Please participate in my survey

by Zechariah 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah

    I'm truly amazed it was so wrong.

    It doesn't counteract though 10 years experience with it and the overall accuracy on the board here. At least I so far have only heard it from people who dislike yellow to the last place. Most of them refused even to participate.

    That feature in your test absolutely blows my mind and especially that nothing else fits. If you would please just run down for me as you did the color violet why yellow in the last place does not fit you. On the surface it seems very uncharacteristic.

    Thanks in the interest of science.


  • Zechariah


    Whatever are you talking about. How are you telling me how wrong your test is had you not read the interpretations at my website. The full list of responses were reported the first day. I don't know what you are expecting to see. Thats all there is.

    You should have read my posts including the one advertising a book on the test at Barnes and Noble. If you had done so you would realize the test was notmy origination but by a famous French doctor "Luscher". He performed studies on 1000 of people. The mere 100s I personally performed adds to that number.


    Edited by - zechariah on 27 October 2002 1:25:28

  • rem


    You haven't even compiled the results on this board yet, so how can you say the results are accurate? Could you please post the results so we can all see how accurate your survey was? Also, note that a survey is not very scientific when there is such a small, non-random sample.


  • rem


    I was asking you to provide a list of the participants, color preference orders, and their beliefs (spiritual, agnostic/atheist). There is no way to tell the accuracy (% correct) of the test without some type of verification. You have not yet done this.

    I never insinuated that you created the test.


  • Zechariah

    Agaiin I don't know what you mean. Here especially for you is the list.
    Updated List

    The following list is color choices of people on the board sorted by the color yellow. Yellow is the faith indicator. It ranges from extremely optimistic to feeling hopeless.

    Anyone who picks yellow first is for sure a believer.

    Anyone who picks it last is for sure a atheist.

    Anywhere else is varying degrees of belief ad unbelief making them agnostic or believers as the wish to be classed. POM is shocking as he is the first one since I arrived at the theory that has seriously challenged it. As I have pointed out many times already all the atheists save 1 have refused to take the test to thoroughl prove my theory. But you can bet unless they all are willing to lie their last choice would be yellow.
    Yellow is number 4.

    Zechariah 41235067
    Sentinel 42153607
    Tally 42163570
    Chevysnstatz 45372106
    LeslieV 34712650
    Heaven 54213067
    Dinky 14367502
    Link 14735026
    Lilacs 54321670
    Caligirl 32451706
    Larc 51423760
    BikerChic 51473260
    Pettygruder 71452360
    Perry 31247650
    Kenneson 12435607
    Qwerty 21453760
    sky 21453760
    Realist 31472560
    Expatbrit 32147560
    Onacruse 12543706
    Angherad 12354076
    Shera 12534067
    TruckerGB 25104673
    Brandy 21534706
    Mulan 52134706
    Mamashei 51734620
    eyegirl 15274306
    Spanner 15234076
    mpatrick 31254760
    Been There 12357406
    Myself 15327460
    back2dafront 12375460
    Gopher 15320476
    Lost Diamond 17530246
    Syn 21537046
    LyinEyes 71365240
    Paduan 06731245
    Joy2bfree 15670243
    Rem 21706345
    Kaethra 52130647
    Lisa 51236074
    Xena 37501264
    Pomegranate 52317064

    Although I have full confidence in the validity of the color test. the survey just taken is not really about the test but rather is about the color yellow as the faith indicator.

    You can observe many things from this list. You will no doubt find atheistic and agnostic people with yellow in the last 4 digits.

    I am providing the link to my Colortest site.

    color test

    Because of your relunctance to be impressed by the test I will give you a custom analysis of your results and the important thigs to be made note of. Hope you don't mind.

    First you selected green meaning your greatest compensation for the stresses in your life is to always be right and to be regarded as special for greater financial and or educational accomplishments. It is painful for you that anyone regards you as having any weakness. This is why I believe you are battlig against the validity of the tests results.

    blue is the need for peace. Followed by black makes it a extreme compulsion. Because the only thing that precedes it is green makes the need to be right more important than your need for peace which very well at times will clash.

    Third is black meaning you are in rebellion against lifes conditions. You tend to blame others for your failures. Anyone that prefers black will generally reject yellow as you did indicating the light has gone out of their life and they are feeling hopeless about changing the situation.

    Fourth is gray which symbolizes a concrete wall. That emphasizes the importance of the three colors chosen beforehand. It conversely means that you want no involement with what the colors chosen afterwards represent. So aside from prestige and having your own way and a compulsive need for peace nothing else in life is of much importance and you are pretty much going through the motions and not becoming deeply involved.

    Fifth is brown meaning you are showing inconsiderate concern about the needs of your body. Not going to the doctor as need be, not getting enough sleep or suppressing yourself for whatever reason sexually.

    Sixth is red meaning you have a intolerance for excitement and the farther back it is chosen makes one more prone to the possibility of nervous breakdown or cardiac problems. Be careful.

    Seventh is yellow meaning the light has gone out of your life emphasized by your preference for black. As well as indicating you are almost a full fledged atheist though you might already consider yourself one. You together with your great preference for green and your rejection of violet to the last place means you are extremely critical and mistrustful.

    Finally there is violet meaning you are far too realistic to fantasize or datdream. It is no doubt the source of your great disbelief as you feel belief in God is fantasy. Those who greatly reject violet are best suited for analytical occupations where they can make their criticalness pay off.

    I have no doubt you will argue this analysis but also no doubt it is correct. I feel this is what you were expecting from me all along.


  • larc

    Zech, I posted my color preferences before you mentioned this so called importance of yellow. Yellow was my third choice, and I am an agnostic. That doesn't fit with your theory.

  • pomegranate

    OK. I figure the next best thing to do would be to do the yellow, since that is my least fav and it is theoretically supposed to be the most indicative color of a persons faith.

    rejected yellow indicates that the light is going out of your life in that you are loosing hope your circumstances will get better. You have had many disappointments in your life and as a result developed an intense phobia against being further disappointed. You refuse to trust people feeling if you do they will only hurt you.

    Light going out of my life? ahhhhhh NOPE. Coming out of the the dubs fairly recently is light going out? Having more faith in God and the Bible then I ever thought possible is light going out? I have close friends, very close friends that I can talk of the deep things of God and that is light going out? I could list so much more...but I'm sure my "light" is a big bore.

    Everyone has dissappontments. I am one to MOSTLY get over them and get on with life. Surely, death is the biggest dissappoinment, and it is a difficult dissappointment to surmount. I have surmounted that dissappointment on a few occassions.

    My problem is I trust people too much. I never read the bad in people. Lots of times, I have to ask my wife to read a persons intentions for me, because I'm stupid at it. It's almost funny. I guess that's good and bad. Good, because I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt by nature. Bad, because I often get the knife in my back. Or, at least I used to... I rely on my wife a lot more.

    Reasons why I don't like yellow:

    Yellow to me (don't you fans of yellow get offended by my self description of the color yellow please) is the color of dead chickens with freshly plucked feathers showing goose bumped flesh. It reminds me of Frank Perdue. Yellow is the color of scarety cats and wimps. Yellow is a color that thinks it's white, but doesn't have the goods to get there. Yellow is white corrupted. It's tainted. It's someone with a bad liver problem. It's a color my body produces as an unwanted discharge. Here's a weird one: I don't think I look good in yellow, my wife thinks I do.

    Wait. I do like yellow in one sense. I like banana's. They're yellow.

    Zech, that's why I wasn't responding right away...I was being yellow.

    Edited by - pomegranate on 27 October 2002 8:2:0

  • Zechariah


    You are truly one of a kind. A walking contradiction. :)


  • larc

    Zech, I stated that yellow came in third for me, yet you say atheists, and I assume agnostics should place it last. How do you explain my results?

  • Zechariah


    It fits my theory fine Larc. If you saw what I explained to REM at the one exreme (1st position) yellow means belief and at the other (8 position) it means unbelief. Every other position can be every degree of in between. My theory is merely a generalization and is not intended to be a rule. Certainly POM selections is indicative of a contradiction.

    Your selections are much easier to explain. If I were to guess from your 3rd place selection I would guess you would class yourself a believer.

    I am certain when you say you are agnostic If I pressured you on it you would admit that you really believe God (the creator) exists you just don't accept a traditional view of him. So you are a believer and whatever peace and security that belief provides you brightens your life and naturally gives you a preference for yellow.

    Thanks for all your input.

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