Last Post - My Most Painful Public Confession

by Amazing 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • twinkletoes

    Dear Jim,

    So sorry that you are leaving us, we have always enjoyed your comments. Please get on the mend soon and come back to us.

    love from Twink & Mr. Twink (Kaytee)

  • Navigator


    You truly are AMAZING! God Bless You and keep you. Looking forward to your return.

  • neyank

    Get better soon Jim.

    As others have stated, I also have enjoyed your posts.

    You can tell a persons worth by the friends he/she has.

    Jim acording to these replies, you're a rich man.


  • dannyboy


    Best wishes on continuing recovery, both physical and religiously.

    Your posts are always thought-provoking and will be missed.

    This "last" post is one of your best, IMHO. Thank you.


  • Jourles


    I hope one day that when I am in the Chicagoland area we can meet. Good luck to you and your family and I hope everything goes well.

  • alamb

    Thank you, dear friend, for always extending a hand in friendship, a shoulder in compassion, and a few will-timed "kicks in the pants."

    Print this thread and keep it close. You are loved and respected.

    Bless Your Heart,


  • Athanasius

    You will be missed Amazing. Your posts were always thought provoking. Wish you a speedy recovery.

  • FreeFallin


    Your insight, wisdom and compassion will be sorely missed. You have helped so many, but now it's time to take care of yourself. Please get well soon.


  • bikerchic


    I've enjoyed your posts from the first day I came here lurking. Your webpage was one of the very first ones I bookmarked and looked at with an open mind and yes it changed me, slowly but eventually and I came back here again and again. As always I read your remarks, they have always been insightful, funny and full of concern for others. I appreciated that, I needed that and I thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me and others.

    Your life has been a testimony of just how resilient the human spirit is and you are proof that we can overcome even the worst of things and find within ourselves love, joy and move beyond the crap and teach others how to heal as well. If your ill heart heals as well as your spirit did you my man will out live us all!

    I wish you a very speedy recovery and a long life full of health and happiness. Keep in touch and let us know how you are from time to time.


  • lv4fer

    Bye Jim, Thank you for all of your great posts! Some of them helped in my exit. I agree with much of what you say. God Bless!

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