Great Tribulations Starts December 20, 2002

by proplog2 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazy151drinker

    I tried to apply for the Angel of Death position but they said there was a hiring freeze.

  • wednesday

    well, i think we have offically mde it past the date, what now? Did i miss something?

  • Prisca

    It's 4.30pm on December 21 here in Oz and nothing's happened so far.

  • bikerchic

    All the gabaly-gook aside I for one am happy to be alive today. Period.


    edited to add smily face

    Edited by - bikerchic on 21 December 2002 0:55:43

  • onacruse

    On the other hand, proplog2, you have a remarkable opportunity here.

    You had the guts to state your expectation. Knowing the likely reaction you'd receive, you crossed the fence anyway. And for that, though I disagree with you on this point, I respect you.

    You can now do what so very few are willing or able to do...openly admit that you were wrong and search for a clearer viewpoint.

    If you can do that, you will earn the respect of most everyone here (imho, not to speak for others).


  • pettygrudger

    Well, I still have 10 cases of spam to get rid of.......once again I request any "creative cooking with Spam" ideas, or perhaps someone wants a case at a REALLY discounted price?

  • Farkel


    Thank you for sharing.

    My poops are timely and regular and I can predict them. Your "end of the world" nonsense isn't.

    This leads to the logical conclusion that my crap is more trustworthy than your crap.

    Poop, that is. Maybe next time you should predict "poop." At least you would stand a chance of being accurate.

    You should leave the "end of the World as we know it" predictions to the nutballs, or at least join them and proclaim you are a happy member of them.


  • Gizmo

    UMMMMMM, it's been Decemnber 21st all day here....ummmmmm...what did i miss?

  • Debz

    Hmmmmm.......6.20pm in Oz still nutting!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    We must use a quadratic formula to determine the truth:

    And so we learn the end is coming January 1, 2000. Beware of Y2K!!!!!

    You have been warned.

    Or is it all just a bunch of hooey?

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