doesn't seem any different in temperment or training ability than our lab was,and she is much less prone to wander than he (and they were both neutered, so that wasn't the issue). I think it really depends more on the individual dog than the breed generalization. The only downside is, dals shed constantly, and I love to wear black. I always have little white hairs on me, no matter how often she is groomed, lol.

  • Robdar

    LOL Windchaser. I am glad that my story didn't give you the willies. The vietnamese family was 2nd generation and they never ate her. I was being a smart ass when I said that I hoped she tasted delicious. That dog lived to be 12. Not bad for a dog without much intelligence, eh?

    If Passion Deogi hadn't kept getting out of my fence and getting hit by cars creating much cost for surgeries etc, I probably would have kept her and put up with her stupidity. But after the last time she got out, got hit by a car (again) and broke her hip, it was just too much for me. I had to keep her in the house, lift her to take her outside to do her business, and lift her to bring her back into the house. It sucked 'cause that dog weighed about as much as I did at the time. Then to repay me, she got into my shelves and ate my antique Barbie and Ken dolls. My collection was worth a few hundred dollars. Stupid dog.

    I was sorry to hear about your your story though. I think that I would have thought about leaving my husband too for doing that to my dog.



  • Windchaser

    Robyn, in spite of her stupidity, I'm glad that she lived to be a ripe old age.

    Yeah, I was so upset with my husband (I think I told him I hated him and he could go fuck himself) that he took me to an elder. The elder (who happened to be one I actually liked) told me that my husband was my head (if I had really believed that, I would have decapitated myself) and I needed to obey him. I said that I still thought it was wrong to be cruel to animals (and, I thought, to me), and the elder shrugged and gave me the impression that even if wrong, it was my duty to obey my man. I had to learn to live with it.

    Maybe I just love animals too much. There is this horrible disease (I forget the name) going around California that affects birds. Hundreds of birds are having to be destroyed because of it. This woman was being interviewed at the zoo or somewhere (I was in the other room, half listening to the news story) and she said, "I don't like birds that much anyway, we'll just go watch the chimpanzees.haha" I actually became angry at her not-give-a-damn attitude.

    Your post helped me, I think, by showing me that I need to lighten up. It just does awful things to me when animals are in any kind of peril. That's why I couldn't deal with stories like Black Beauty and Bambi when I was a kid.

    Sorry for this long post that has nothing really to do with the subject...



  • shera

    Awweeee,cute pets.I love animals but at he moment I don't own any.RED,I love Maine Coons.I had one but had to get give him to another family.

  • Robdar


    Yep, the West Nile virus. We have it here too. I acted for the education dept at our local zoo last summer. We lost a couple of our exotic birds. The last I heard from the zoo keepers was that there is some evidence that the West Nile virus may also affect dogs. It is supposed to be mosquito born but I have found 2 dead birds in my yard in the past couple of days. Of course, the winter has been mild here. So mild that I even have buds on my star magnolia tree.

    Reading your story upset me. I would rather have a dog than some of people who passed as men in my former congregation. I understand why you get upset when animals are in peril. Animals have been better to me than most humans I know. I hope that when I retire, I will be able to help out with the animal rescue organizations. When disaster strikes usually the last thing that anybody thinks about is the domestic pets left behind.

    Love ya,


  • Englishman

    This is George, my tomcat, sat on the staris waiting for HL to come out of the bathroom and feed him.


  • Robdar

    LOL Eman, it doesn't look as if George has missed many meals. What an adorable cat. I like his fluffy tail.


  • Billygoat

    What a wonderful thread! I think animals are a wonderful source of learning about unconditional love and resposibility. My animals mean the world to me and yet challenge me a bit like children can be challenging. (Since I don't have kids yet, I can only assume!)

    Here are my babies:

    Misty - a quiet and stand-offish little tabby short-hair who makes you work for her affections. She's got a gorgeous coat and an attitude of totalitarian queen. She rules the roost and lets everyone know it. But in the mornings she's as sweet as a newborn kitten and loves to purr and give kitty hugs around your legs.

    Mugsy - an outgoing orange short-hair with a sweet little white streak across his forehead. The total opposite of Misty...he loves anyone who has a limb to pet on him. He loves to lick the gel out of Neil's hair and has a special fondness for coffee and coffee grinds.

    Mandy - a purebred Maltese. She is positively darling! A wonderful spunky little creature who loves to play catch with her stuffed animals...bred for her beauty and not her brains. Most lovable and untrainable (dumb) dog I've ever met! It's taken two years to teach her to sit.

    Henry - a schnauzer/cairn terrier mix from the pound who had been incredibly abused from the previous owner. I thought he looked like a ragged old man when I got him and wanted to give him an "old man" name. He's incredibly intelligent and a total mama's boy. I trained him how to sit, shake, lay down, and roll over in just a few months of having him. He has a terribly frightening bark from under the bed. I think he's part chicken.

    Thanks for letting me brag.

  • shera

    Part chicken!? LOL!!

  • LyinEyes

    We have a black lab named Snoopy, two kittens, black one is Nemo, fluffy gray one is Sassy.

    Here is a pic of my dog,,,,,,,,,he is a Pug,,,,,,and we call him, Pug,,,Pig, Diggy, Mama's little baby...

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