The coming "disassociations"

by Elsewhere 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I'm curious how the average JW will perceive this and respond to it.

    None so blind as those who will not see.

    You know, they do this every year. They come out and say they need to go out and talk with inactive ones (probably the same ones who decide that Shasta cola will be at the convention every year). So I don't think there will be any more than the usual "shepherding call" being made.

    "ound up the usual suspects"-- Casablanca

  • JT
    Mass announcements of disassociations could very well backfire as some may start to question why so many are leaving.

    WHILE I agree that for some it will start them to questioning , but based on how the wt indoctrination process works the far vast majority will SHUDDER IN FEAR

    consider this, we are talking about INACTIVE JW folks who are already viewed as being weak, spiritual dead, and doing NOTHING TO BRING -PRAISE TO JAH-

    so when they walk up there after being prepared by the wt to expect folks to turntheir backs on jah they will not be impressed when they read off, sister johnson, who has been inactive for 4 yrs, bro jones who used to be an elder, was deleted and has been inactive ever since and the list will go on- unless the folks getting DAed are movers and shakers in the congo, causing folks to perhaps stop and pause, bro and sister davis, he was an elder and she a pioneer are da, what the hell is going on-

    but when they read off the names of folks who are already PERCIEVED to be spiritual Flunkies

    it will not cause even a stir beyond JAH IS CLEANING THEM OUT, I'M GLAD I WAITED ON JAH

  • blondie
    If the WTS decides to pursue a massive DA effort so as to "cleanse the congregation" and "weed out Apostates", then I wonder if their annual Service Report would reflect the DECREASE in the amount of JW's?

    Inactive ones are not counted in the numbers posted in the yearbook or January WT since they do not turn in any time over a 6 month period. The only way is to go 6 months and turn in time for the 7th month and be considered an irregular publisher the final 6 months. I assume that those inactive here are not turning any time in. The DAing of inactive ones should not affect the statistics much at all.


  • JT

    My advice (of course) was to skip the meeting entirely



    do not meet with the Cheese Cracker Men YOU WILL LOSE- if you are not ready to tell them what you think then avoid them THEY CAN'T FORCE YOU TO MEET if you have something else to do

    once on their terf, it is very hard to control things- i know i used to sit across the table from apostates and folks trying to slid by and if the elders are sharp they will roast you- and there is no reason to subject yourself to Cheese Cracker Men

    unless they are bringing some wine with that cheese and cracker

  • Xander

    JT - you're scary.

    Dead right, but scary.

  • JT

    then I wonder if their annual Service Report would reflect the DECREASE in the amount of JW's?


    it shouldn't remember wt only counts ACTIVE PROCLAIMERS

    An inactive person who has not been tothe hall in 2yrs is not beingcounted anyway

    so it will not impact their numbers - this focus is on those trying to slip away

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    But Blondie there are ways around that. Realize that the elders are under tremendous pressure, espeically from the COs, to keep their stats up. My wife hasn't been out in service in almost a year and yet an elder called (a week before the CO's visit) and asked her if she had been out in service. when the answer came no, he said, "Oh but you've studies with your kids right?" Yes. "Well then that's 4 hours right there." If there were such a thing as anonymous time, you would see the hours printed in January 1 Watchower be 1/10 of what they are now. These numbers are so bogus is it is unreal.

  • Reborn2002

    it shouldn't remember wt only counts ACTIVE PROCLAIMERS

    You are correct. Thank you for the clarification.

    Although we ALL know that those service report numbers are fabrications. (how many people put false hours on their time slip before? I know I did. )

  • Simon
    If you want to avoid disassociation, you will just answer their questions with a question. Works every time.

    I tried that Country Girl ... didn't work for me:

    Elder: Do you accept that he Governing Body are Gods representatives on earth?

    Simon: What? Are you mad?


  • blondie

    That's true, Big Tex. But then she is not listed officially as inactive on her card and shoved to the back of the box (or in some cases taken out of the box). It is only the "inactive ones" they are concentrating on, the ones officially listed as inactive on their publishers cards.

    Even the DA'd and DF'd publisher cards are kept. The elders have been directed to call on these ones once a year to "encourage" them to come back. They even have a portion of an elders' meeting devoted to determining who the lucky ones will be and which lucky elders get to call on them.


    PS It is hard to turn in time when you haven't attended any meetings for 6 months. Most elder bodies I know require some meeting attendance before accepting report slips. You can lie about service time, but your meeting attendance is hard to fake unless you visit other congregations frequently.

    Edited by - Blondie on 16 December 2002 14:15:53

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