So, am I a phoney?

by kenpodragon 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Late and a boy? That sucker is gonna be huge. Tell the wife you are sorry starting now my friend. That's important.

  • kenpodragon


    LOL, I have been ... trust me. A late baby, makes for a emotional wife.

    My thought


  • Beck_Melbourne

    A baby boy!!

    November 21st is my youngest daughter's birthday...I would say your wife is gonna have the little ankle biter any day soon. We are all looking forward to the news, please let us know when the day arrives...what a grand day that will be for you Dragon. I do believe it will be your shout at the pub!!

    ~Beck~ have been given some good advice from must tell your wife it was all your fault, you are sorry, and that you won't let it happen it again, and she may show you some mercy. If you don't, be prepared for your wife to 'rip it off' with her bear hands while she is in labour.

  • avishai

    Are you going in the delivery room? Not to sound crass, but I was really freaked out about going to the "business end" & playin catch the baby. It was one of the coolest experinces of my life!

  • kenpodragon


    I was going to wear my cup in the delivery room, for protection. My wife and I are very excited and wanting our little son to come out and play soon. My wifes mom was late in all of her kids, and we had a feeling this might happen with my wife too. I was hoping they would serve some beers at the hospital, for when I get real nervous.

    Take Care


  • kenpodragon


    Yep, going to be there and cut the cord and everything. I keep hearing messy horror stories.


  • avishai

    Yup, it's messy, but not horriffic, it's beeeootiful!

  • kenpodragon

    I am off to life ...

    I wanted to add one thought, as I do not know how long it will be before I return. This day offered a break I am not sure will happen again soon.

    When you were disfellowshiped, disassociated or walked away. Above all things you wanted people to realize you were human and make mistakes, and not be judged by people who were no better then you. You were probably frustrated when you were kicked out of the religion for doing things that you just wish someone could accept and not tell you that you were evil for it. Yet, I remember so much as a Witness thinking "how could that person do such a thing" and not speaking to them like I was some perfect person who never made mistakes. Leaving humbled me, educated me and showed me the value in seeing that people make mistakes. Yet they are still human and deserve the rights we want in our own life.

    Never let old habits reappear. I might have said I was sorry, but I still have the right to feel the way I did and do about issues. I hope to never harm someone again online, but I can never control "hurting" you. As I know some people get hurt when you spell their name wrong. I AM HUMAN!!! Please do not think I am the "Church of Dragon" with followers. If people agree with me, they are not followers ... when I agree with people, I am not there followers. I am just one person, one online name and that is it 100%. You make mistakes, and so do I ... you want people to accept that and so do I. If you want to hate me, stay angry with me, or speak ill of me. Ask yourself something, "Is my life so angry, so hateful, that I really need to waste time attacking one person out of 7 billion ... is this what life has taught me and brought me too?" Trust me ... I am not worth your time!!!!

    In all things, I consider myself to be a good person with a desire to be even better. May all, everyone of you, always seek the good in people and learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Place love as your goal, and let your aim be set on happiness.

    See everyone in the future, it might be awhile ... Turkey Day is almost here.

    My thought


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 27 November 2002 0:54:21

  • LoneWolf

    Ken, you ask if you're a phony --- I dunno.

    Is that a toupee I see on your noggin?


  • Iwasyoungonce

    1 st 5 days over due, (((WAITER, CHECK PLEASE!)))

    I don't know what you did "somewhere" else but from what I know about you Ken you pretending to be someone or something else would seem very out of character for you. If you think that you might have been "phony" whom do you think that you were? (One is entitled to get angry. And, One is entitled to vent. No one is entitled to intentionally hurt other people.)

    I agree with you about imperfection. When we strive for perfection we begin mixing the ingredients to become delusional. You seem to be hinting on the needful and healthy actions produced through expressing patriotism for individualism. (Not Nationalism.)

    One thing you "hit the nail" on was supporting abuse victims. Me too. One thing on my mind has been; what am I doing? Why am I doing it? What is my payoff?

    Know this, the credit card I use for lamb donations is rejecting online usage. (No one knows why.) When I clear it up (or use another card for online) I will still make my monthly donations. I have collected my lambs for the European march and will be sending some "Lamb" candle molds I found. (Anyone know a candle maker?)

    I no longer post at the SL chat forum. There is a very ikky element there that has made me not want to be there. I am not going to go into detail about it because if others like it then so be it. It does not mean that I do not support abuse victims. It does not mean that I have abandoned anyone. (As some have suggested.) I see us all as brothers in the stance against the WTBS. And, the same goes for standing against "rapists." What I'm doing is looking and pondering what else I can do. As there is life outside the Watchtower there is also help outside of Silentlambs. (That in no way is a put-down to the Silentlambs movement. As I learn more about resources I can share that information with those who need it.) I want to be as effective as I can. Issues that involve cults can become all consuming about the cult. They (cults) are designed to do that. So not limiting yourself to one style is good. (I have been contacted by my local Rape & Domestic Violence Center. I will be sponsoring at least one family for the Holidays. And my local involvement to help people in my neck of the woods is just getting ready to be born.)

    You stated your Martial Arts Ken, Good for you! (I admire your dedication to yourself.) As for "controlling" your emotions, for me, that is like trying to grab water. The harder you squeeze the more it justs slips though your fingers and the less you can hold. I am gentle with my emotions. And, I am honest about them. That is strength and not a weakness. Do you agree? The thing about the physical side of your black belt is kinda like my S&W.40. IRL it can knock your block off. But, as for cyber-space it is of little use. (Unless you decide to smash the computer.) I do get your point though Ken. You have massive self-control. And it shows everytime you express yourself.

    Are you sure that you were attacked for your views? Are you sure that it was for not conforming to some other's perception of a politically correct view? Ken I do not see you as my leader but as a friend. Someone whose "thoughts" offer me much to learn from. I have never read where you told me what to think. I have read and then I thought. (Thank You)

    I do not see the problem with a lack of "Mea Culpa" as wimp mentality. A lot of witnesses would see my kicking ass as a tribute to their god. They would love that they took away my self contol. Apologizing for hurting someone means that they should change their behavior or, the apology is meaningless. For them to change someone must force them to. Otherwise they would have to take responsibility for their actions, and that is unacceptable. (Too many people can do everything to show regret but saying "I'm sorry, my bad" On that note, words can kill; they can inflict pain as real as any bullet or punch. Words start wars. Words can be real as any action.

    I think that what people say and do shows who they are. If what one says or does compromises my integrity I will stand up for myself. The prices of some relationships are too high. I hope to never believe the need to burn the "KenpoDragon Bridge." Ken you are a good person.


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