Please participate in my survey

by Zechariah 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah

    Jesus Christ,

    You are skating around the fact you are afraid to share your choices for fear of what it might say about you. How bad could it be. You can always deny. I'm asking very little.


  • Mulan

    Are you going to tell us what they mean?

    0-gray 1-blue 2-green 3-red
    4-yellow 5-violet 6-brown 7-black


  • Joyzabel



    I assume you want us to pick our most favorite color to our least favorite color.


    1 4 3 6 7 5 0 2


  • Zechariah


    You forgot the color red. Should I assume it is last.

    To Everyone,

    Thank you all for your responses so far. I've received about 12 so far. When I receive twenty at least
    I will combine my survey and provide the link for my color test results. Come on all you who just read but did not participate. The point to be made is important.


  • Sentinel

    Hi Zech,

    You and I have been kinda walking in the same direction. In trying to bring healing to ourselves, we have found true enlightenment.

    People keep asking me how did I get to this place where I am now? How did I change my thinking and behavior reactional patterns? That is a difficult question. One would certainly have had to walk in my shoes, and life isn't like that. We each have our own journey. But, positive thinking is a wonderful tool. Reading self-help books and applying them to our lives. Meditating. Learning to live in a healthy way. Learning self-love and self respect. We have to recondition ourselves to be different from our deeply inbedded cognition. Does this hurt? Yes, it is painful. We learn things about ourselves, and we begin to change. It is a steady process forward toward our goal.

    We have to want to be healed spiritually more than anything else, because this is where much of the damage from the JW concepts, and other cognitions that the "world" has placed upon us. We have to work at it constantly. I did not go to college to get a piece of paper that says I have become any type of psycologist or therapist. Yet, I have reached a good place without that, and have been able to not only help myself, but be helpful to others trying to do the same thing. It sounds like much of this has been your own journey as well.

    By the way, this interesting color test reveal very little in my opinion. Every time I take it, I get a different set of numbers for the evaluation. It's just a little game, a bit of fun. It shows us that we "are" in fact, different people at different times. We have great capabilites and great restrictions, mostly due to our own perception of circumstances.

  • Sentinel

    Just for the fun of it, here is my sequence at this very moment:

    4 2 1 5 3 6 0 7

    You will, of course, let me know if I win anything

  • butalbee

    Okay, now somebody is gonna have to draw me a map, as to HOW to take this? I don't understand, what do I do pick #'s randomly? 38-24-36? How's that?

  • pettygrudger


    Whats the experiment?

  • larc

    Mine are: 51423760. I hate to rain on your parade, but the best standardized personality tests have a 40% error rate. I know that because I have done the research, and I am preparing a manuscript that will be sent to the Journal of Applied Psychology. So, your claim of near 100% accuracy doesn't jive with the facts.

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