Why I don't Want children

by LuckyLucy 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    No matter how self-centered or selfish you may think you are, you realize you have the capacity to put someone else first in your life.

    And regardless of your romantic success or failure in life, you will always know what true love feels like.

    I never felt the "pressure" from society to become a parent, my choice at being a parent was 110% mine and their fathers. I believe some people just aren't parent material and I applaud them for realizing that before bringing an unwanted child into this world.

    I look at this face every day and it brings tears to my eyes at just how sweet life has become since I have become a mother!

  • LuckyLucy

    Scooter...It is sweet angelic faces like your child that break my heart when i hear that they have been abused ,abducted, or worse.

  • LyinEyes

    OK I have decided I do not want to have children.................well,,,,,,, I am about 15 yrs and 3 kids too late for that statement. I had my first child when I was 20 , thinking the New World would be here before he started walking, then before he went to school. He will be driving in a few months and thank goodness I am not still waiting for the New World. I didnt give deciding to have my children alot of thought. I did just want them. It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done, and at the same time the most scarey. I wonder if what I know now, would I still decide to have children? I mean the things you as a parent have to watch them go thru, the sickness, the confusion, worrring if someone is going to molest them,,, is a hard job. Sometimes you feel helpless, not being able to always make things better for them in this world we live in. It can be heartbreaking . I was watching my youngest son who is 8 , listening to a song he loves off of the computer and drawing on the computer too. He was listening to a song that was a tribute to the 9-11 tragedy , "everybody hurts'.....REM,,,, and it is mixed with statements made about it. He is sitting there , drawing on the computer , the twin towers, going up in smoke and fire , and blood. How do you protect your kids from these things?? You can't ,,, and it scares me , now that I am older ,of what the future holds for our kids,,,,,the whole world in general really. When you have kids it really changes you, you would sacrifice everything for them, and from that point on, you will always be afraid of them suffering somehow.

  • RubyTuesday

    When my niece was raped...we did'nt find out until later. I knew something was wrong with her for along time...but just couldnt put my finger on it..chalked it up to just growing pains. I am soooo pissed off at myself for not asking her questions until she told me!! Now I don't know where she is ...if she is alive or dead..try living with that!! If you cannot watch your child 24 hours a day then don't have one!

  • LovesDubs

    ...and why do people adopt children? Because the WANT CHILDREN. So you can even ascribe selfish motives to those who want to adopt according to your views. Perhaps God was instilling selfishness in us when he said to go and populate the earth? Would God instill in us to want to do something that was bad from the get go? I think perhaps you are projecting your own bad experiences on the subject. And I know its hards NOT to do that.

  • Crystal

    People who adopt...(especially ones that are capable of haveing there own)are IMHO the most UNselfish people. People who care enough about a child they don't even know is incredilbe (I could'nt do it!) Whats the saying...It takes a village to raise a child. But now days you have to be careful of Who is in your village.

  • LuckyLucy

    When God said go populate the world...that was many moons ago...when there were very few people on earth...come on now...wouldnt you say we are over populated now?? He also said "everthing in moderation"
    God also said "woe to the woman that has a child near the end" or something like that.

    Edited by - LuckyLucy on 15 November 2002 9:24:38

  • Undecided

    HI Scootergirl,

    That is a beautiful little boy. When I look at his expression it does something for my soul, it's hard to explain unless you have had a little child of your own. I was perfectly happy without children, but after having one of my own it added so much to my life that I would have missed. This may not be true with all people who have children, so I say let each do as they choose, it's a personal decision.

    What I really hate are those who have children and don't want them, and treat them that way.

    Ken P.

    Edited to change the sex of the child.

    Edited by - Undecided on 15 November 2002 10:45:42

  • eyegirl

    lucy, if you have no desire to reproduce, great, then don't. as far as society putting this on us as women, well i don't know of any men who possess ovaries and a uterus, until that happens, yes, women in society will still continue to bear children. i'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.

    scully hit the nail on the head. being a good parent is one of the most unselfish things you can do.

  • moana


    A very long time ago - when I was 25 years old I didn't want any then either. I tell people it's because I don't care for them.....but really it's mostly because I am selfish. Ok, I admit it. I love to come & go when I please & I figure I'd probably have one that would grow up & kill it's mamma.

    THe only time I regretted it for 15 seconds was when I was shunned by Pauline, about three months ago (used to be my parent) - & I thought if I did have one I would've had some kind of pal. But guess what!! That child would probably be on the streets taking drugs. I do feel it is hard to keep kids outta trouble & I see parents that run them constantly to all kinds of things to avoid that. It's ok to not have any. Actually, when I travel I run into quite a few couples like us. They wouldn't be able to trave and do the things we do with kids - unless they are filthy rich, of course!

    Think I'll go shopping today!!


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